Version 0 of Wikit in local mode

Updated 1999-03-04 01:19:10

WiKit and TclKit were designed to run out-of-the-box, with no installation or configuration whatsoever. This goes beyond what you are probably used to with software applications as elaborate as WiKit.

Enough said, let's get you started:

  1. Grab a compressed copy of the Tcl'ers Wiki at
  2. Uncompress it to wikit.tkd
  3. Grab the appropriate runtime of TclKit for your system at
  4. Uncompress and rename it to tclkit (leave as is on Windows)
  5. Make both files executable: chmod a+rx wikit.tkd tclkit
  6. Type tclkit wikit.tkd ... and you should be up and running

Welcome to WiKit!

You can put "tclkit" anywhere on your $PATH, it's just a runtime. The file "wikit.tkd" is an executable "Scripted Document" (containing all the scripts as well as a database with all the pages), and typing just "wikit.tkd" (or "./wikit.tkd") should also work. In fact, you can put "wikit.tkd" anywhere on your $PATH as well.

WiKit does not require Tcl, Tk, or MetaKit to be installed on your system - nor does it care if they are (or will be, one day). Everything is wrapped up inside the TclKit standalone excutable. To uninstall WiKit: delete these two files again. To use this on another machine: move them. If it's a different platform: switch to the proper TclKit runtime and move only the "wikit.tkd" file.

That's all there is to it.