Version 5 of XiRCON

Updated 2005-03-29 02:04:21

What: XiRCON

 Description: beta release IRC client for Windows 95/NT.
        Contact #xircon on the efnet IRC network for help with the client.
        Mr. Gravereaux has written a Tcl extension that does ANSI to mIRC
        color code conversions.  Mr. Gravereaux has also provided the
        above 'hack' so that XiRCON works with Tcl v8.1.1 and beyond.
 Updated: 08/2001
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Mark Hanson)
        mailto:[email protected] (David Gravereaux)

To join an opt-in mailing list to discuss XiRCON go to .

See also IRC and XiRCON-II.

David Gravereaux, Mark Hanson

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