I like to place the widget arguments on separate lines but I dislike having to use line continuations "\" because it makes the code look dense. So I have been experimenting with the following code layout hack:
proc naivelyRemoveComments {body} { regsub -all -line {((^[ \t;]*[#].*$)|([ \t][;][ \t]*[#].*$))} $body "" } proc ~~ {body} { regsub -all -- "\n" [naivelyRemoveComments $body] " " body return [uplevel 1 $body] }
The ~~ command simply concatenates lines using a space character and then executes the resulting script. I used "~~" because it helps highlight that something doggy is going on and it also looks good if your editor font supports ligatures :)
The naivelyRemoveComments command should deal with simple comment placements but will fail if the ";#" is within a string literal
# Demo package require Tk proc mybutton {w txt cmd args} { ~~ { # my cool button button $w -text $txt -command $cmd {*}$args ;# additional button options can override the defaults } } set tb [~~ { mybutton .tb "Click me" [list puts "clicked!"] -underline 1 -font {arial 30} -fg blue }] pack .tb
For larger blocks of code containing multiple commands you must use ";" to separate each command; position the ";" to taste