Arjen Markus I needed a script to move and scale the contents of a canvas. RS suggested that this can be achieved with a few event bindings. He, of course, was right as usual. It is slightly more complicated than one-line commands, but still, it can hardly be easier.
# Experiment with scale/move items in a canvas # proc moveItems { x y } { global xc yc if { [info exists ::xc] } { .c move all [expr {$x-$xc}] [expr {$y-$yc}] } set xc $x set yc $y } proc scaleItems { type x y } { if { $type eq "+" } { .c scale all $x $y [expr {sqrt(2.0)}] [expr {sqrt(2.0)}] } else { .c scale all $x $y [expr {1.0/sqrt(2.0)}] [expr {1.0/sqrt(2.0)}] } } pack [canvas .c -bg white] -fill both .c create oval 0 0 100 100 -fill red -outline black -width 4 .c create rectangle 200 200 300 300 -fill green -outline yellow .c create line 0 200 200 0 -fill black -width 10 .c create line 0 -200 -200 0 -fill blue -width 6 set xc 0 set yc 0 focus .c bind .c <Button-1> {set xc %x; set yc %y} bind .c <B1-Motion> {moveItems %x %y} bind .c <KeyPress-a> {scaleItems + %x %y} bind .c <KeyPress-b> {scaleItems - %x %y} bind .c <Control-KeyPress-plus> {scaleItems + %x %y} bind .c <Control-KeyPress-minus> {scaleItems - %x %y}
See also Canvas zooming