Version 2 of example simple bwise widget block use

Updated 2004-06-04 12:54:26

by Theo Verelst but of course as always feel free to add.

In this time of UI confusion and a lot of great looking things getting started (in general I mean not tk) it is not so clear anymore what the elements of a UI can simply be and how they could work together in a simple enough or effectively defined way.

Object models get in the way, detailed knowledge about graphics and process scheduling are needed, and the programming of simple graphical examples since the time of windows and X has not been exactly trivialized the last decades.

It should be possible to keep some things simple enough though, and this page, building on the bwise package, should at least at second though make some things simpler and more overseeable for some not very complicated or involved User Interface examples.

Check out the bwise page for download links, and a bwise introduction with graphical examples. Currently this one-file version of bwise is the latest: [L1 ] ; download it and run it with wish or double click it. In fact you might want to add command(s) to the bottom of the file (or a personal startup script calling it) to make sure a console window comes up:

 # my startup file for bwise
 set mybwisepath "" ;        # fill in when you want/need, current dir per default
 source [file join $mybwisepath bwise034.tcl]
 console show                # when on windows (and I guess some old macs)
 # source unixconsole.tcl    # when you are on linux/unix/osx (I guess)

You should now see the bwise main window (in the . toplevel), the procedure window, and a console window to type commands in on your screen.

for the simples idea of how a UI can work the bwise way, create these blocks