A package that hasn't been maintained since 2002, but was excellent in its time. See also Refactored BLT Components, a fork of BLT that includes BLT's vector processing commands.
Implements a new object type for Tcl which looks like a nested list of doubles but is stored internally as a 2d matrix. Conversion to and from string values is only done as needed so that matrices can be passed by value efficiently in tcl scripts.
an interactive tool based on the SPARSKIT library which allows the user access to a powerful set of sparse matrix functions from an intuitive command-line environment. Includes command imports to Tcl interpreter to parse and run functions, and a Tk GUI for interactive operation.
a handy tool for viewing and exploring large sparse matrices. Using MatView, a sparse matrix with millions of elements can be reduced to a graphically viewable size for overviews of the high-level structure, or a detailed view can be obtained by zooming in and navigating through small regions of the matrix.