Version 2 of pps

Updated 2005-03-10 13:40:24 by lwv

# Create the main message window

     message .m -text "Hello Tcl!" -background white
     pack .m -expand true -fill both -ipadx 100 -ipady 40

     #  Create the main menu bar with a Help-About entry
     menu .menubar
     menu -tearoff 0
     .menubar add cascade -label "Help" -menu -underline 0 add command -label "About Hello ..." \
          -accelerator "F1" -underline 0 \
          -command showAbout

     #  Define a procedure - an action for Help-About
     proc showAbout {} {
          tk_messageBox -message "Tcl/Tk\nHello Windows\nVersion 1.0" \
               -title "About Hello"

     #  Configure the main window
     wm title . "Hello Foundation Application"
     . configure -menu .menubar -width 200 -height 150
     bind . "<Key F1>" {showAbout}

Category Example Category GUI