Version 1 of teacup link

Updated 2009-10-19 08:31:44 by pcam

This is a teacup subcommand.

From the supplied help:

link -- Manage links between installation repositories and tcl shells

teacup.exe link make PATH SHELL

    Create a connection between the installation repository at
    PATH and the tcl shell SHELL. From then on the SHELL will
    search the repository when a package is required, and the
    repository knows that SHELL is one its users. The latter means
    that teacup.exe will check the shell when attempting to install a

teacup.exe link cut (PATH|SHELL) (PATH|SHELL) ...

    Removes the connection between the installation repository at
    PATH and the tcl shell SHELL. From then on the SHELL will
    _not_ search the repository when a package is required, and teacup.exe
    will not check the shell anymore when installing a package.

    Note that it is allowed to specify an arbitrary number of
    SHELLs and repository PATHs, in arbitrary order. The command
    will disconnect all possible pairs.

teacup.exe link info PATH|SHELL

    Prints either the list of shells the repository at PATH is
    connected to, or the list of repositories the SHELL is using.


    For PATH: provide the path to teapot.local-ma.config. `teacup link` outputs the associated SHELL(s) path
    For SHELL: provide the path to tclsh85.exe or any other version. `teacup link` outputs the associated repository PATH (must be unique)