Version 2 of sfm

Updated 2004-09-22 20:01:35 by SEH

What: sfm

 Description: sfm manages files, has drag and drop support, can mount
        floppies, etc.
        Currently at version 1.5.0 .
 Updated: 09/2001

SEH 9/22/04 -- SFM (Simple File Manager) is the closest I've come to the simple, high-quality drag-and-drop enabled, cross-platform, pure-Tcl/Tk file explorer I've been looking for. It depends on Tclx and makes some calls to Unix filesystem utilities, but I've been working on a wrapper script that provides pure-Tcl equivalents to non-Tcl dependencies. I hope to release it soon, and if I can I'll wrap it all up into a starkit.

A pure-Tcl file explorer will have obvious advantages for anyone interested in virtual filesystems.