Version 3 of etcd

Updated 2015-01-20 22:20:47 by EF

etcd is a highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery written in the Go language. Together with fleet, it forms the core of the cloud-specific linux distribution called CoreOS . A Tcl implementation of the API is available as part of the biot project.

# Create a new connection context (defaults to default port on localhost)
set c [::etcd::new]

# Create and set key:
::etcd::set $c /test "Hello World"

# Get back the key
set k [::etcd::get $c /test]

# Remove it
::etcd::delete $c /test

Being completely self-contained, the library will probably move to a new separate location in order to be able to appear in the official list of language bindings and tools