Version 0 of single command http fetcher

Updated 2010-04-25 02:45:25 by CMcC

Fetching a multi-file project from an SVN repository (such as googlecode) requires that you have a subversion client. Some people don't.

This small program (whose latest version may be found here ) provides a single program with a simple invocation which will fetch the entirety of the latest release of Wub (by default, but configurable by command line) into the current directory.

# Install.tcl -- download or update Wub from its svn repository

if {[catch {package require Tcl 8.6}]} {
    puts stderr "Tcl 8.6 required, you have [package provide Tcl]"
if {[catch {package require fileutil}]} {
    puts stderr "tcllib required, doesn't appear to be present"

package require http
package provide Install 1.0

namespace eval Install {
    variable base
    variable home [file dirname [info script]]

    proc gotfile {file token} {
        if {[::http::status $token] ne "ok"} {
            puts stderr "Failed to fetch file $file"
            getter [list FILE $file]
            error "Failed to fetch file $file"
        if {[catch {
            variable home
            ::fileutil::writeFile -encoding binary [file join $home $file] [::http::data $token]
            ::http::cleanup $token
        } e eo]} {
            puts stderr "gotfile error: $e ($eo)"
        getter [list FILE $file]

    proc gotdir {dir token} {
        if {[::http::status $token] ne "ok"} {
            puts stderr "Failed to fetch dir $dir"
            getter [list DIR $file]
            error "Failed to fetch dir $dir"
        if {[catch {
            variable home
            if {![file exists [file join $home $dir]]} {
                puts stderr "Making directory '$dir' in '$home'([namespace current])"
                if {[catch {file mkdir [file join $home $dir]} e eo]} {
                    error $e
            set body [::http::data $token]
            set urls [regexp -inline -all -- {href="([^\"]+)"} $body]
            puts "gotdir '$dir' URLS: $urls"
            set urls [dict values $urls]
            variable base
            foreach name $urls {
                set name [string map [list $base/ ""] $name]
                switch -glob -- $name {
                    http://* -
                    .* {
                        puts "discarding $name"
                    */ {
                        puts "processing dir $name"
                        getter [list dir [file join $dir $name]/]
                    default {
                        puts "processing file $name"
                        getter [list file [file join $dir $name]]
            puts "processed dir $dir"
            ::http::cleanup $token
        } e eo]} {
            puts "gotdir error $e ($eo)"
        getter [list DIR $dir]

    proc getC {args} {
        variable queue
        variable base
        variable limit
        variable loading 0
        variable loaded 0
        variable pending {}

        while {1} {
            if {[catch {
                lassign $args op path

                # first process any completed fetches
                switch -- $op {
                    FILE -
                    DIR {
                        incr loaded
                        incr loading -1
                        dict unset pending $path
                        puts stderr "DONE $loaded: $op $path ($loading/$limit) queue: [llength $queue] pending: [dict keys $pending]"
                        set queue [lassign $queue op path]
                switch -- $op {
                    "" {
                        # nothing more queued yet.
                    file -
                    dir {
                        if {$loading < $limit} {
                            incr loading 1
                            variable base
                            set cmd [list ::http::geturl $base/$path -command [namespace code [list got$op $path]]]
                            puts stderr "GETTING: $op $path $loading/$limit ($cmd)"
                            puts stderr "$cmd"
                            dict set pending $path $op
                        } else {
                            lappend queue $op $path
                            puts stderr "QUEUEING: $op $path $loading/$limit queued: [llength $queue] pending:[dict keys $pending]"
                    op {}
                    default {
                        error "getter doesn't do $op $path"
            } e eo]} {
                puts stderr "CORO error: $e ($eo)"
            set args [yield]

    proc waiter {} {
        variable queue
        variable loading
        while {1} {
            vwait loading
            puts "countdown: $loading/$limit queued: [llength $queue]"
            if {$loading == 0} {
                variable loaded
                return $loaded

    proc fetch {args} {
        variable limit 10
        variable {*}$args

        variable home [file normalize $home]
        variable base [string trimright $base /]
        puts "Install fetch $base to $home"
        coroutine ::Install::getter getC dir
        if {[info exists wait] && $wait} {

    namespace export -clear *
    namespace ensemble create -subcommands {}

Install fetch {*}$argv
Install waiter