Version 3 of plotchart

Updated 2005-05-09 16:12:35

See Plots and charts for further information.

This package was and is written by AM.

Documentation can be found at

A part of tklib, a set of tk-related extension/widgets.

Bryan Oakley 09-May-2005 I notice that the code uses $w cget -width everywhere it needs a value to compute the width of the graph. My first thought was that this seemed wrong -- it ought to use winfo width $w so that it will be drawn to fit the window in case the window grows because of the way it is packed/gridded. Of course, this also means the graph will shrink if the viewable portion of the canvas is less than the configured width/height of the canvas.

I can see a case for each behavior, so I'm wondering if it would be useful to have a configuration option such that one could do $plot configure -width "actual" or ... -width "request". Of course, I can simulate that by adding code to do something like .canvas configure -width [winfo width .canvas after I pack/grid it, but I'm not fond of that solution.

A third option might be to specify an actual value, e.g. $plot configure -width 200 for the case where you have a really large plot that you want to scroll around in a small canvas.

I'd be willing to contribute the code for this option if you think it would be useful.

Category Command | Category GUI | Category Plotting