References to, includes from, and redirects to Peter Spjuth

Date Name Who What
2020-01-05 20:51:20 9th European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting paul reference
2012-07-02 02:47:31 A little GUI tester RLE reference
2018-06-27 02:36:48 AK at the Tenth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference AMG reference
2010-08-15 01:19:15 Argument Expansion Poll Summary AMG reference
2017-11-23 22:31:25 Bag of algorithms pooryorick reference
2014-07-11 03:58:33 commas added to numbers aspect reference
2011-01-28 04:48:49 Contest - finding repeating substrings RLE reference
2023-11-04 18:10:09 coroutine pooryorick reference
2021-05-27 17:25:12 coroutine-enabled event handling CGM reference
2014-06-07 20:20:09 Coverage Analysis dkf reference
2012-07-02 01:41:57 DiffUtilTcl RLE reference
2018-06-06 02:04:04 Eskil yyamasak reference
2019-01-26 04:57:07 FOSDEM 2004 chrstphrchvz reference
2012-11-30 20:01:49 Future of Tcl/Tk pooryorick reference
2015-09-02 17:37:49 How do you unpost a menu pooryorick reference
2012-05-13 05:09:23 klepsydra RLE reference
2016-02-15 18:07:02 knit dbohdan reference
2012-08-28 00:29:38 LZ77 Compression LkpPo reference
2015-04-09 13:23:09 MappingEntry dkf reference
2024-08-06 05:45:40 Nagelfar TWu reference
2022-02-14 06:56:53 PDF NR reference
2024-02-28 10:43:39 pdf4tcl oehhar reference
2009-11-15 15:24:02 playing channels with coroutines jima reference
2011-04-22 17:10:39 Playing VHDL spjuth reference
2011-07-08 08:18:33 POLL: Argument Expansion Syntax dkf reference
2025-02-09 04:04:14 Porting extensions to Tcl 9 bohagan reference
2012-01-27 22:28:07 Possible Grid Enhancements RLE reference
2008-11-07 17:09:37 Software hosting facilities makr reference
2011-04-05 23:49:53 spjuth AK redirect
2025-02-05 10:09:58 Tcl Chatroom apn reference
2025-01-27 19:57:32 Tcl'ers sergiol reference
2017-06-23 07:58:47 Tk 9.0 WishList ABU reference