Version 27 of coroutine

Updated 2009-01-23 17:49:01 by andy

[TODO: xref with co-routine too] Consequence of NRE.

It is an implementation of asymmetric stackful coroutines (see Lua's team survey (pdf!) [L1 ] and tutorial [L2 ], and/or the Wikipedia article [L3 ]). (DKF: Seems to be actually a “generator” according to the definitions referred to on Wikipedia.)

Three new commands are provided:

For a period these commands resided in tcl::unsupported, but they have been promoted to full Tcl commands.

For the time being MS is maintaining docs at [L4 ].

See also TIP#328.

CGM has a rough demo of coroutine-enabled event handling.

NEM and Coroutines for event-based programming.

JBR and Coroutines for cooperative multitasking -- Coroutines for pre-emptive multitasking

From c.l.t.[L5 ]

Just stating what I understand and where I stand.

- A - Experimental coroutines are in HEAD and 8.6a2

     * they do allow new and simpler ways to express things
     * what's in there is experimental infrastructure
     * please play with code and concept, help us make it better

- B - Some design decisions I consider necessary, where the alternatives I saw
fall in one or more of the following categories:

     (a) semantics not clear (to me and/or generally)
     (b) no hope in hell to have it in 8.6 (compat)
     (c) no hope in hell to have it in 8.6 (time)

    Among these:
     * the coroutine bodies run in [uplevel #0]
     * coroutines are not serializable
     * coroutines are like one-shot continuations, not restartable

- C - Some design decisions where made with possibly insufficient info:

    (0a) [coroutine] creates a command and not a special object with subcommands
           (a) provides all that is needed
           (b) does not require new (sub)commands to resume, delete, ...
           (c) leverages Tcl's command management code (for instance, automatic cleanup 
               on namespace deletion)
           (d) implementation simplicity
    (0b) [coroutine] runs the body up to the first [yield] instead of just creating the 
           (a) this is not really restrictive
           (b) it does not create commands that take different arguments at first and 
               successive calls
           (c) implementation simplicity 
    (1)  coroutines are self-cleaning
    (2)  [coroutine] requires a command name ([cmd] in the rest of this post]
    (3)  [cmd] takes a single argument: [yield]'s inside return value
    (4)  [yield] takes a single argument: the outside return value
    (5)  [yield] always return an "ok" code, both inside and outside

    Of these, only (5) restricts functionality; it was taken because *I* can
not see how to make the alternative (a) useful, (b) semantically clear, (c) play
nicely with (1). I may be wrong, eager to learn.

     (1) I think is valuable: when the coroutine is exhausted there's nothing
else that can be done with it, so let the command disappear instead of burdening
the caller to clean up.

     The other three are ... irrelevant at this stage! Simple script wrappers
can provide alternative syntax at minimal perf cost. They do not constrain
experimentation in any way. Should we want more than one available, standard
wrappers could be in tcllib or TIPped and "builtin". Should the perf penalty be
too large, they can at any time be coded in C (or even bytecompiled!) as solving
perf bugs.

- D - I am eager to get help making this better

     (a) Looking mostly for "mental bugs", things that are stopping me from
writing a TIP right away:
       * does it make sense? are there inconsistencies and semantic snafus?
       * are there B-type restrictions that could be lifted in time for 8.6?
       * is there more C-type stuff that I am missing, and that is losing

     (b) Looking for arguments that would tip C-decisions one way or the other;
this includes primarily real use cases. Mainly interested in (1) and (5), and
possibly other decisions that I may have made unconsciously (help me find them!).

AMG: According to MS's documentation, "a yield is only allowed if the C stack is at the same level as it was when the coroutine is invoked." Does this mean that yield cannot be used as the SQLite progress callback?

DKF: In theory, it could. In practice, not with the current code because it recursively calls the interpreter rather than using the NRE evaluation mechanism. The tdbc version might work though (it's founded on NRE-enabled stuff).

AMG: [yield] don't work across multiple interps.

% coroutine foo [interp create] eval yield
yield can only be called in a coroutine
% coroutine foo info coroutine
% coroutine foo [interp create] eval info coroutine
% # returns empty string

I was considering a design where a script run in a safe interp repeatedly yields to the invoking interp, but I guess I can't do this.

MS Your example is designed to illustrate that you cannot directly yield across interps, which is true. Trying to guess the real aim of the exercise, I suggest something like

set i [interp create]
$i eval coroutine foo mycmd ...
interp alias {} foo $i foo 

You can now call foo from the main interp and have the coroutine named foo run in the slave; when the coroutine yields, yoy are back in the main interp. Is this somehow related to what you really wanted to do?

AMG: Very interesting! I'm not entirely sure I can use this on my current project (I was just casting about for ideas), but I'm sure this will come in handy at some point. Thank you for explaining how to use coroutines across interpreters and for writing NRE/coroutine in the first place.