Hello everybody,
my first name is Thomas, I live and work in Germany.
Tcl/Tk is my favorite since 2004, starting with TclPro version 1.4, over ActiveState's ActiveTcl 8.4 - 8.6 together with TDK 4.x & 5.x, up to the great BAWT "distribution" for version 9.0.1.
Asking me "Why using this scripting language?", the answer is simple: My family name is "Wunderlich" (english for "whimsical").
I had some contact to the community in the last years (greetings to München/Munich) and give many hints/errors/feedback to ActiveState as well as update the package "datefield".
Now I want to contribute more, especially because Tcl9 is on the horizon (2024-07-30).
You may find me via the impress and contact pages on https://blindenfreizeiten.de
My contribution till today: