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Title: Little_Math_Language V2
gold 15Oct2020 Here is extension of programs A little math language by RS and A little math language revisited written by AM in 2004.
Wrote some code for charts supporting A little math language by Richard Suchenwirth in 2002-01-02 and A little math language revisited written by AM in 2004. Called Little_Math_Language V2 in TCL as partial math language interpreter. Learning experience, Added some easy eye console displays for my bad eyes. And trying some new features as a testbed. Math calculation forms seem to be working.
The analogy of using Little_Math_Language V2 to control the large TCL language is like sticking an Apple computer for the human operator in front of a Cray computer. The human mind probably can only understand and use a limited set of instructions, an interface in hardware or TCL? language as a limited set of instructions might be useful. After all, the human mind was designed to chase rabbits.
;# Title: Little_Math_Language_AM V2 in TCL ;# console extension to little_math_language ;# proc mathlang.tcl from AM, (original on tcl wiki 05-21-2004) ;# proc test code from RS ;# ref A little math language revisited, page on TCL Wiki ;# A little math language, page on TCL Wiki ;# Richard Suchenwirth 2002-01-02 ;# Original program by Arjen Markus on TCL Wiki ;# Reorganized code ;# for print and self_help ;# to tcl console. ;# written on Windows 10 on TCL ;# working under TCL version 8.6 ;# on TCL WIKI , 20Oct2020 ;# added statements for TCLLIB library package require math::numtheory package require math::constants package require math::trig package require math namespace path {::tcl::mathop ::tcl::mathfunc math::numtheory math::trig math::constants } ;# Tried to keep clean AM code in upper section ;# added extension to console below. -gold ;# mathlang.tcl -- ;# Provide commands that allow a more usual mathematical syntax: ;# ;# mathfunc {x} { ;# sinc = sin(x)/x if x != 0 ;# sinc = 0 otherwise ;# } ;# math { ;# a = x*x + y*y ;# } ;# ;# Still to do: mathfunc ;# ;# (7 july 2004) Small improvement: ;# recognise array elements ;# namespace eval ::mathsyntax { namespace export math variable cached_calcs {} variable func_names \ {abs acos asin atan atan2 ceil cos cosh double exp floor fmod hypot int log log10 pow rand round sin sinh sqrt srand tan tanh wide} } ;# ToExpr -- ;# Transform an expression to the form expr wants ;# Arguments: ;# expression A right-hand side of an assignment ;# Result: ;# Valid Tcl expression ;# proc ::mathsyntax::ToExpr { expression } { variable func_names set rhs [string map {" " ""} $expression] set indices [regexp -inline -all -indices {[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*} $rhs] set offset 0 foreach idx $indices { foreach {start stop} $idx {break} set start [expr {$start+$offset}] set stop [expr {$stop+$offset}] set next [expr {$stop+1}] if { [string index $rhs $next] != "(" } { set char [string index $rhs $start] set rhs [string replace $rhs $start $start "\$$char" ] incr offset } else { set char [string index $rhs $start] set name [string range $rhs $start $stop] if { [lsearch $func_names $name] < 0 } { set rhs [string replace $rhs $start $start "\$$char" ] } } } return $rhs } ;# Transform -- ;# Transform a series of mathematical expressions into Tcl code ;# Arguments: ;# id ID to use ;# calc One or more mathematical assignments ;# Result: ;# None ;# Side effects: ;# A private procedure is created ;# Note: ;# No conditions yet ;# proc ::mathsyntax::Transform { id calc } { set calc [split $calc "\n"] set body {"uplevel 2 \{"} foreach assign $calc { set assign [string trim $assign] if { $assign != "" } { regexp {([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_()]*) *= *(.*)} $assign ==> lhs rhsfull ;# ;# Is there a condition? ;# set cond1 [string first " if" $rhsfull] ;# PM: set cond2 [string first " otherwise" $rhsfull] set cond "" if { $cond1 > 0 } { set rhs [string range $rhsfull 0 [expr {$cond1-1}]] set cond [string range $rhsfull [expr {$cond1+3}] end] lappend body "if { [ToExpr $cond] } \{" } else { set rhs $rhsfull } ;# If the left-hand side refers to an array element, ;# we need to add a dollar-sign ;# set lhs [string map {"(" "($"} $lhs] ;# ;# Prepare the assignment ;# set rhs [ToExpr $rhs] lappend body "set $lhs \[expr {$rhs}\]" if { $cond != "" } { lappend body "\}" } } } lappend body "\}" proc Cached$id {} [join $body "\n"] } ;# math -- ;# Allow mathematical expressions inside Tcl code ;# Arguments: ;# calc One or more mathematical assignments ;# Result: ;# None ;# Side effects: ;# As the code is executed in the caller's scope, variables ;# in the calling procedure are set ;# The code is transformed into a procedure that is cached ;# proc ::mathsyntax::math { calc } { variable cached_calcs set id [lsearch $cached_calcs $calc] if { $id < 0 } { lappend cached_calcs $calc set id [expr {[llength $cached_calcs]-1}] Transform $id $calc } ::mathsyntax::Cached$id } ;# ;# Simple test ;# if {0} { namespace import ::mathsyntax::math set a 1 set b 1 set c "" set d "" set sinc "" math { c = a + b d = a + cos(b+c) } puts "$c $d" for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} { math { x = 0.1*i sinc = 1 if x == 0 sinc = sin(x)/x if x != 0 y(i) = sinc*sinc } puts "$i $x $sinc $y($i)" } ;# ;# Just to check ;# parray y } ;# end of AM deck ;# add cosmetics below to bottom of file ;# or source Little_Math_Language_AM ;# added statements above for TCLLIB library proc test args { foreach {case expected} $args { catch {uplevel 1 $case} res ;# RS if {$res != $expected} {error "$case->$res, expected $expected"} puts "example >> $case -> $res, & expected was $expected" ;# res , expected, variables were not recycling ??? ;# proc test is RS code from TCL Wiki } } console show console eval {.console config -bg palegreen} console eval {.console config -font {fixed 20 bold}} console eval {wm geometry . 40x20} console eval {wm title . "Little_Math_Language_AM in TCL , screen grab and paste from console to texteditor"} console eval {. configure -background orange -highlightcolor brown -relief raised -border 30} console eval { proc self_helpx {} { set msg "Little_Math_Language_AM, large black type on green from TCL, self help listing ;# Conventional text editor formulas grabbed ;# from internet screens can be pasted ;# into green screen console ;# colon is statement end ;# proc test code from RS ;# ref A little math language revisited, page on TCL Wiki ;# Original program by Arjen Markus on TCL Wiki ;# Reorganized code from ;# for print and self_help ;# to tcl console. ;# mathlang.tcl from AM, (original on tcl wiki 05-21-2004) " tk_messageBox -title "self_helpxx" -message $msg } } console eval { add command -label Self_help -command self_helpx } proc basic_alphabet_variables {} { global a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z global A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z foreach i {a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z} { set $i 1 } foreach i {A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z} { set $i 1 } } proc demo {} { puts " demo " namespace import ::mathsyntax::math ;# set lower & upper case global alphabet_variables to 1 basic_alphabet_variables set a 1 set b 1 set c "" set d "" set sinc "" math { c = a + b d = a + cos(b+c) } puts "$c $d" for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} { math { x = 0.1*i sinc = 1 if x == 0 sinc = sin(x)/x if x != 0 y(i) = sinc*sinc } puts "$i $x $sinc $y($i)" } ;# ;# parray y puts " returns to TCL 8.6 for check = [exp 5 ]" puts " set a 1 , set b 1 , set c 1 & <c d sinc strings nulled> " puts "math c = a + b ; d = a + cos(b+c), puts c d " puts "$c $d" test { isprime 7 } 1 test { + 1 1 } 2 test { - 10 1 } 9 test { * 10 1 } 10 test { / 10 2 } 5 test { math { a = 10 / 2 } } 5 test { math { b = 10. / 2 } } 5. test { math { c = 10. / 2. } } 5. test { math { d = 1 + 1 } } 2 test { math { e = 10 - 1 } } 9 test { math { f = 10 * 1 } } 10 test { math { g = 10 / 2 } } 5 test { math { h = 10 ** 2 } } 100 test { math { i = 10 % 2 } } 0 test { math { i = 3 * 4 / 2 } } 6 test { math { i = (3>2) } } 1 test { math { i = (3<2) } } 0 } demo # end of file
Please include your wiki MONIKER and date in your comment with the same courtesy that I will give you. Thanks, gold 15Oct2020
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