References to, includes from, and redirects to testing

Date Name Who What
2014-03-25 23:30:24 A critical mindset about policy pooryorick reference
2016-02-23 21:46:04 About Tcl and popularity escargo reference
2014-03-02 01:41:26 agile pooryorick reference
2024-07-23 18:08:27 Arjen Markus Jorge reference
2025-03-25 07:12:21 Category Dev. Tools DDG reference
2023-08-18 08:30:48 Contents pooryorick reference
2015-07-12 06:13:52 DejaGnu SEH reference
2013-09-08 15:38:49 e.g. RLE reference
2019-08-16 03:32:05 ECMAscript apn reference
2025-01-27 19:47:49 EDA sergiol reference
2012-06-30 16:30:34 Extreme Programming SEH reference
2017-04-06 09:58:12 GUI EMJ reference
2023-08-18 08:31:45 How to Write Quality Documentation pooryorick reference
2002-05-15 21:06:12 Jacks reference
2023-04-25 13:44:44 Learn to Program pooryorick reference
2011-12-27 19:47:11 OLE Object Viewer RLE reference
2015-03-23 17:55:54 programming pooryorick reference
2009-05-21 14:57:47 Record and replay system for Tcl/Tk Cameron reference
2012-10-24 22:24:11 smtpd SEH reference
2016-08-03 02:59:20 Techniques for 'driving' Windows applications APN reference
2019-04-13 14:52:28 Vtk gs reference
2005-07-04 09:25:47 Your social contribution as a Tcl'er reference
2014-06-01 20:32:21 Zero-Defect Software Development AMG reference