References to, includes from, and redirects to Object orientation

Date Name Who What
2014-03-02 01:36:22 A collate/broadcast virtual filesystem pooryorick reference
2016-01-03 07:44:59 A generic collection traversal interface pooryorick reference
2019-12-21 17:43:05 A lambda calculus interpreter with arithmetic EMJ reference
2018-09-28 12:47:39 A simple comparison of Tcl object extensions PeterLewerin reference
2018-02-07 23:27:43 A Tcl repository ak reference
2022-02-27 14:13:17 Abstract Data Types pooryorick reference
2014-03-02 01:41:26 agile pooryorick reference
2018-02-01 17:57:39 artificial intelligence SEH reference
2020-02-22 14:13:13 Beginning Tcl pooryorick reference
2014-03-02 01:42:47 BOOK Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming pooryorick reference
2014-03-02 02:56:56 C# pooryorick reference
2019-08-28 15:04:33 Category Category EMJ reference
2016-04-16 15:07:19 Category Object Orientation KJN reference
2014-03-01 22:59:57 class pooryorick reference
2018-10-16 08:45:14 command JMN reference
2014-07-28 20:58:09 Comparing Performance of Tcl OO extensions dkf reference
2016-01-03 07:48:06 Complex data structures pooryorick reference
2014-03-02 01:48:33 description logics pooryorick reference
2014-03-01 23:21:41 dicthash: Yet another lightweight object system pooryorick reference
2015-12-01 15:19:36 Dictionaries as Arrays pooryorick reference
2024-05-18 06:37:58 Distributed computation CGM reference
2022-04-11 10:20:20 Doing things in namespaces pooryorick reference
2019-10-25 10:17:00 duck typing pooryorick reference
2022-06-18 15:01:02 Dylan pooryorick reference
2020-01-27 13:57:35 ensemble extend yorickthepoor reference
2024-08-29 19:00:07 everything is a string pooryorick reference
2019-09-02 07:10:55 evil pooryorick reference
2014-03-02 01:53:31 Frames pooryorick reference
2011-04-15 12:00:23 Fun with Tcl RLE reference
2016-03-17 20:19:05 handle pooryorick reference
2014-03-02 02:02:33 How Tk compares to other GUI toolkits pooryorick reference
2004-01-21 13:47:24 How to make a Tcl application reference
2014-04-09 01:23:10 incr Tcl AMG reference
2020-10-12 16:54:42 inheritance pooryorick reference
2020-02-05 12:09:18 interp alias pooryorick reference
2023-10-14 22:07:09 Java pooryorick reference
2014-08-30 17:30:01 Java vs Tcl tpoindex reference
2023-04-25 13:44:44 Learn to Program pooryorick reference
2020-09-11 10:43:43 Meta-object Protocol pooryorick reference
2024-04-07 12:41:50 method pooryorick reference
2021-01-12 16:26:07 namespace pooryorick reference
2022-04-06 21:45:29 namespace ensemble pooryorick reference
2020-10-12 16:07:45 next-scripting pooryorick reference
2020-01-13 13:23:40 NSF pooryorick reference
2024-04-07 12:55:26 Object pooryorick reference
2023-04-26 03:16:41 ODIE JMN reference
2014-03-02 03:09:17 OO pooryorick redirect
2012-07-09 16:20:13 OOTcl RLE reference
2014-05-25 23:04:10 Ousterhout's Dichotomy RLE reference
2022-04-11 10:20:00 Playing OO pooryorick reference
2014-03-02 02:45:08 polymorphism pooryorick reference
2024-10-15 20:18:30 Poor Yorick pooryorick reference
2022-06-18 17:33:32 programming language pooryorick reference
2021-05-20 01:48:14 Programming with Prototypes escargo reference
2014-05-26 16:15:04 pypy RLE reference
2014-03-02 02:48:28 SCOOP pooryorick reference
2014-04-08 22:26:17 SELF EMJ reference
2019-07-31 11:39:35 Self Programming Language dbohdan reference
2020-12-30 12:56:03 Selfish KJN reference
2014-06-15 16:38:40 Simple Closures and Objects AMG reference
2014-03-10 15:18:06 Simple Test PeterLewerin reference
2023-02-24 13:32:24 Smalltalk pooryorick reference
2016-04-11 06:48:43 stooop rz reference
2014-03-02 02:50:01 TclCLIPS pooryorick reference
2023-02-05 20:51:30 TclOO pooryorick reference
2014-05-26 05:27:53 Techniques for making code reuse easier RLE reference
2016-09-16 07:06:17 The Anatomy of an Object System pooryorick reference
2013-11-28 17:01:37 The Simple Development Library pooryorick reference
2020-08-02 20:44:08 thread pooryorick reference
2014-09-16 14:40:22 TIP #257: Object Orientation for Tcl pooryorick reference
2024-04-05 08:00:28 Tips for writing quality software pooryorick reference
2014-03-02 02:50:42 TOOT revisited pooryorick reference
2022-04-13 16:41:02 Traits pooryorick reference
2022-03-25 14:30:26 transchan pooryorick reference
2023-07-10 21:44:03 type FM reference
2014-08-12 12:57:34 UML SEH reference
2020-09-30 11:59:50 uplevel oehhar reference
2024-02-03 20:59:53 What is Tcl CGM reference
2020-01-13 20:15:45 XOTcl pooryorick reference
2022-04-20 13:17:48 ycl pooryorick reference
2018-08-06 11:48:16 ycl shelf reference
2022-04-11 10:20:02 Yet another object system pooryorick reference