Version 2 of interface

Updated 2002-12-06 04:31:07

This is Peter's interface package at . I think us tcler's should adopt this for packages. Excerpts taken from CLT.

# interface definition

package require interface

proc ::interfaces::stack-1.0 {option args} {

  set interface stack
  set version 1.0
  switch $option {
    interface {
      # This is an interface defining object, so it supports the interface interface
      # This code will advertise this fact
      if {[llength $arg]} {
        if {[string equal [lindex $args 0] interface]} {
          return 0.8
        } else {
          error "::interfaces::$interface-$version does not support interface interface"
      } else {
        return [list interface 0.8]
    doc {
      # return xml documentation
      return $::stackdock
    test {
      # run some tests on an object supposed to support the interface
      set len [llength $args]
      if {$len < 1} {
        error "wrong # args: should be \"interfaces::$interface-$version test object ?options?\""
      set object [lindex $args 0]
      array set opt [lrange $args 1 end]
      # the testleak is needed due to a small bug in the interface::test routine
      set ::interface::testleak 0
      interface::test {interface match} {
        $object interface stack
      } $version
      interface::test {push and pop} {
        $object clear
        $object push 1
        $object pop
      } 1
      interface::test {push, push and pop} {
        $object clear
        $object push 1
        $object push 2
        $object pop
      } 2
      interface::test {stack empty error} {
        $object clear
        $object pop
        $object pop
      } {stack empty} error
      # more test should follow


# implementation of "object" implementing the interface # this is of course just a test case for demonstrating interfaces, # and not a real object, nor a good or even reasonable implementation proc stack1 {option args} {

  global stack1_data
  switch $option {
    clear {
      set stack1_data {}
    push {
      eval lappend stack1_data $args
    pop {
      if {![llength $stack1_data]} {
        error "stack empty"
      set result [lindex $stack1_data end]
      set stack1_data [lrange $stack1_data 0 end-1]
      return $result
    interface {
      set interfaces {stack 1.0 nop 0.0}
      if {[llength $args]} {
        set reqinterface [lindex $args 0]
        foreach {interface version} $interfaces {
          if {[string equal $reqinterface $interface]} {
            return $version
        error "stack1 does not support interface $reqinterface"
      } else {
        return $interfaces


# test if stack1 does indeed comply with the stack-1.0 interface

interface test stack-1.0 stack1 # return documentation interface doc stack-1.0

# It will usually be placed in a file in a doc directory, so it can also be # used to generate man pages, etc set stackdock {

  <manpage package="interface" title="stack_interface" id="stack_interface" cat="stack">
  <desc>description of the stack interface</desc>
  a very simple demonstration interface
  <title>THE STACK INTERFACE</title>
  <command><cmd>objectName</cmd> <method>clear</method></command>
  <desc>clear the stack</desc>
  <command><cmd>objectName</cmd> <method>push</method> <m>value</m> ?<m>value</m> ...?</command>
  <desc>push value(s) on the stack</desc>
  <command><cmd>objectName</cmd> <method>pop</method></command>
  <desc>get values from the stack</desc>


> Wow !!! this is exactly what I was thinking of. Looks great !! Would > you consider this going into the tcllib ? I see the interface test is > not replacing a test package for the implementation object. Since the > interface namespace is a seperate both implementing procedures and > objects can implement it. It is not native inside the OO system so it > will work generically for everything. I am not too familiar with XML > yet. How would you render this documentation ? Maybe you could add to > the demo an implementation in some OO system or ask for others to > provide one for their OO system of choice.

- Of course I would not mind getting this in tcllib, but I have no idea

  how stuff gets in it.

- interface test is indeed not a replacement for a test package for the

  implementation object, but is meant to be used in one. An implementation
  can support several interfaces, so a typical test package will invoke
  interface test for all supported interfaces, and maybe add some testsi
  specific to the object.

- The whole idea of the interface package is indeed to be as generic and

  implementation agnostic as possbile (cfr. the extremely simplified 

- tmml ( ) contains some tools to convert the

  XML to man pages or html. (I got the CVS version)

art morel