References to, includes from, and redirects to Scripted List

Date Name Who What
2021-03-28 21:52:29 Additional list functions pooryorick reference
2022-04-06 19:14:31 cmdSplit pooryorick reference
2018-03-16 10:16:19 comment name reference
2016-02-11 14:54:47 Convenient list arguments - larg pooryorick reference
2019-03-20 15:18:19 decomment AMG reference
2021-03-21 21:05:51 deep dict pooryorick reference
2020-11-10 17:38:22 Dodekalogue pooryorick reference
2022-04-04 09:55:55 End of line "\" elimination pooryorick reference
2020-08-29 16:19:33 eval pooryorick reference
2021-09-10 13:31:20 list pooryorick reference
2024-10-15 20:18:30 Poor Yorick pooryorick reference
2021-06-22 18:43:26 script pooryorick reference
2020-11-13 20:31:03 Script substitution pooryorick reference
2019-10-15 13:40:26 scripted dict pooryorick reference
2021-12-10 13:28:21 scripted templates RVM reference
2014-07-29 01:51:56 shorthand dict set samoc reference
2015-11-01 21:19:43 Square bracket indentation style pooryorick reference
2022-10-10 21:42:09 switch pooryorick reference
2023-11-15 11:06:29 Tcl 9.0 WishList dbohdan reference
2014-10-12 14:43:22 Tcl Improvement Proposal #401 pooryorick reference
2019-10-14 20:45:02 Template and Macro processing pooryorick reference
2022-04-20 13:17:48 ycl pooryorick reference