You can use the FTS 5 Query syntax for searching. Full search will look in the name and content columns. Title search will limit the search to the name column. Note: a colon has a special meaning in FTS5, if you want to search for a string containing colons, make sure to put the string in double quotes. You can see an error message reporting a "no such column" when using colons in an unquoted search string.
Name | Date | Who | Snippet |
Populate a ttk::treeview given a nested dict | 2011-08-07 | aspect | Takes a nested [dict], made here using makeNestedDict, and populates a [ttk::treeview] The nested dict is of the form `{node1 {node1Child1 {child1Leaf1 {} child1Leaf2 {}}} node2 {node2Child1 ...}}`, where * Nodes with children are keys pointing to values which are themselves keys pointing to more values, and * Leaves are nodes whose children are... |
dict unset | 2015-11-15 | pooryorick | ...b 2 % dict unset data nonexistent ;# Check nonexistent key handling b 2 ====== ====== % # Example using nested dicts: % set data {row1 {col1 val11 col2 val12} row2 {col1 val21 col2 val22}} row1 {col1 val11 col2 val12} row2 {col1 val21 col2 val22} % dict unset data row2 col2 ;# Remove element "col2" in nested dict "row2... |
dict lappend2 | 2013-06-16 | RLE | ...Here is a slightly different implementation that silently creates deeply nested [dict]s without complaint. ====== proc ::tcl::dict::lappend2 {dict args} { upvar 1 $dict d if { ![dict exists $d {*}[lrange $args 0 end-1]] } { dict set d {*}[lrange $args 0 end-1] [list [lindex $args end]] } else { ::set list [dict... |
dicthash: Yet another lightweight object system | 2014-03-01 | pooryorick | ...the nested dict (actually, that's not a bad idea). Still experimenting. I didn't go the javascript/self route because I kind of like the idea of being able to categorise my method definitions in different nested dicts. ** Usage Summary ** ====== # it's mostly similar to the original implementation # start... |
Wibble help | 2021-12-26 | MHo | ...Another nice thing is that this nested dict format mirrors what's used by Wibble when receiving headers. Hope this helps! [JM]: yes, with your help, I was finally able to make it work...<<br>> should I post it here? just a few changes really... [AMG]: Yes, please! That would... |
dictn | 2018-09-26 | SEH | ...create set version 0.1 }] ## ::dictn::append #This can of course 'ruin' a nested dict if applied to the wrong element # - i.e using the string op 'append' on an element that is itself a nested dict is analogous to the standard Tcl : # %set list {a b {c d}} # %append... |
dict update | 2018-04-28 | AMG | ...However, it can be (ahem) nested: ====== dict update dictVar $topKey topElem { dict update topElem $middleKey middleElem { dict lappend middleElem $innerKey $newListValue } } ====== does the same as: ====== dict set dictVar $topKey $middleKey [concat [dict get $dictVar $topKey $middleKey $innerKey] [list $newListValue]] ====== Here is an alternative to [[dict update]] that supports arbitrary nesting... |
dictutils | 2018-07-02 | oehhar | ...remove empty parents on unset in nested dict** [HaO] 2018-07-02: Given a tree-like storage within a dict: ======tcl % set d {} % dict set d a b c 1 a {b {c 1}} % dict set d a2 b c 1 a {b {c 1}} a2 {b {c 1}} % dict... |
trofs | 2022-07-15 | jevinskie | ...I think the simplest trick will be to turn the zip TOC into a nested [dict], that would preserve most of the trofs internals. [SEH] 28Mar05 -- If you were to use the Debian .deb format, then you would get the benefit of re-use, and to boot every existing Debian... |
dict | 2023-12-02 | oehhar | ...Unsetting keys which do not exist do not raise any error: ======tcl % set d {} % dict unset d a ====== ***dict unset raises error if a parent key of a nested dict is not present*** Nevertheless, an error is raised, if a parent key is not present: ======tcl % set d {} % dict unset... |
forward-compatible dict | 2019-03-20 | AMG | ...lset var $path [::set sub [get $sub]] # Search the current level to see if any keys match. ::for {::set j 0} {1} {::incr j 2} { if {$j >= [llength $sub]} { # On match failure, move the remaining keys into the value, # transforming it into a nested dict, then set that value. ::set... |
Consuming web services | 2016-03-21 | oehhar | ...yields result as a nested dict set monthlyIndex [ ::WS::Client::DoCall MortgageIndex GetCurrentMortgageIndexMonthly {} ] set key [ dict keys $monthlyIndex ] flush stdout puts "Key: $key" foreach { i v } [ dict get $monthlyIndex $key ] { puts "$i $v" } ====== should return something like ====== Key: GetCurrentMortgageIndexMonthlyResult IndexDate 7/1/2004 OneYearConstantMaturityTreasury 2.1 ThreeYearConstantMaturityTreasury 3.05 FiveYearConstantMaturityTreasury... |
trie | 2013-03-03 | pooryorick | ...Here's a very simplistic ''trie'' implementation based on straight-forward use of nested [dict]s (typically a trie in [C] or [Java] would instead using a fixed-size array and indexing directly based on character (e.g. restricting words to contain only characters a-z)): ====== # trie.tcl -- # # Simple implementation... |
Tcl warts | 2020-04-01 | rwm | ...Use nested [dict]s. Or, generate the array index using `[list] $row $col` instead of `$row,$col`. In all cases, be aware that `$row` and `$col` are general strings, not numbers. ** Inconsistencies in names in Library ** [PYK] is inclined to delete this one as there is no example. [AMG]: This... |
tablelist as tree with dict | 2024-08-25 | greg | ...dict+tips+and+tricks#7ee936969f6efff51a6467be9bdbcae047f35a13bc5ea4f0cb9db53ebeb99af2%|%Pretty-printing%|% * [ttk::treeview] ** ** ** * <<enddiscussion>> |
dict discussion | 2015-06-13 | pooryorick | ...I don't imagine such change would be easy, particularly for 'dict with' & 'dict update' - but if simplified access to nested dict structures is a desirable goal, then presumably it'd be far better performance-wise for the dict internals to handle it than attempting such by wrapping in Tcl... |
array | 2017-03-16 | pooryorick | ...Why don't you just use nested [dict]s? It seems those will do precisely what you ask for above. [AMG]: I can do some things with '''array'''s that I can't do with [dict]s: namely, [trace%|%traces] and [upvar%|%upvars] and everything else that uses those features... |
Techniques for reading and writing application configuration files | 2020-02-23 | pooryorick | ...A dict can store a lot of information in many different ways -- one key may have a list of directories as value, another key may store a simple boolean flag, other key might contain a nested dict, and so on -- and, IMHO, when you don't need the portability of... |
valuepanel | 2013-01-18 | pooryorick | [Fabricio Rocha] - 15 Jul 2011 - After the idea of creating [eDictor], it soon became evident that showing and editing nested [dict]s and [list]s visually would not be a so simple task. Then I thought that it would be a better thing to isolate this part of the editor... |
treeview laboratory example | 2024-08-19 | greg | ** [Tile Table] ** * selection ** ** * ttk:treeview and dict ** [dictree] ** [Populate a ttk::treeview given a nested dict] <<enddiscussion>> |
Tcl 9.0 WishList | 2023-11-15 | dbohdan | ...A difference between this kind of symbolic list-indices and nested [dict]s is that the symbolic names of list indices could cache (in the internal rep, of the Tcl_Obj) the exact numeric value of this index (similarly to how subcommand name interpretations are cached today), whereas in a... |