Tcl meetup 2023-05-09
(as held on 2023-05-16)
Following topics were deferred as main proponents were not present.
string/list/dict/other interfaces for Tcl_Obj structures as the basis for such things
let age: number = 37;
Would it have an impact on the performance (mathematical computation by example) of the program if certain variables in Tcl 9 were typed ? Or nothing Tcl 9 will never be a typed language, it was not designed like that.
NR - 2023-05-03 16:27:10
Can we ask you all kinds of questions about the development of Tcl 9 ? Or not at all, is this not the time or the right place ?
stevel - 2023-05-04 00:26:39
You most certainly can, there's no fixed agenda. If any questions that can't be answered in the call document them here.
ABU 2023-05-05
About SDL+AGG: Sorry I didn't follow the discussion, but anyway, have you ever considered Blend2d as an alternative to AGG ? I think its performances are far superior, see . Blend2d has a nice C/C++ API and I also integrated it in Tcl. See the wiki pages Blend2d and Blend2d Gallery.
arjen - 2023-05-05 13:46:19
I am pretty sure I did, but when I checked the notes from the past meetings, I came across this subjec. As I am generally interested in graphics, I added it to the list of subjects.
dkf - 2023-05-09 19:24:57
Well that was a poor experience! Both audio and video kept dropping. (I couldn't speak also, but that wasn't the app's fault.)
stevel - 2023-05-10 03:20:29
It turns out there were technical issues with Jitsi that affected the call so we will need to reschedule.
Jitsi support responded promptly and it appears the problems were resolved (see ).
Would it suit if we rescheduled for next Tuesday the 16th at the same time?