Version 3 of sfm

Updated 2004-09-22 21:23:42

What: sfm

 Description: sfm manages files, has drag and drop support, can mount
        floppies, etc.
        Currently at version 1.5.0 .
 Updated: 09/2001

SEH 9/22/04 -- SFM (Simple File Manager) is the closest I've come to the simple, high-quality drag-and-drop enabled, cross-platform, pure-Tcl/Tk file explorer I've been looking for. It depends on Tclx and makes some calls to Unix filesystem utilities, but I've been working on a wrapper script that provides pure-Tcl equivalents to non-Tcl dependencies. I hope to release it soon, and if I can I'll wrap it all up into a starkit.

A pure-Tcl file explorer will have obvious advantages for anyone interested in virtual filesystems.

Peter Newman 23 September 2004: Yeah it's quite nice. I like the simple, no-fills icons, and the colours. But it looks/sounds like a standard file manager. Which means that it's appeal (to me at least,) is based on it's look and feel. So if run on Windows, you'd loose that funky colour scheme (both under Win 9x and XP). Then it'd become another boring grey file manager. I'm not trashing the idea. I love the widget. But it's the colour scheme that makes it work. And it'd be extra work to make that work on Windows. But if you or someone else had the time to make that happen, I'm sold.

It would also be nice to abstract the colour scheme into a `border' widget. Say a toplevel and canvas with that single dark pastel colour border, into which the user could embed (say) a frame where all widgets had the light pastel colour background.

Then you could create a complete app. that had that quite appealing `theme' that SFM's author has created.