Version 1 of Windows WAVE volume control using Snack

Updated 2004-07-05 13:14:10 by TV

started by Theo Verelst

Not a big page, I guess, but a often-usable subject: how to make the windows sound louder and softer, in this case using a tcl script.

In principle, snack offers access to most audio functions on windows, so here I used the snack lib to make a little script to control the volume of usually the default 'wave' channel of the windows sound business:

 package require snack

 if {[snack::audio play_gain] < [lindex $argv 0]} {
    set in 1
 } {
    set in -1

 for {set i [snack::audio play_gain]} { $i != [lindex $argv 0]} {incr i $in} {
    snack::audio play_gain $i ;
    after 201

call the script for isntance like this:

 tclsh setwinvol 80

and the volume will gradually change from its previous value to in this case 80. Normally it runs from 0 to 100, I think.

Note that the loop control is not fool-proof (the == condition), and that the script idles without UI updates until it finishes.

It is possible to use the same script with pcom to allow remote acces to the volume control, which I think is interesting, see also remote execution using tcl and Pcom.

Windows audio is far from perfect, of course, It just happens to be so that I need to use a windows machine, and that I have made this high Q Usb AD/DA converter for it.

Not to be confused with Audio volume under tcl control through the parallel port which is about an electronics projects of tv.