Version 1 of single command http fetcher

Updated 2010-04-25 02:47:06 by CMcC

Fetching a multi-file project from an SVN repository (such as googlecode) requires that you have a subversion client. Some people don't.

This small program (whose latest version may be found here ) provides a single program with a simple invocation which will fetch the entirety of the latest release of Wub (by default, but configurable by command line) into the current directory.

It is notable (with reference to multi-arg coroutines) that this program could be entirely wrapped as a single coroutine, without attendant namespace or any procs, but for the arbitrary limitation on the number of arguments able to be passed to a coroutine.

# Install.tcl -- download or update Wub from its svn repository

if {[catch {package require Tcl 8.6}]} {
    puts stderr "Tcl 8.6 required, you have [package provide Tcl]"
if {[catch {package require fileutil}]} {
    puts stderr "tcllib required, doesn't appear to be present"

package require http
package provide Install 1.0

namespace eval Install {
    variable base
    variable home [file dirname [info script]]

    proc gotfile {file token} {
        if {[::http::status $token] ne "ok"} {
            puts stderr "Failed to fetch file $file"
            getter [list FILE $file]
            error "Failed to fetch file $file"
        if {[catch {
            variable home
            ::fileutil::writeFile -encoding binary [file join $home $file] [::http::data $token]
            ::http::cleanup $token
        } e eo]} {
            puts stderr "gotfile error: $e ($eo)"
        getter [list FILE $file]

    proc gotdir {dir token} {
        if {[::http::status $token] ne "ok"} {
            puts stderr "Failed to fetch dir $dir"
            getter [list DIR $file]
            error "Failed to fetch dir $dir"
        if {[catch {
            variable home
            if {![file exists [file join $home $dir]]} {
                puts stderr "Making directory '$dir' in '$home'([namespace current])"
                if {[catch {file mkdir [file join $home $dir]} e eo]} {
                    error $e
            set body [::http::data $token]
            set urls [regexp -inline -all -- {href="([^\"]+)"} $body]
            puts "gotdir '$dir' URLS: $urls"
            set urls [dict values $urls]
            variable base
            foreach name $urls {
                set name [string map [list $base/ ""] $name]
                switch -glob -- $name {
                    http://* -
                    .* {
                        puts "discarding $name"
                    */ {
                        puts "processing dir $name"
                        getter [list dir [file join $dir $name]/]
                    default {
                        puts "processing file $name"
                        getter [list file [file join $dir $name]]
            puts "processed dir $dir"
            ::http::cleanup $token
        } e eo]} {
            puts "gotdir error $e ($eo)"
        getter [list DIR $dir]

    proc getC {args} {
        variable queue
        variable base
        variable limit
        variable loading 0
        variable loaded 0
        variable pending {}

        while {1} {
            if {[catch {
                lassign $args op path

                # first process any completed fetches
                switch -- $op {
                    FILE -
                    DIR {
                        incr loaded
                        incr loading -1
                        dict unset pending $path
                        puts stderr "DONE $loaded: $op $path ($loading/$limit) queue: [llength $queue] pending: [dict keys $pending]"
                        set queue [lassign $queue op path]
                switch -- $op {
                    "" {
                        # nothing more queued yet.
                    file -
                    dir {
                        if {$loading < $limit} {
                            incr loading 1
                            variable base
                            set cmd [list ::http::geturl $base/$path -command [namespace code [list got$op $path]]]
                            puts stderr "GETTING: $op $path $loading/$limit ($cmd)"
                            puts stderr "$cmd"
                            dict set pending $path $op
                        } else {
                            lappend queue $op $path
                            puts stderr "QUEUEING: $op $path $loading/$limit queued: [llength $queue] pending:[dict keys $pending]"
                    op {}
                    default {
                        error "getter doesn't do $op $path"
            } e eo]} {
                puts stderr "CORO error: $e ($eo)"
            set args [yield]

    proc waiter {} {
        variable queue
        variable loading
        while {1} {
            vwait loading
            puts "countdown: $loading/$limit queued: [llength $queue]"
            if {$loading == 0} {
                variable loaded
                return $loaded

    proc fetch {args} {
        variable limit 10
        variable {*}$args

        variable home [file normalize $home]
        variable base [string trimright $base /]
        puts "Install fetch $base to $home"
        coroutine ::Install::getter getC dir
        if {[info exists wait] && $wait} {

    namespace export -clear *
    namespace ensemble create -subcommands {}

Install fetch {*}$argv
Install waiter