Version 23 of Windows shell links

Updated 2005-11-24 02:26:30

Can Tcl manage Windows "shell links"? Certainly; there are at least seven ways:

      dde execute progman progman "" "\[CreateGroup(Bogus)\]"
      dde execute progman progman "" \
      dde execute progman progman "" "\[ShowGroup(Bogus,0)\]"
      dde execute progman progman "" "\[ShowGroup(Bogus,1)\]"
      dde execute progman progman "" "\[DeleteItem(BogusPadLink)\]"
      dde execute progman progman "" "\[DeleteGroup(Bogus)\]"

When I do this, it actually shows a directory explorer window thing on the screen. I don't want tthat, but rather, to just add a program to the Start->Programs menu... Ideas?

  • Steve Cassidy wraps this DDE approach in a progman.tcl [L2 ] package designed "package to allow creation of program groups and shortcuts in the start menu on Windows 9x/NT"
  • Bill Schongar's WISE hack [L3 ]
  • freeWrap includes "shell link" functionality comparable to tlink32's.
  • NT-TCL [L4 ] includes a shortcut.dll that although ancient works with recent version of Tcl thanks to the stubs interface. Can't seem to find the source though.
  • Use Tcom (see below)
  • [...]

A ZIP file containing a PDF with detailed information on the link file format [L5 ]

Anybody knows of an extension that lets you create unicode-aware shell links ? For example, for chinese version of windows (none of the above seems to work for me)

RS tried reading such links, or "shortcuts", in a simpler, and pure-Tcl way. If you look at .lnk files in hexdump, you notice that they contain the string of what they link to, among other things. So I tried just to split on NUL bytes and see whether a snippet is a valid absolute path:

 proc readlnk {lnk} {
   set res ""
   set fp [open $lnk]
   foreach snip [split [read $fp] \x00] {
        if {[regexp {[A-Z]:\\} $snip] && [file exists $snip]} {
           lappend res $snip
   close $fp
   join $res

This is highly experimental, but it worked on the few examples I tried - please correct me if you know better! Simple links to directories and files work. Links that contain an executable invocation with arguments and icon, are a funny mix of ASCII and Unicode, so splitting on 0 is not a good idea there, and the above code does not work.

See also Symbolic links in Windows/CE


 package require tcom
 set sh [::tcom::ref createobject "WScript.Shell"]
 set lnk [$sh CreateShortcut {D:\WORK\Acrobat.lnk}]
 $lnk TargetPath {"D:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 4.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe"}
 $lnk WorkingDirectory {D:\WORK}
 $lnk Arguments Tutorial.pdf
 $lnk Save

BEO Using Tcom these procedures can create, modify, and get the contents of MS Shortcut files.

 package require tcom

 # Create a new MS Windows shortcut file.
 # Requires MS Windows 2000 or later (shell v5.00+)
 # Args: file = Name of shortcut file to create.
 #      other args are:
 #      Arguments "args.."      = any cmd lines options
 #      Description "text"      = Description of Shortcut
 #      Hotkey "sequence"       = Hot key sequence. Must start with CTRL+ALT. Ex. CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+X
 #      IconLocation "filename,number" = Path to icon file and icon #
 #      TargetPath filename     = Destination of the shortcut
 #      WindowStyle style       = number (1=normal, 3=maximized, 7=minimized)
 #      WorkingDirectory dirname = pathname of working directory
 # Returns: Boolean result
 # Example: create_shortcut wish.lnk Description "Tcl/Tk" WindowStyle 1 \
 #              TargetPath {C:\Program Files\TCL\bin\wish.exe}
 proc create_shortcut {file args} {
    if {![string match ".lnk" [string tolower [file extension $file]]]} {
      append file ".lnk"

    if {[string match "windows" $::tcl_platform(platform)]} {
    # Make sure filenames are in nativename format.
      array set opts $args
      foreach item [list IconLocation Path WorkingDirectory] {
        if {[info exists opts($item)]} {
          set opts($item) [file nativename $opts($item)]

      set oShell [tcom::ref createobject "WScript.Shell"]
      set oShellLink [$oShell CreateShortcut [file nativename $file]]
      foreach {opt val} [array get opts] {
        if {[catch {$oShellLink $opt $val} result]} {
          return -code error "Invalid shortcut option $opt or value $value: $result"
      $oShellLink Save
      return 1
    return 0

 # Modify a MS Windows shortcut file.
 # Requires MS Windows 2000 or later (shell v5.00+)
 # Args: file = Shortcut filename.
 #      other args are:
 #      Arguments = any cmd lines options
 #      Description = Description of Shortcut
 #      Hotkey = Hot key sequence. Must start with CTRL+ALT. Ex. CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+X
 #      IconLocation = "pathname","icon #"
 #      Path = destination of the shortcut
 #      WindowStyle = number (1=normal, 3=maximized, 7=minimized)
 #      WorkingDirectory = pathname of working directory
 # Returns: Boolean result
 # See:
 proc modify_shortcut {file args} {
    set dir [file nativename [file dirname $file]]
    set tail [file nativename [file tail $file]]

    if {![string match ".lnk" [string tolower [file extension $file]]]} {
      return -code error "$file is not a valid shortcut name"

    if {[string match "windows" $::tcl_platform(platform)]} {
      # Make sure filenames are in nativename format.
      array set opts $args
      foreach item [list IconLocation Path WorkingDirectory] {
        if {[info exists opts($item)]} {
          set opts($item) [file nativename $opts($item)]

      # Get Shortcut file as an object
      set oShell [tcom::ref createobject "Shell.Application"]
      set oFolder [$oShell NameSpace $dir]
      set oFolderItem [$oFolder ParseName $tail]
      # If its a shortcut, do modify
      if {[$oFolderItem IsLink]} {
        set oShellLink [$oFolderItem GetLink]
        foreach {opt val} [array get opts] {
          if {[catch {$oShellLink $opt $val} result]} {
            return -code error "Invalid shortcut option $opt or value $value: $rsult"
        $oShellLink Save
      return 1
    return 0

 # Get linked to file for MS Windows shortcut or file link.
 # Requires MS Windows 2000 or later (shell v5.00+)
 # Args: file = Shortcut filename.
 # Returns: filename shortcut links to.
 proc get_shortcut_filename {file} {
    set dir [file nativename [file dirname $file]]
    set tail [file nativename [file tail $file]]

    if {![string match ".lnk" [string tolower [file extension $file]]]} {
      return -code error "$file is not a valid shortcut name"

    if {[string match "windows" $::tcl_platform(platform)]} {
      # Get Shortcut file as an object
      set oShell [tcom::ref createobject "Shell.Application"]
      set oFolder [$oShell NameSpace $dir]
      set oFolderItem [$oFolder ParseName $tail]
      # If its a shortcut, do modify
      if {[$oFolderItem IsLink]} {
        set oShellLink [$oFolderItem GetLink]
        return [$oShellLink Path]
      } else {
        if {![catch {file readlink $file} new]} {
          set new
        } else {
          set file
    } else {
      if {![catch {file readlink $file} new]} {
        set new
      } else {
        set file

 # Get properties of a MS Windows shortcut file.
 # Requires MS Windows 2000 or later (shell v5.00+)
 # Args: file = Shortcut filename.
 # Returns: list of option and value pairs.
 # Return Example: Path {C:\Program Files\TCL\bin\test.file} Hotkey 0 
 #      Description {Shortcut to test.file} WorkingDirectory {} 
 #      Arguments {} ShowCommand 1 Target ::tcom::handle0x00C2D938
 proc get_shortcut {file} {
    set dir [file nativename [file dirname $file]]
    set tail [file nativename [file tail $file]]

    if {![string match ".lnk" [string tolower [file extension $file]]]} {
      return -code error "$file is not a valid shortcut name"

    if {[string match "windows" $::tcl_platform(platform)]} {
      # Get Shortcut file as an object
      set oShell [tcom::ref createobject "Shell.Application"]
      set oFolder [$oShell NameSpace $dir]
      set oFolderItem [$oFolder ParseName $tail]
      # If its a shortcut, get linked to file
      if {[$oFolderItem IsLink]} {
        set oShellLink [$oFolderItem GetLink]
        set if [tcom::info interface $oShellLink]
        set list [list]
        foreach entry [$if properties] {
          foreach {ptr io type name} $entry break
          if {[catch {lappend list $name [$oShellLink $name]}]} {
            lappend list $name {}
        set list

AF - here is a code snippet i wrote to parse .lnk files. i lost interest when i found out how complex the format was and that i would never be able to write them.

 array set sizeof [list a 1 A 1 b 1 B 1 h 1 H 1 c 1 s 2 S 2 i 4 I 4 w 8 W 8]

 proc getdword {fh} {
    binary scan [read $fh 4] i tmp
    return $tmp

 proc getword {fh} {
    binary scan [read $fh 2] s tmp
    return $tmp

 proc struct {name defs} {
    global struct_sizes struct_defs
    set offset 0
    set tmp {}
    foreach {type n} $defs {
        set type [string trim $type]
        set n [string trim $n]
        if {[string match string* $type]} {
            set len [lindex [split $type {[]}] 1]
            set type string
        } else {
            if {![info exists struct_sizes($type)]} { error "unknown type" }
            set len $struct_sizes($type)
        lappend tmp [list $n $offset $type $len]
        incr offset $len
    set struct_defs($name) [linsert $tmp 0 $offset]

 proc _islnk {fh} {
    fconfigure $fh -encoding binary -translation binary -eofchar {}
    if {[getdword $fh] != "76"} { close $fh; return -code error "not a lnk file" }
    binary scan [read $fh 16] h32 tmp
    if {$tmp != "10412000000000000c00000000000064"} { close $fh; return -code error "unrecognized GUID" }
    return $fh

 proc readlnk {lnk} {
    array set array {}
    set fh [_islnk [open $lnk r]]

    set array(flags) [getdword $fh]
    set attributes [read $fh 4]
    struct $fh * array(created) w array(modified) w array(acessed) w array(size) i array(icon) i array(showwnd) i array(hotkey) i res1 i res2 i

    if {$array(flags) & 1 > 0} {
        set len [getword $fh]
        set w1 [walkStart $fh s *]
        while {![walkDone $w1]} {
            puts [walkNext $w1]
        walkEnd $w1

    set offset [tell $fh]
    set structlen [getdword $fh]
    if {$array(flags) & 2 > 0 && $structlen > 0} {
        struct $fh * nextstruct i flflags i lvt i lvbp i nvt i path i
        set nextstruct [expr {[tell $fh] + $structlen - $nextstruct}]
        if {($flflags & 1) > 0} {
            seek $fh [expr {$offset + $lvt}] start
            struct $fh [expr {[getdword $fh] - 4}] type i serial i noff i name a*
            seek $fh [expr {$offset + $lvbp}] start
            set base [read $fh [expr {$offset + $structlen - [tell $fh]}]]
        if {($flflags & 2) > 0} {
            seek $fh [expr {$offset + $nvt}] start
            struct $fh [expr {[getdword $fh] - 4}] a i b i c i d i base a*
        seek $fh [expr {$offset + $path}] start
        set path [read $fh [expr {$nextstruct - [tell $fh]}]]
        seek $fh $nextstruct start
    set array(base)  [string trimright $base \x00]
    set array(final) [string trimright $path \x00]

    set f 4
    foreach name "comment relativepath workingdir commandline icon" {
        if {($array(flags) & $f) > 0} {
            set len [getword $fh]
            set array($name) [read $fh [expr {$len * 2}]]
        set f [expr {$f * 2}]

    return [array get array]

 array set blah [readlnk $argv]
 parray blah

 if {$blah(final) == ""} {
    puts "--> $blah(base)"
 } else {
    puts "--> $blah(base)\\$blah(final)"

Another simple way, if you have Cygwin (RS):

 exec ln -s /path/to/this/file that

LV What does it take to create Start menu entries from a Tcl script? What about putting a specific icon on the Windows desktop that will then launch a specific program?

MG Nov 21 2005 - On Win XP, you can get all the info you need from the $env var:

  set base $env(USERPROFILE) ;# this user only
  set base $env(ALLUSERSPROFILE) ;# for all users
  # Create a folder in Start->Programs to put your shortcuts/files in..
  set start_menu [file mkdir [file join $base "Start Menu" "Programs" "MyApp"]]
  # Get the path of the Desktop to put your files in/on...
  set desktop [file join $base Desktop]

Related information appears in "Windows specific Tcl commands". Microsoft Windows and Tcl - Windows shortcut

Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming - Category File