Version 8 of dgw::hyperhelp

Updated 2020-02-05 21:54:01 by JeffSmith


dgw::hyperhelp - hypertext help system


DDG 2020-02-01: dgw::hyperhelp is a hypertext help system using a Wiki/Markdown like markup language, based on A Hypertext Help System which was cleaned up, extended and documented - HTML - manual links see below. Here an example help page for explaining the hyperhelp markup - so all documentation is in a single text file using a well known markup language.

The help browser system displays a nice table of contents table in a ttk::treeview widget, offers index, search facilities and sophisticated keyboard navigation.



The package is both a standalone application to directly view help files, as well loadable within an existing application.

package require dgw::hyperhelp
set helpfile [file join [file dirname [info script]] help.txt]
set hhelp [dgw::hyperhelp .help -helpfile $helpfile]
pack $hhelp -side top -fill both -expand true
$hhelp Help overview


Below is an image of the running application.


Jeff Smith 2020-02-05 : Below is an online demo using CloudTk

See also


Please discuss here ...

Jeff Smith 2020-02-05 : I had to add hyperhelp.png from this wiki to the dgw directory for the demo to run.

DDG 2020-02-05: Thanks for mentioning the image error. I uploaded the image as well to the fossil repository, further I catch now against errors for missing images, with a helpful message within the document, also command substitution errors are better catched. Really nice the CloudTk example. Even the key based navigation using the 'n', 'p' and 'space' works :)