Arjen Markus (16 july 2024) With the new version of Blend2d that was published a few days ago I experimented a bit with the various geometries and other features. Notably:
The code:
# flower.tcl -- # Draw a simple flower using a single petal. # Use the transformation matrix to rotate it about the centre. # For good measure add a colour gradient. # The trick is to realise how the transformations are applied. # # Note: I know of no natural flower that has seven petals, so # as far as I am concerned this is a completely new species. # set thisDir [file normalize [file dirname [info script]]] set auto_path [linsert $auto_path 0 [file dirname $thisDir]] # --flower - demo package require Blend2d set sfc [image create blend2d -format {400 400} ] label .x -image $sfc ; pack .x $sfc clear 0xFFFFFFFF set petal [BL::Path new] $petal moveTo {0 0} $petal cubicTo {0 0} {0.25 0.5} {0 1} $petal moveTo {0 0} $petal cubicTo {0 0} {-0.25 0.5} {0 1} set transform [Mtx::MxM [Mtx::scale 200 200] [Mtx::translation 200 200]] set rotation [Mtx::rotation [expr {360.0/7.0}] degrees] $sfc applyTransform $transform for {set n 0} {$n < 7} {incr n} { # # For a uniform colour: # # $sfc fill $petal 0xFFFFFF00 # # Use the gradient: # set gradient [BL::gradient LINEAR {0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0} [list 0.0 [BL::color yellow] 0.6 [BL::color yellow] 1.0 [BL::color lime]]] $sfc fill $petal $gradient $sfc stroke $petal 0xFFFF0000 -stroke.transformorder BEFORE $sfc applyTransform $rotation } $petal destroy
And the resulting picture:
This can actually be improved:
The path is better defined in this way:
set petal [BL::Path new] $petal moveTo {0 0} $petal cubicTo {0 0} {0.25 0.5} {0 1} # Original: #$petal moveTo {0 0} #$petal cubicTo {0 0} {-0.25 0.5} {0 1} # Improvement: reverse the order of the points $petal cubicTo {0 1} {-0.25 0.5} {0 0}
Note: It may not be immediately clear. but the transformations are stacked and then applied last one first. For this reason adding a rotation over 360/7 degrees each iteration leads to the petals being rotated in steps over 360/7 * n degrees.