Version 88 of Applications using Tile

Updated 2009-11-20 14:28:00 by peterc

Kevin Walzer: Who is using Tile in their applications? I'm using it on several of mine. One example is PortAuthority, a GUI to manage MacPorts packages (see ).

SRIV Here's a screenshot showing several of my apps using tile, including the window manager! DVRCam, tkinspect, kitfactory, srcalc, identcl, srmenu (upper right corner) and Whim window manager. Warning: big image

peterc's RReplace [L1 ] and Padded [L2 ] use Tile (and TclMacBag) extensively on the Mac OS X, Windows and X11 platforms.

One of the software distribution sites, DownloadTube, have produced video demos for the Windows version of Padded [L3 ] and RReplace [L4 ], so you can see these Tile widgets in action. The videos are shown in a format similar to Youtube.

JHU - Database Fishing Tool (DaFT [L5 ]) is a front-end to database that can be connected with ODBC (or unixODBC). DaFT is distributed as Open Source, and packaged as a TclKit. The Tile engine is put into the kit. Any custom themes can be added in the form of a zip file, and will be mounted as a directory an read as a tile theme package. More info on this can be found at the DaFT theme page [L6 ]. On this page an example is given of how to create your own theme.

Update: Version 1.4.0 has just been released, and the main difference is that it uses the tile's treeview for tables and columns, added with horizontal scrollbars. The horizontal scrollbar is not a treeview native function (tile 0.7.2), but has been added by pure tcl (in a kit file).

Currently there are two extra themes available; Itft1 and Smog. Here's a screenshot of DaFT with Itft1 theme:

Eolas' Muze uses Tile on OSX

MechMaster [L7 ] uses Tile on Linux and Windows.

The WITS application uses both Tile and native widgets to try and get as close to XP look as possible

TLu 2006.05.16. updated 2007.02.08 tlpmgui (GUI for TeX Live package manager) application uses tile. More about TeX Live: [L8 ]. tlpmgui use HelpSystem for display help, in previous version used HelpBrowser.

Installation window

Maintenance window during add a package

After porting into Linux:

2007.01.13: It run under MacOX x86 too:

Grimoire uses Tile on OSX

Hv3, the web browser that uses Tkhtml3 uses Tile widgets when available.


ActivePerl's PPM UI [L11 ] uses tile via Perl/Tkx, as do the ActiveState Perl Dev Kit and Tcl Dev Kit UIs.

Tcl-Pkg makes use of Tile when it is available.

MSEdit uses tile on Windows and Linux; goto [L12 ] to see a few more screnshots.

Clubnet uses tile in metering product. All our systems use a mysql database and tile 0.8.2.

Epos Solution (Flash Link File)

[L13 ]

Also in it's club membership suite of systems

LA: Here are a few more freeware software applications built using Tkx (with Tile) by Laurence Anthony:

Please add links and screenshots to real-world apps using Tile! It's important to show this vital Tk extension being used in a production setting.