
AMG: The async package manages asynchronous communication with any number of child processes.

async requires Tcl 8.6 for the following features:


coroutine xxx apply {{} {
    set id1 [async::exec sort]
    chan puts $id1 b\na\nc
    set id2 [async::exec sort]
    async::close -direction stdin $id1
    chan puts $id2 z\na\nc
    async::close -direction stdin $id2
    chan puts [async::get $id2]
    chan puts [async::read -all -dropNewline $id2]
    chan puts [async::read -all -dropNewline $id1]
    async::close $id2
    async::close $id1
    set ::end 1
vwait end

The above will print "a c a b c", each character on a separate line.


Command Description
[async::exec ] Executes a child process
[async::channels ] Lists asynchronous channel IDs
[async::close ] Closes an asynchronous channel
[async::get ] Gets one line of text
[async::read ] Gets a block of data
[async::fill ] Fills internal buffers, blocking
[async::flow ] Fills internal buffers, non-blocking


Executes a child process command and returns a channel identifier which may be used to asynchronously communicate with the child process via [async::*] and [chan]. The valid [chan] subcommands are: puts, flush, copy, configure, push, and pop. With [chan copy], the channel identifier may only be the outputChan` argument.

The channel is configured to be nonblocking with binary translation and line buffering. Do not change the blocking mode using [chan configure]. To block, instead omit the -noWait switch to [async::get] and [async::read].

If [async::get] or [async::read] produce an empty result and are given both -eof empty and -noWait, [chan eof] is necessary to disambiguate between end of file versus a complete line or block not being immediately available. This only works when reading from stdout, not from stderr. [chan eof] may not be used outside of this specific circumstance.


Returns a list of all currently open asynchronous channel IDs.


Closes a currently open asynchronous channel. A channel may be partially closed, for example to send the sort(1) program EOF on its stdin after which it will start writing results to its stdout. Unread data will be discarded, possibly except for stderr. If stderr is being closed and -stderr ignore was not used, any unread stderr data is thrown with ASYNC STDERR.

async::close ?-direction dir ?-stderr mode? id

Switch Description
-direction all Fully closes channel. The default.
-direction stdin Closes stdin component of channel.
-direction stdout Closes stdout component of channel.
-direction stderr Closes stderr component of channel.
-stderr ignore Ignores any unread data on stderr.
-stderr throw Throws any stderr data with ASYNC STDERR. The default.
id The asynchronous channel identifier returned by [async::exec].


Gets one line of text from the stdout and/or stderr of an asynchronous child process, according to the value of the -stderr switch, which defaults to -stderr throw.

The trailing newline is stripped, unless the -keepNewline switch is used.

Yields until the requested data is available, unless -noWait is used.

The result is returned or written into a variable, in which case the number of characters read is returned. In the case of -noWait with a variable, -1 is returned rather than 0 if the requested data is not immediately available.

If EOF is reached on the channel (or both the channels) being read from, and -eof throw is used, ASYNC EOF is thrown. With -stderr ignore, EOF on stdout causes ASYNC EOF to be thrown. With -stderr read, EOF on stderr causes ASYNC EOF to be thrown. In all other cases, stdout and stderr must both be at EOF (or be closed) for ASYNC EOF to be thrown.

At end of file, the last line of stdout or stderr is considered complete even if it does not end in a newline. When called at end of file after all data has already been read and returned, the -eof switch determines whether the result is empty string or (the default behavior) ASYNC EOF is thrown.

When using -stderr ignore or throw (the default), the closure of stderr does not result in ASYNC EOF being thrown. When using -stderr read and -eof throw, stderr closing does cause ASYNC EOF to be thrown, but stdout closing does not. When using -stderr merge or tag and -eof throw, ASYNC EOF is thrown when both stdout and stderr close.

If -eof empty and -noWait are both used, [chan eof] must be used to determine if an empty result signifies end of file or the data not being available. [chan eof] can only be used to check the EOF status of stdout, not stderr.

async::get ?-noWait? ?-keepNewline? ?-variable varName? ?-stderr mode? ?-eof mode? id

Switch Description
-noWait Returns immediately rather than yield if data is not available.
-keepNewline Does not strip the trailing newline.
-variable varName Name of variable into which to write the result.
-stderr ignore Ignores stderr and reads only stdout.
-stderr merge Reads from either stderr or stdout, whichever is available.
-stderr tag Like merge, except the return value is a tagged list.
-stderr read Ignores stdout and reads only stderr.
-stderr throw Returns stdout normally and throws stderr with ASYNC STDERR.
-eof empty If at end of file with no available data, result is empty string.
-eof throw If at end of file with no available data, throw ASYNC EOF.
id The asynchronous channel identifier returned by [async::exec].


Gets a block of data from the stdout and/or stderr of an asynchronous child process, according to the value of the -stderr switch, which defaults to -stderr throw.

Yields until the requested data is available, unless -noWait is used.

When called at end of file after all data has already been read and returned, the -eof switch determines whether empty string is returned or (the default behavior) ASYNC EOF is thrown. By default, returns all data that is immediately available, yielding until at least one byte is available, but the -noWait, -all, -size, -min, and -max switches may be used to control the minimum and maximum amount of data that is returned.

If EOF is reached on the channel (or both the channels) being read from, and -eof throw is used, ASYNC EOF is thrown. With -stderr ignore, EOF on stdout causes ASYNC EOF to be thrown. With -stderr read, EOF on stderr causes ASYNC EOF to be thrown. In all other cases, stdout and stderr must both be at EOF (or be closed) for ASYNC EOF to be thrown.

If -eof empty and -noWait are both used, [chan eof] must be used to determine if an empty result signifies end of file or the data not being available. [chan eof] can only be used to check the EOF status of stdout, not stderr.

async::get ?-noWait? ?-dropNewline? ?-all? ?-size size? ?-min size? ?-max size? ?-stderr mode? ?-eof mode? id

Switch Description
-noWait Returns immediately rather than yield if data is not available.
-dropNewline Strips the trailing newline at end of file, requires -all.
-all Reads until end of file, conflicts with -size, -min, and -max.
-size size Sets -min and -max to the same value.
-min size Minimum number of characters to read and return, default 1.
-max size Maximum number of characters to read and return, default unlimited.
-stderr ignore Ignores stderr and reads only stdout.
-stderr merge Reads from either stderr or stdout, whichever is available.
-stderr tag Like merge, except the return value is a tagged list.
-stderr read Ignores stdout and reads only stderr.
-stderr throw Returns stdout normally and throws stderr with ASYNC STDERR.
-eof empty If at end of file with no available data, result is empty string.
-eof throw If at end of file with no available data, throw ASYNC EOF.
id The asynchronous channel identifier returned by [async::exec].


Reads all available data from stdout and stderr into internal buffers. The current coroutine yields until at least one character is successfully read or end of file is reached. This procedure need not be called by user code.


Reads all immediately available data from stdout or stderr into internal buffers. This procedure need not be called by user code. Returns the number of characters that were read, 0 if no data was available, or -1 if at end of file or the requested direction was locally closed.


AMG: I'm hesitant about a few design choices.

Is it really the right thing to have separate [async::get] and [async::read] commands? I did this to mirror [chan gets] and [chan read], but then my switch syntax diverged considerably. There's so much code overlap, I could combine the two, but perhaps it's simpler to use if they are kept separate.

Do I really want to have the block size, line termination mode, etc. apply to stderr when using -stderr throw? Or should I have -stderr throw always just throw all available stderr text just the way it appears?

AMG: It want [async::get] and [async::read] to permit more than one id argument, then they return data from whichever is first available. To be useful, this would require an expansion of the tagged list return format, or else the caller wouldn't be able to tell where the data is coming from.

Another way to get some of the same capability would be a command to report which channels are readable, optionally waiting for one to be readable. This would be analogous to select. Then get data from whichever channel ID it returns.

Having timeouts or being interrupted by other kinds of events could be cool too. Just call the coroutine from wherever. However, this would require establishing a protocol by which the coroutine is invoked so that it knows what kind of event occurred and how to handle it and report it to the original caller.

AMG: A more generic event interface would be a welcome evolution. This general facility should be able to handle communication between coroutines, interpreters, and threads. It also should be able to talk to other event sources and sinks such as [vwait] and Tk.

See also: Wibble's "icc" system.

AMG: Maybe this can be included in tcllib someday.

PYK 2018-03-24: Doesn't tcllib::coroutine already cover precisely this territory?

AMG: Not exactly. tcllib::coroutine does not bundle stdin, stdout, and stderr the way this async package does, making it an ill fit for separately managing stdout and stderr of a child process. Aside from that, it comes close.

AMG: I want a way to import channels created externally, e.g. from client/server sockets or regular file opens, or even just stdin/stdout. Additionally, I could provide file and network open commands to combine the actual open and the import into a unified API. Right now it's only possible to talk to child processes, short of manually editing the ::async::Channels dict.

AMG: Regular file opens wouldn't benefit much from this code, but sockets and stdin/stdout would somewhat due to bundling. Not sure it's worth the effort though.

AMG: On second thought, regular file opens could still be useful in the case of [chan copy] which has a progress callback mechanism. Though maybe that's better handled by some generic external event integration interface.

AMG: I'd like to update this to use [argparse], but [argparse]'s error message generation isn't quite up to it yet. This extra flexibility could be the key to merging [async::get] and [async::read].

AMG: Is there any value to having a [peek] command that gets data without removing it from the queue? Rather than a separate command, it could be a switch to the [async::get] and [async::read] commands.

On rare occasions, I want to peek at incoming data, mostly to find record delimiters. I end up implementing this by wrapping read with code that first pulls from an internal queue. This functionality tends to be useful in combination with the ability to stuff data into that internal queue so that it shows up in a subsequent read. If I implement this, then it might also be worthwhile to let this common code service not only child processes but also all other Tcl I/O sources, at which point this package should be made fully general rather than geared only to process execution.

EF: I second the value of being able to peek into data, if that isn't too much work. Nice package BTW!

AMG: There is opportunity for great synergy with my pipeline package.

AMG: I'm seriously considering outright merging this package with pipeline. This will result in each child process (or pipeline sequence of processes) being represented as a coroutine command. That much is largely possible right now, but I can do better. Pipeline's [get] command returns all buffered data, whereas async has both [get] and [read] to return data in line-oriented or block-oriented chunks. Pipeline has [peek], but async does not. Each package has benefits over the other. Why not combine?

As for separate stdout/stderr, pipeline's metadata facility can be used to tag which characters came from which file descriptor.

AMG: I made considerable progress on this unified design, but it depends on using argparse inside a tight inner loop. I know from experience that this will be much too slow given the current implementation of argparse, so I'm going to have to back off on this project until I've made argparse faster, which I have definite plans to do.

Once it works, the following code should work, without leaking any resources:

% [pipeline {exec rev | tac}] flow -shutdown -all foo\nbar\n

Or do two separate exec calls:

% [pipeline {exec rev} {exec tac}] flow -shutdown -all foo\nbar\n

Or implement part of it in Tcl:

% [pipeline {loop -buffer -trim -command string reverse} {exec tac}] flow -shutdown -all foo\nbar\n

AMG: I cleaned up some race conditions with the order in which stderr and stdout are observed to close. Now both must be closed for the child process to overall be considered to be at EOF. That is, unless only one of the two is being read, via -stderr ignore or -stderr read.

I also made -dropNewline require -all to avoid inconsistent behavior when a child process has written its last byte but Tcl (or this package) doesn't know it yet because the close hasn't come through.


# async.tcl
# Andy Goth <>

# Require [dict], [throw], [chan pipe], [chan close dir], and [coroutine].
package require Tcl 8.6

# Create namespace.
namespace eval ::async {}

# Asynchronous channel internal data.
set ::async::Channels {}

# ::async::exec --
# Executes a child process command and returns a channel identifier which may be
# used to asynchronously communicate with the child process via [async::*] and
# [chan].  The valid [chan] subcommands are: puts, flush, copy, configure, push,
# and pop.  With [chan copy], the channel identifier may only be the outputChan
# argument.
# The channel is configured to be nonblocking with binary translation and line
# buffering.  Do not change the blocking mode using [chan configure].  To block,
# instead omit the -noWait switch to [async::get] and [async::read].
# If [async::get] or [async::read] produce an empty result and are given both
# -eof empty and -noWait, [chan eof] is necessary to disambiguate between end of
# file versus a complete line or block not being immediately available.  This
# only works when reading from stdout, not from stderr.  [chan eof] may not be
# used outside of this specific circumstance.
proc ::async::exec {args} {
    variable Channels

    # Check if stdin, stdout, and/or stderr are being redirected.
    foreach arg $args {
        if {[info exists redir(next)]} {
            unset redir(next)
        } elseif {[regexp {^(<[<@]?|>[>&]?|>&?@|>>&|2>[>@]?)(.*)} $arg _\
                opcode operand]} {
            switch $opcode {
                <  - <<  - <@  {set redir(stdin)  {}}
                >  - >>  - >@  {set redir(stdout) {}}
                >& - >>& - >&@ {set redir(stdout) {}; set redir(stderr) {}}
                2> - 2>> - 2>@ {set redir(stderr) {}}
            if {$operand eq {}} {
                set redir(next) {}

    # Determine the access mode depending on the redirections.
    if {[info exists redir(stdin)]} {
        set mode r
    } elseif {[info exists redir(stdout)]} {
        set mode w
    } else {
        set mode a+

    # Unless stderr is redirected, collect stderr from the child process.
    if {![info exists redir(stderr)]} {
        lassign [chan pipe] chanStderr chanStderrWrite
        lappend args 2>@ $chanStderrWrite

    # Execute the child process pipeline.
    set chanInOut [open |$args $mode]
    if {![info exists redir(stderr)]} {
        chan close $chanStderrWrite

    # Configure stdin/stdout and stderr channels.
    chan configure $chanInOut -blocking 0 -translation binary -buffering line
    chan configure $chanStderr -blocking 0 -translation binary -buffering line

    # Initialize the channel buffers.
    dict set Channels $chanInOut {open {} eof {} buf {stdout {} stderr {}}}
    foreach channel {stdin stdout stderr} {
        if {![info exists redir($channel)]} {
            dict set Channels $chanInOut open $channel {}
    dict set Channels $chanInOut chan stdout $chanInOut
    if {![info exists redir(stderr)]} {
        dict set Channels $chanInOut chan stderr $chanStderr

    # Return the input/output channel to the caller.
    return $chanInOut

# ::async::channels --
# Returns a list of all currently open asynchronous channel IDs.
proc ::async::channels {} {
    variable Channels
    dict keys $Channels

# ::async::close --
# Closes a currently open asynchronous channel.  A channel may be partially
# closed, for example to send the sort(1) program EOF on its stdin after which
# it will start writing results to its stdout.  Unread data will be discarded,
# possibly except for stderr.  If stderr is being closed and -stderr ignore was
# not used, any unread stderr data is thrown with ASYNC STDERR.
# async::close ?-direction all|stdin|stdout|stderr? ?-stderr ignore|throw? id
# -direction all: Fully closes channel.  The default.
# -direction stdin: Closes stdin component of channel.
# -direction stdout: Closes stdout component of channel.
# -direction stderr: Closes stderr component of channel.
# -stderr ignore: Ignores any unread data on stderr.
# -stderr throw: Throws any stderr data with ASYNC STDERR.  The default.
# id: The asynchronous channel identifier returned by [async::exec].
proc ::async::close {args} {
    variable Channels

    # Parse arguments.
    set direction all
    set stderrMode throw
    while {$args ne {}} {
        set args [lassign $args arg]
        if {[info exists id]} {
            return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"async::close\
                    ?-direction all|stdin|stdout|stderr?\
                    ?-stderr ignore|throw? id"
        } elseif {$arg eq "-direction"} {
            if {$args eq {} || [lindex $args 0] ni {all stdin stdout stderr}} {
                return -code error "-direction switch must be followed by:\
                        all, stdin, stdout, or stderr"
            set args [lassign $args direction]
        } elseif {$arg eq "-stderr"} {
            if {$args eq {} || [lindex $args 0] ni {ignore throw}} {
                return -code error "-stderr switch must be followed by:\
                        ignore or throw"
            set args [lassign $args stderrMode]
        } elseif {![dict exists $Channels $arg]} {
            return -code error "not an open asynchronous channel: $arg"
        } else {
            set id $arg

    # When closing stderr and using -stderr throw, check for unread stderr.
    if {$stderrMode eq "throw" && $direction in {all stderr}} {
        flow $id stderr
        set stderrData [dict get $Channels $id buf stderr]

    if {$direction eq "all"} {
        # If requested, close all open channels.
        if {[dict exists $Channels $id $open stderr]} {
            chan close [dict get $Channels $id chan stderr]
        if {[dict exists $Channels $id $open stdin]
         || [dict exists $Channels $id $open stdout]} {
            chan close [dict get $Channels $id chan stdout]
        dict unset Channels $id
    } elseif {![dict exists $Channels $id $open $direction]} {
        # Check for double close.
        return -code error "direction \"$direction\" already closed for\
                asynchronous channel: $id"
    } else {
        # Close only the requested direction.
        if {$direction eq "stdin"} {
            chan close [dict get $Channels $id chan stdout] write
        } elseif {$direction eq "stdout"} {
            chan close [dict get $Channels $id chan stdout] read
        } else {
            chan close [dict get $Channels $id chan stderr]

        # Clean up the asynchronous channel data as appropriate.
        if {$open eq {}} {
            dict unset Channels $id
        } else {
            dict unset Channels $id open $direction

    # Throw any unread stderr data.
    if {[info exists stderrData] && $stderrData ne {}} {
        throw {ASYNC STDERR} $stderrData

# ::async::get --
# Gets one line of text from the stdout and/or stderr of an asynchronous child
# process, according to the value of the -stderr switch, which defaults to
# -stderr throw.
# The trailing newline is stripped, unless the -keepNewline switch is used.
# Yields until the requested data is available, unless -noWait is used.
# The result is returned or written into a variable, in which case the number of
# characters read is returned.  In the case of -noWait with a variable, -1 is
# returned rather than 0 if the requested data is not immediately available.
# If EOF is reached on the channel (or both the channels) being read from, and
# -eof throw is used, ASYNC EOF is thrown.  With -stderr ignore, EOF on stdout
# causes ASYNC EOF to be thrown.  With -stderr read, EOF on stderr causes ASYNC
# EOF to be thrown.  In all other cases, stdout and stderr must both be at EOF
# (or be closed) for ASYNC EOF to be thrown.
# At end of file, the last line of stdout or stderr is considered complete even
# if it does not end in a newline.  When called at end of file after all data
# has already been read and returned, the -eof switch determines whether the
# result is empty string or (the default behavior) ASYNC EOF is thrown.
# When using -stderr ignore or throw (the default), the closure of stderr does
# not result in ASYNC EOF being thrown.  When using -stderr read and -eof throw,
# stderr closing does cause ASYNC EOF to be thrown, but stdout closing does not.
# When using -stderr merge or tag and -eof throw, ASYNC EOF is thrown when both
# stdout and stderr close.
# If -eof empty and -noWait are both used, [chan eof] must be used to determine
# if an empty result signifies end of file or the data not being available.
# [chan eof] can only be used to check the EOF status of stdout, not stderr.
# async::get ?-noWait? ?-keepNewline? ?-variable varName? ?-stderr mode?
#       ?-eof mode? id
# -noWait: Returns immediately rather than yield if data is not available.
# -keepNewline: Does not strip the trailing newline.
# -variable varName: Name of variable into which to write the result.
# -stderr ignore: Ignores stderr and reads only stdout.
# -stderr merge: Reads from either stderr or stdout, whichever is available.
# -stderr tag: Like merge, except the return value is a tagged list.
# -stderr read: Ignores stdout and reads only stderr.
# -stderr throw: Returns stdout normally and throws stderr with ASYNC STDERR.
# -eof empty: If at end of file with no available data, result is empty string.
# -eof throw: If at end of file with no available data, throw ASYNC EOF.
# id: The asynchronous channel identifier returned by [async::exec].
proc ::async::get {args} {
    variable Channels

    # Parse arguments.
    set stderrMode throw
    set eofMode throw
    while {$args ne {}} {
        set args [lassign $args arg]
        if {[info exists id]} {
            return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"async::get\
                    ?-noWait? ?-keepNewline? ?-variable varName?\
                    ?-stderr ignore|merge|tag|read|throw? id\""
        } elseif {$arg in {-noWait -keepNewline}} {
            set [string range $arg 1 end] {}
        } elseif {$arg eq "-variable"} {
            set args [lassign $args varName]
        } elseif {$arg eq "-stderr"} {
            if {$args eq {}
             || [lindex $args 0] ni {ignore merge tag read throw}} {
                return -code error "-stderr switch must be followed by\
                        ignore, merge, tag, read, or throw"
            set args [lassign $args stderrMode]
        } elseif {$arg eq "-eof"} {
            if {$args eq {} || [lindex $args 0] ni {empty throw}} {
                return -code error "-eof switch must be followed by\
                        empty or throw"
            set args [lassign $args eofMode]
        } elseif {![dict exists $Channels $arg]} {
            return -code error "not an open asynchronous channel: $arg"
        } else {
            set id $arg

    # Confirm the requested directions are open.
    if {![dict exists $Channels $id open stdout]
     && ![dict exists $Channels $id open stderr]} {
        return -code error "both stdout and stderr closed for asynchronous\
                channel: $id"
    } elseif {$stderrMode eq "ignore"
           && ![dict exists $Channels $id open stdout]} {
        return -code error "stdout closed for asynchronous channel: $id"
    } elseif {$stderrMode eq "read"
           && ![dict exists $Channels $id open stderr]} {
        return -code error "stderr closed for asynchronous channel: $id"

    # Loop until a complete line is available.  Return if -noWait was given and
    # both stdout and stderr are empty, incomplete, or unwanted.  At EOF, the
    # remainder of the buffer is considered to be complete even if it does not
    # end in newline.
    set rest {}
    while {1} {
        # First try reading from stderr, then stdout.
        foreach {dir skipMode} {stderr ignore stdout read} {
            # Check if this direction is open, not being ignored, and has a
            # complete line or has an incomplete line at end of file.
            set line [dict get $Channels $id buf $dir]
            if {$stderrMode ne $skipMode
             && [dict exists $Channels $id open $dir]
             && ([regexp {([^\n]*\n)(.*)} $line _ line rest]
              || ([dict exists $Channels $id eof $dir] && $line ne {}))} {
                # Remove the data from the buffer.
                dict set Channels $id buf $dir $rest

                # Unless -keepNewline, strip trailing newline.
                if {![info exists keepNewline]} {
                    regsub {\n$} $line {} line

                # If -stderr throw (the default) and a complete line was read
                # from stderr, throw it rather than return it.
                if {$dir eq "stderr" && $stderrMode eq "throw"} {
                    throw {ASYNC STDERR} $line

                # Build the result.  With -stderr tag, the result is a list
                # consisting of "stdout" or "stderr" followed by the received
                # data.  Otherwise, the result is the data.  -stderr merge is
                # the only case where the caller won't be able to tell where the
                # data came from.
                if {$stderrMode eq "tag"} {
                    set result [list $dir $line]
                } else {
                    set result $line

                # Give the result to the caller.
                if {[info exists varName]} {
                    uplevel 1 [list ::set $varName $result]
                    return [string length $line]
                } else {
                    return $result

        # Check if at EOF, and in which direction.
        set eofDir [switch $stderrMode {
        ignore  {if {[dict exists $Channels $id eof stdout]} {list stdout}}
        read    {if {[dict exists $Channels $id eof stderr]} {list stderr}}
        default {
            if {(![dict exists $Channels $id open stdout]
              || [dict exists $Channels $id eof stdout])
             && (![dict exists $Channels $id open stderr]
              || [dict exists $Channels $id eof stderr])} {
                if {[dict exists $Channels $id open stdout]} {
                    list stdout
                } else {
                    list stderr

        # At this point, stderr and stdout are both unwanted or unavailable.
        if {$eofDir eq {} && ![info exists noWait]} {
            # If not at EOF and not -noWait, fill the buffers and retry.
            fill $id
        } elseif {$eofDir ne {} && $eofMode eq "throw"} {
            # At end of file with -eof throw, throw an exception.
            throw {ASYNC EOF} [dict get $Channels $id eof $eofDir]
        } elseif {[info exists varName]} {
            # If -eof empty is used at end of file, or if -noWait is used
            # when no data is available, and if -variable is used, set the
            # caller's variable to empty string and return -1.  The caller
            # must use [chan eof] to disambiguate.
            uplevel 1 [list ::set $varName {}]
            return -1
        } else {
            # As above, but without -variable.  Return empty.

# ::async::read --
# Gets a block of data from the stdout and/or stderr of an asynchronous child
# process, according to the value of the -stderr switch, which defaults to
# -stderr throw.
# Yields until the requested data is available, unless -noWait is used.
# When called at end of file after all data has already been read and returned,
# the -eof switch determines whether empty string is returned or (the default
# behavior) ASYNC EOF is thrown.  By default, returns all data that is
# immediately available, yielding until at least one byte is available, but the
# -noWait, -all, -size, -min, and -max switches may be used to control the
# minimum and maximum amount of data that is returned.
# If EOF is reached on the channel (or both the channels) being read from, and
# -eof throw is used, ASYNC EOF is thrown.  With -stderr ignore, EOF on stdout
# causes ASYNC EOF to be thrown.  With -stderr read, EOF on stderr causes ASYNC
# EOF to be thrown.  In all other cases, stdout and stderr must both be at EOF
# (or be closed) for ASYNC EOF to be thrown.
# If -eof empty and -noWait are both used, [chan eof] must be used to determine
# if an empty result signifies end of file or the data not being available.
# [chan eof] can only be used to check the EOF status of stdout, not stderr.
# async::read ?-noWait? ?-dropNewline? ?-all? ?-size size? ?-min size?
#       ?-max size? ?-stderr mode? ?-eof mode? id
# -noWait: Returns immediately rather than yield if data is not available.
# -dropNewline: Strips the trailing newline at end of file, requires -all.
# -all: Reads until end of file, conflicts with -size, -min, and -max.
# -size size: Sets -min and -max to the same value.
# -min size: Minimum number of characters to read and return, default 1.
# -max size: Maximum number of characters to read and return, default unlimited.
# -stderr ignore: Ignores stderr and reads only stdout.
# -stderr merge: Reads from either stderr or stdout, whichever is available.
# -stderr tag: Like merge, except the return value is a tagged list.
# -stderr read: Ignores stdout and reads only stderr.
# -stderr throw: Returns stdout normally and throws stderr with ASYNC STDERR.
# -eof empty: If at end of file with no available data, result is empty string.
# -eof throw: If at end of file with no available data, throw ASYNC EOF.
# id: The asynchronous channel identifier returned by [async::exec].
proc ::async::read {args} {
    variable Channels

    # Parse arguments.
    set stderrMode throw
    set eofMode throw
    while {$args ne {}} {
        set args [lassign $args arg]
        if {[info exists id]} {
            return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"async::read\
                    ?-noWait? ?-dropNewline? ?-all? ?-size size? ?-min size?\
                    ?-max size? ?-stderr ignore|merge|tag|read|throw? id\""
        } elseif {$arg in {-noWait -dropNewline -all}} {
            set [string range $arg 1 end] {}
        } elseif {$arg in {-size -min -max}} {
            if {$args eq {}
             || ![string is entier [lindex $args 0]] || [lindex $args 0] <= 0} {
                return -code error "$arg switch must be followed by\
                        a positive integer"
            set args [lassign $args [string range $arg 1 end]]
        } elseif {$arg eq "-stderr"} {
            if {![llength $args]
             || [lindex $args 0] ni {ignore merge tag read throw}} {
                return -code error "-stderr switch must be followed by\
                        ignore, merge, tag, read, or throw"
            set args [lassign $args stderrMode]
        } elseif {$arg eq "-eof"} {
            if {$args eq {} || [lindex $args 0] ni {empty throw}} {
                return -code error "-eof switch must be followed by\
                        empty or throw"
            set args [lassign $args eofMode]
        } elseif {![dict exists $Channels $arg]} {
            return -code error "not an open asynchronous channel: $arg"
        } else {
            set id $arg

    # Process -all, -dropNewline, -size, -min, and -max.
    if {[info exists all]} {
        foreach var {size min max} {
            if {[info exists $var]} {
                return -code error "-all conflicts with -$var"
    } elseif {[info exists dropNewline]} {
        return -code error "-dropNewline requires -all"
    } elseif {[info exists size]} {
        set min $size
        set max $size
    } elseif {[info exists min] && [info exists max] && $max < $min} {
        return -code error "-max cannot be less than -min"
    } elseif {![info exists min]} {
        set min 1

    # Process -all is specified when -dropNewline is used.
    if {[info exists dropNewline] && ![info exists all]} {

    # Confirm the requested directions are open.
    if {![dict exists $Channels $id open stdout]
     && ![dict exists $Channels $id open stderr]} {
        return -code error "both stdout and stderr closed for asynchronous\
                channel: $id"
    } elseif {$stderrMode eq "ignore"
           && ![dict exists $Channels $id open stdout]} {
        return -code error "stdout closed for asynchronous channel: $id"
    } elseif {$stderrMode eq "read"
           && ![dict exists $Channels $id open stderr]} {
        return -code error "stderr closed for asynchronous channel: $id"

    # Loop until a complete block is available.  Return if -noWait was given and
    # both stdout and stderr are empty, incomplete, or unwanted.  At end of
    # file, the remainder of the buffer is considered to be complete even if its
    # size is less than -min value.
    while {1} {
        # First try reading from stderr, then stdout.
        foreach {dir skipMode} {stderr ignore stdout read} {
            # Skip this direction if it is closed or being ignored.
            if {$stderrMode eq $skipMode
             || ![dict exists $Channels $id open $dir]} {

            # Skip if no data is available.
            if {[set block [dict get $Channels $id buf $dir]] eq {}} {

            # When not at EOF, skip if -all is used or the block is incomplete.
            if {![dict exists $Channels $id eof $dir]
             && ([info exists all] || [string length $block] < $min)} {

            # Remove the data from the buffer, limiting to -max if given.
            if {[info exists max]} {
                dict set Channels $id buf $dir [string range $block $max end]
                set block [string replace $block $max end]
            } else {
                dict set Channels $id buf $dir {}

            # If -dropNewline, strip trailing newline.
            if {[info exists dropNewline]} {
                regsub {\n$} $block {} block

            # If -stderr throw (the default) and a complete block was read from
            # stderr, throw it rather than return it.
            if {$dir eq "stderr" && $stderrMode eq "throw"} {
                throw {ASYNC STDERR} $block

            # Return the result.  With -stderr tag, this is a list consisting of
            # "stdout" or "stderr" followed by the received data.  Otherwise,
            # the result is the data.  -stderr merge is the only case where the
            # caller won't be able to tell where the data came from.
            if {$stderrMode eq "tag"} {
                return [list $dir $block]
            } else {
                return $block

        # Check if at EOF, and in which direction.
        set eofDir [switch $stderrMode {
        ignore  {if {[dict exists $Channels $id eof stdout]} {list stdout}}
        read    {if {[dict exists $Channels $id eof stderr]} {list stderr}}
        default {
            if {(![dict exists $Channels $id open stdout]
              || [dict exists $Channels $id eof stdout])
             && (![dict exists $Channels $id open stderr]
              || [dict exists $Channels $id eof stderr])} {
                if {[dict exists $Channels $id open stdout]} {
                    list stdout
                } else {
                    list stderr

        # At this point, stderr and stdout are both unwanted or unavailable.
        if {$eofDir eq {} && ![info exists noWait]} {
            # If not at EOF and not -noWait, fill the buffers and retry.
            fill $id
        } elseif {$eofDir ne {} && $eofMode eq "throw"} {
            # At end of file with -eof throw, throw an exception.
            throw {ASYNC EOF} [dict get $Channels $id eof $eofDir]
        } else {
            # Return empty if -eof empty is used at end of file, or if -noWait
            # is used when no data is available.  The caller must use [chan eof]
            # to disambiguate.

# ::async::fill --
# Reads all available data from stdout and stderr into internal buffers.  The
# current coroutine yields until at least one character is successfully read or
# end of file is reached.  This procedure need not be called by user code.
proc ::async::fill {id} {
    variable Channels

    # Loop until data could be read.  "&" is used instead of "&&" to disable
    # short-circuit evaluation and force [flow] to be called on both stdout and
    # stderr, even when it returns nonzero for stdout.
    while {![flow $id stdout] & ![flow $id stderr]} {
        # Schedule this coroutine to be resumed when there is data.
        foreach dir {stdout stderr} {
            if {![dict exists $Channels $id eof $dir]
             && [dict exists $Channels $id open $dir]} {
                chan event [dict get $Channels $id chan $dir] readable\
                        [info coroutine]

        # Wait until at least one channel is readable.

        # Remove the scheduled channel event handlers.
        foreach dir {stdout stderr} {
            if {![dict exists $Channels $id eof $dir]
             && [dict exists $Channels $id open $dir]} {
                chan event [dict get $Channels $id chan $dir] readable {}

# ::async::flow --
# Reads all immediately available data from stdout or stderr into internal
# buffers.  This procedure need not be called by user code.  Returns the number
# of characters that were read, 0 if no data was available, or -1 if at end of
# file or the requested direction was locally closed.
proc ::async::flow {id dir} {
    variable Channels

    if {[dict exists $Channels $id eof $dir]
     || ![dict exists $Channels $id open $dir]} {
        # Already at end of file, or the requested direction was closed.
        return -1
    } elseif {[catch {chan read [dict get $Channels $id chan $dir]} data]
           || ($data eq {} && [chan eof [dict get $Channels $id chan $dir]])} {
        # At end of file, or an error occurred.
        if {$data eq {}} {
            dict set Channels $id eof $dir "end of file"
        } else {
            dict set Channels $id eof $dir $data
        return -1
    } else {
        # Not at end of file.  Possibly got some data.  Append to buffer.
        dict with Channels $id buf {append $dir $data}
        return [string length $data]

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