wrapping commands

wrapping commands is a rather common activity in Tcl. Because Tcl shows no favor to its built-in commands, it is easy to replace them with your own customized or extended versions. This can be useful in providing forward compatibility.

See Also

for in
a drop-in replacement for [for]
Larry Smith: see the "pushproc" command and demo code


Typically, one [rename]s the built-in command and then defines a [proc] to replace the built-in command. The proc implements new features, and calls on the renamed command to perform the functions already supplied by the renamed command.

As an example, consider replacing the built-in command [string] with a new version that provides the subcommand [string reverse].

rename string Tcl_string
proc string {option args} {
    switch -glob -- $option {
        rev* {
             if {[string first $option reverse] != 0} {
                return [uplevel 1 [list Tcl_string $option] $args]
            if {[llength $args] != 1} {
                return -code error "wrong # args: should be\
                        \"[lindex [info level 0] 0] reverse string\""
            set returnValue ""
            set string [lindex $args 0]
            set length [string length $string]
            while {[incr length -1] >= 0} {
                append returnValue [string index $string $length]
            return $returnValue
        default {
            uplevel 1 [list Tcl_string $option] $args

This accomplishes the task:

% string reverse foo
% string length foo

... but does not quite leave the new [string] as a perfect replacement for the built-in string. In particular, the error messages and $errorInfo generated by the replacement [string] will not match the original.

% string length foo bar
wrong # args: should be "Tcl_string length string"
% set errorInfo
wrong # args: should be "Tcl_string length string"
    while executing
"Tcl_string length foo bar"
    ("uplevel" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"uplevel 1 [list Tcl_string $option] $args"
    ("default" arm line 2)
    invoked from within
"switch -glob -- $option {
          rev* {
              if {[string first $option reverse] != 0} {
                  return [uplevel 1 [list Tcl_stri..."
    (procedure "string" line 2)
    invoked from within
"string length foo bar"
% string revurse foo
bad option "revurse": must be bytelength, compare, equal, first, index, is, last, length, map, match, range, repeat, replace, tolower, toupper, totitle, trim, trimleft, trimright, wordend, or wordstart

Fixing up these details is straightforward, but tedious, so it pays to factor out the work into a utility procedure:

proc Wrap {rename map {len 0}} {
    return [format {
        global errorInfo
        set cmd [lreplace [info level 0] 0 %d %s]
        if {[set code [catch {uplevel 1 $cmd} msg]] == 1} {
            set errList [split $errorInfo \n]
            set errList [lrange $errList 0 [expr {[llength $errList] \
                    - [llength [split $cmd \n]] - 5}]]
            set newErrorInfo [join $errList \n]
            foreach var {msg newErrorInfo} {
                regsub -all {%s} [set $var] \
                        [lrange [info level 0] 0 %d] $var
                foreach {pre post} {%s} {
                    regsub -all $pre [set $var] $post $var
            return -code error -errorinfo $newErrorInfo $msg
        return -code $code $msg
        } $len $rename $rename $len $map]

The rename argument is the name of the renamed command. The map argument is a list with an even number of elements. When broken into pairs, the first element should be replaced by the second element in all error and stack trace messages. Finally the len argument is the list index of the last word in the original command that is being replaced by wrapping. This lets one replace [string reverse] with [myStringReverse].

Here is the [string reverse] example making use of [Wrap]:

rename string Tcl_string
proc myStringReverse {args} {
    if {[llength $args] != 1} {
        return -code error "wrong # args: should be\
            \"[lindex [info level 0] 0] string\""
    set returnValue ""
    set string [lindex $args 0]
    set length [string length $string]
    while {[incr length -1] >= 0} {
        append returnValue [string index $string $length]
    return $returnValue
proc string {option args} {
    set errorMap {
        "replace, tolower"        "replace, reverse, tolower"
    switch -glob -- $option {
        rev* {
            if {[string first $option reverse] != 0} {
                eval [Wrap Tcl_string $errorMap]
            eval [Wrap myStringReverse $errorMap 1]
        default {
            eval [Wrap Tcl_string $errorMap]

Wrap Using Hidden Command and a Tailcall

PYK: [tailcall], new in version 8.6, makes wrapping easier. This example combines [tailcall] with hidden commands.

interp hide {} set
proc set args {
    puts "invoking the real set with args: $args"
    tailcall interp invokehidden {} set {*}$args

set a 5
puts $a

Extending a Command using Ensemble

CMcC has written a little proc to extend a command using ensemble.

# extend a command with a new subcommand
proc extend {cmd body} {
    set wrapper [string map [list %C $cmd %B $body] {
        namespace eval %C {}
        rename %C %C::%C
        namespace eval %C {
            proc _unknown {junk subc args} {
                return [list %C::%C $subc]
            namespace export -clear *
            namespace ensemble create -unknown %C::_unknown
    uplevel \#0 $wrapper

extend file {
    proc newer {a b} {
        return [expr {[file mtime $a] > [file mtime $b]}]

puts [file newer WubUtils.tcl Timer.tcl]

glennj I really like that. However, one drawback is that it does not "register" the new subcommand in an error message:

% file foobar
bad option "foobar": must be atime, attributes, channels, copy, delete, dirname, executable, exists,
extension, isdirectory, isfile, join, link, lstat, mtime, mkdir, nativename, normalize, owned, pathtype,
readable, readlink, rename, rootname, separator, size, split, stat, system, tail, type, volumes, or

The error message does not contain the new subcommand "newer".

This extend procedure will examine the command for it's subcommands (badly). It will also allow you to extend the command with multiple subcommands, and it will use [namespace ensemble]'s error reporting to show all of the subcommands:

package require Tcl 8.5
proc extend {cmd subcmd arglist body} {
    if {[namespace exists _extend::$cmd]} {
        set namespace_script {
            namespace eval _extend::%CMD% {
                proc %SUB% {%ARGS%} {%BODY%}
                namespace ensemble configure ::%CMD% -subcommands \
                    [concat [namespace ensemble conf ::%CMD% -sub] %SUB%]
    } else {
        set namespace_script {
            namespace eval _extend::%CMD% {
                proc %SUB% {%ARGS%} {%BODY%}
                rename %CMD% _extend::%CMD%::%CMD%
                # introspect the [%CMD%] subcommands (clumsily)
                catch {_extend::%CMD%::%CMD% asdfasdfasdf} errmsg
                regsub {^bad option ".*?": must be } $errmsg {} errmsg
                regsub { or } $errmsg { } errmsg
                foreach subcmd [regexp -all -inline {\w+} $errmsg] {
                    dict set d $subcmd [list _extend::%CMD%::%CMD% $subcmd]
                namespace ensemble create -command ::%CMD% \
                    -map $d \
                    -subcommands [concat [dict keys $d] %SUB%]
    set repl [list %CMD% $cmd %SUB% $subcmd %ARGS% $arglist %BODY% $body]
    uplevel #0 [string map $repl $namespace_script]

So that:

% close [open file1 w]
% close [open file2 w]
% extend file newer {a b} {expr {[file mtime $a] > [file mtime $b]}}
% extend file older {a b} {expr {![file newer $a $b]}}
% file newer file1 file2
% file older file1 file2

Note the "unknown subcommand" error message includes the new subcommands "newer" and "older":

% file foobar
unknown or ambiguous subcommand "foobar": must be atime, attributes, channels, copy, delete, dirname,
executable, exists, extension, isdirectory, isfile, join, link, lstat, mkdir, mtime, nativename, newer,
normalize, older, owned, pathtype, readable, readlink, rename, rootname, separator, size, split, stat,
system, tail, type, volumes, or writable

And I get to implement my pet TIP 65 [L1 ] like so:

extend info formalargs {procname} {
    set argspec [list]
    foreach arg [info args $procname] {
        if {[info default $procname $arg value]} {
            lappend argspec [list $arg $value]
        } else {
            lappend argspec $arg
    return $argspec

Although, based on chan mode, here's the way to do it with namespace ensemble

set map [namespace ensemble configure ::info -map]
dict set map formalargs ::path::to::proc_that_implements_formalargs
namespace ensemble configure ::info -map $map

Now the ensemble includes the new subcommand, and the unknown subcommand error message contains it as well.

Replacing commands in a Tcl child interpreter

When working with multiple Tcl interpreters using interp the parent interpreter often needs to perform actions within the context of the child interpreter. Care should be taken because the child may replace commands its parent interpreter wishes to use. This may cause the parent to trigger unintended behavior.

The following protects a command (in this case source) against such unintended effects:

set h [interp create]

proc ::interp_source {slave args} {
   # forward and execute the call in child interpreter context
   interp invokehidden $slave source {*}$args

interp hide $h source
interp alias $h source {} interp_source $h

interp eval $h {
   # replacing ::source command
   proc ::source {args} {
      puts "Fake source $args"
   # child interpreter using its own ::source replacement here

# parent interpreter invoking real (hidden) ::source
::interp_source $h "script.tcl"

The idea is this:

  1. The true command is hidden within the child interpreter using interp hide. Doing this a child may create its own command having the same name, but it cannot remove the hidden command.
  2. The parent interpreter invokes the hidden command within the child interpreter using interp invokehidden whenever needed. This way the parent can be sure to execute the original command.
  3. Since hiding a command makes it unavailable to the child interpreter an interp alias is created. This alias is available for use within the child interpreter. When called it is executed in the context of the parent interpreter where it forwards to the hidden command. If needed the parent can perform additional checks on the arguments.

The child interpreter may still create its own command. However as soon as the child removes this command the alias gets available again.