Version 75 of Critcl

Updated 2003-04-29 20:35:44

A shortcut for CriTcl builds C extensions on-the-fly The name stands for Compiled Runtime In Tcl.

Tcl 2002 conference paper by Steve Landers and Jean-Claude Wippler is now at [L1 ], with slides from JCW's presentation at [L2 ].

Below are some simple how-to examples.

Using inlined C code

  • make sure you have a working gcc (or mingw) setup
  • get the critlib distribution and unpack [L3 ]
  • create a test script called "three.tcl" with the following contents:
        lappend auto_path .
        package require critcl
        critcl::cproc triple {int i} int {
            return i * 3;    /* this is C code */
        puts "three times 123 is [triple 123]"
  • run the above script (using tclsh, tclkit, whatever), e.g.
        tclkit three.tcl
  • that's it - you should see the result of compiled C code
  • SC fixed typo in code above, it had critcl::ccode instead of critcl::cproc, ditto below

Building an extension for general use

  • get Steve Landers' CriTcl Starkit from [L4 ] and rename to "critcl"
  • note that you do not need to get critlib (but you do need a working gcc)
  • get a suitable copy of "tclkit" and make sure it works, see [L5 ]
  • you can get on-line help by doing "tclkit critcl"
  • create a test script called "four.tcl" with the following contents:
        package provide four 1.0
        package require critcl
        critcl::cproc quadruple {int i} int {
            return i * 4;    /* this is C code */
  • you can now turn it into a shared library extension with one command:
        cd /path/where/four.tcl/lives/
        tclkit /path/to/critcl -pkg four.tcl
 and the result is:
        Source: four.tcl 
        Package: /path/where/four.tcl/lives/lib/four
  • to test it, you could use the following script:
        lappend auto_path lib
        package require four
        puts "four times 123 is [quadruple 123]"
  • note that critcl is no longer required when using this extension
  • the "four" extension is TIP55 compliant and can be used with any stub-enabled release of Tcl

Cross compiling using Xmingwin

CriTcl supports cross compiling libraries and packages for Windows on Linux/Unix using the Xmingwin cross-compiler (based on mingw - ).

  • Once you are successful at Xmingwin installation, you'll need to set your PATH to include the Xmingwin bin directory before using CriTcl. One convenient way of doing this is to create a script called cross (in /usr/local/bin or ~/bin).
        $ cat /usr/local/bin/cross
        export PATH
        exec $@
  • Then, you can compile using the usual CriTcl package (or library) building commansd
        $ cross critcl -pkg four.tcl
        Cross compiling for Windows using Xmingwin  
        Source: four.tcl
        Library: four.dll
        Package: /path/to/four/lib/four
  • If CriTcl recognises a cross compile environment, it manipulates the tcl_platform array so that it matches that found on Windows 2000. Specifically, the following values are set
        tcl_platform(byteOrder) = littleEndian
        tcl_platform(machine)   = intel
        tcl_platform(os)        = Windows NT
        tcl_platform(osVersion) = 5.0
        tcl_platform(platform)  = windows
        tcl_platform(wordSize)  = 4
  • Critcl also provides the [critcl::sharedlibext] procedure, which returns the shared library extension for the target platform. If you plan on cross-compiling you should use this variable in your CriTcl scripts instead of [info sharedlibextension] (although overlaying the info sharedlibextension command will probably happen at some stage).
  • Intermediate files are stored in ~/.critcl/Windows-x86 irrespective of the platform on which cross compiling occurs

For an example, download , unload and change to the ex2/ directory. This contains a blowfish extension for Tcl. To build on Linux/Unix, run

    $ critcl -pkg blowfish
    Source: blowfish.tcl
    Package: /path/to/ex2/lib/blowfish

Then, to cross compile (via the above cross script) run

    $ cross critcl -pkg blowfish
    Cross compiling for Windows using Xmingwin
    Source: blowfish.tcl
    Library: blowfish.dll
    Package: /path/to/ex2/lib/blowfish

If you look under ex2/lib/blowfish you'll see


The pkgIndex.tcl will autoload the correct binary for a particular platform.

Sep 2002 - Critcl sources are now in CVS (pw empty, so no login needed):

    cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/home/cvs -z3 co critcl

To create a starkit from it, also do:

    ln -s critcl critcl.vfs
    sdx wrap critcl.kit


Discussion below moved from Scripted Compiler to the more natural place.

AM Because of Critcl I am working on a package that abstracts the concept of a compiler and a linker away from the platform-dependencies. This way Critcl will be able to support "any" compiler/linker without the user (or the Critcl programmer) having to jump through hoops.

Vince That sounds great!

Victor Without linker ?? How then I use gcc produced *.o or archives ? That is Critcl libs should take this place. Are they encrypted ? And it is still a long way to have it accepted by many people.

NEM There is Babel, by Paul Duffin. However, like Feather, it may take a while to get hold of any code from Paul.

"How to use C and Tcl Together" [L6 ] presents Critcl [CriTcl] as a profoundly important innovation.

escargo 11/11/2002: I got a 404 on this link. IDG Me too.

The link is up and functional now - AK.

escargo 12/5/2002: I see a table of contents, but no link to an article. Is it expected that the link above lead to the article itself?

Critcl makes a brief appearance in this [L7 ] column on XMingwin.

Critcl does C++

UKo How can I inject code into the package initialisation section? This is necessary to build new canvas commands or new sound subcommands for Snack.

AM There is a command cinit that allows you to do this.

UKo It isn't in the critcl wikit, is it? Where can I find an up-to-date reference? Or do I have to RTSL (Read the source Luke!)

AM I can send you the (informal) documentation I wrote ... just drop me a mail

29apr03 jcw - Here's a trick to make a file work both as Tcl script and as C source:

  #if 0
  package provide mypkg 1
  package require critcl
  #endif /*
  critcl::ccode { /* ignore lines above, but keep as is */

    #ifndef _TCL
    #include <stdio.h> /* etc ... */

    /* C code here ... */

    #ifndef _TCL
    int main(int argc, char** argv) {
      /* standalone code here ... */

  #define _ /* ignore lines below, but keep as is */ }
  #if 0
  critcl::cproc proc1 {int v} int {
    return cdef1(v);
  critcl::cproc proc2 {char* s} int {
    return cdef2(s);
  #endif /* vim: set ft=c: */

That last line makes the "vi" editor colorize the file as C code, which is presumably the bulk.

The idea is that you can embed large chunks of C in Tcl, with some trivial cproc definitions at the end calling that code, while keeping the file in a form which can also be #include'd in non-Tcl environments, e.g. building code as Tcl extension *and* as a plain C application.

The other way to do this is to use "critcl::csources somefile.c" and then to store all C code there, but this stops Critcl from auto-detecting source changes made to such an external file, so its automatic recompile won't kick in. With the above approach, you can edit at will and Critcl will compile (only) when needed, while you get Tcl's context, say for running test suites. The end result can then be used in non-Tcl contexts.

Jean-Claude was aware of Perl's Inline [...] but not (?) of Python's Weave [...] in his design of Critcl.