Version 2 of remote interpreter

Updated 2015-12-21 21:17:14 by pooryorick

A remote interpreter is at the heart of the concurrent systems available for Tcl. This page contains a list of those systems.

Remote Interperters

hubs remote interp
has an interface emulating interp, including the capability of creating aliases in the slave which call back to commands in the master.
A remote interpreter is created and used like a regular Tcl interpreter, but resides in fact on any host that is running an rinterp server.
Remote Script Execution
An example implementation of a client/server arrangement to execute command in a safe interpreter.
Simple remote Tk execution - distanciel
Tcl Remote Eval. Similar to comm, but the server maintains separate per-client sessions, with each session getting its own interpreter that persists until killed by client or timed out.