Version 177 of Ask and it shall be given Discussion

Updated 2004-10-31 21:59:51

See also Ask and it shall be given Survey

GPS: A message board might be useful as a companion to the Tcl'ers Wiki and the Tcl'ers Chat. The *golden nuggets* of information could be preserved on the wiki, in a hopefully easier format to navigate. Tracking many conversations is just too painful without a more structured display. As an alternative we could have a standard response of "use news://comp.lang.tcl instead," and pull in the good posts from there (as CL and others already do).

RA I agree,. This is an excellent idea.

RS The recent rush in low-info page creation disappointed me. We had a tradition for years that, for instance, people having a question about grid just put it at bottom of that page, and some or more helpful souls answered it right there. Seems better to me than adding a hierarchy of not-always-obvious concepts on top of precise questions.

LES: I don't understand the [comments] question. The absolute majority of wikit's pages are but a long series of comments. Does this proposal mean comments on the comments??! Or a "read-only" section segregated from an editable section?!! Or what? (Yes - MAK)

RA See . It has a similar feature.

One should not rush to solutions before understanding the problem

RA Indeed! And one should not find solutions before finding problems! :-)