Version 8 of ceptcl

Updated 2005-05-20 21:35:37 by dkf

Stuart Cassoff's "Communications Endpoints for Tcl" [L1 ] gives, among other functionality, UDP, IPv6, ...

 What: ceptcl
 Description: Provides a variety of new socket types and greater
        control over socket options.  Includes 
        Domains : local (AF_UNIX), inet4 (IPV4), inet6 (IPV6)
        Types   : tcp, udp, raw
        Options : boradcast, multicast, etc.
        ceptcl is designed to be backward compatible with
        existing Tcl socket apps.  It is intended that
        all you need to do to use ceptcl is to require the
        package and change the invocation of 'socket' to 'cep'.
        Tested on OpenBSD, MacOSX, NetBSD, Linux.
        Currently at version 0.3 .
 Updated: 04/2005
 Contact: See web site

["... significant demo of Tcl's extensibility (and Tcl_Channel's as well) ..."]

[... only internal mucking is through <tcl.h> ...]

[... fully compatible with socket, tls, ...]

[?Fit for folding back into core?]

"It has been designed so that Windows capability would be easy to integrate." As of May 2005, though, there's no Windows port.

PT The most advanced socket extension for Windows is iocpsock [L2 ] which provides IRDA and IPv6 sockets and significant performance improvements for normal sockets on this platform. It is probably best if these two extensions either get merged or are merged into the core together.

[Category Package|Category Internet]