Version 0 of Data manipulation with tarray

Updated 2018-12-04 20:14:02 by arjen

Arjen Markus (4 december 2018) I was inspired to write the program below when using the Python extension pandas during a workshop on data science. My first implementation was a Tcl-only program, but I quickly turned to tarray as the underlying library, simply because it makes the various manipulations much easier to implement. I have been contemplating a similar implementation using SQLite, though that would probably put some strain on my knowledge of SQL ;).

Of course the code below is merely a humble beginning - it is nowhere near the feature richness that would be needed for a "true" package for data manipulation, but I think it is a good start. What is more, the data file I have been using to develop and mildly test this program, contains 54000 rows and the time it takes 1.3 seconds - most of which is spent on the two selection steps at the end. Without these two it take 0.3 seconds. Not all that bad, I'd say.

Note that the heavy duty work is all done by tarray and perhaps even more can be done by this library or its companion, xtal. So the program below, the class that is defined, is a front-end mostly.

Some caveats:

  • Because tarray makes no provision for missing values, I use the special value "Inf" (infinity) to represent such missing values.
  • Because the CSV file I use contains columns that are not correctly recognised as holding double values - that is the consequence of the rather primitive reading method - I resort to doubles instead of making a distinction between integers and doubles: tarray uses strong typing and does not allowing storing a floating-point value in a column of type integer.
# dataobj_tarray.tcl --
#     Class to hold and manipulate columnar data
#     (Inspired by Python's pandas. The underlying implementation
#     is based on Tarray)
#     Issues:
#     - "join [::tarray::table get -list $tableValue $r] \t" does not produce a string
#       containing tabs - is a proper list returned by [table get -list]?
#     - index to [table get] cannot be "end"
#     - an empty value for a column of type double causes an error
#     To do:
#     - add or delete a column
#     - correlation between two columns
#     - correlation matrix

lappend auto_path ../tarray
package require tarray

oo::class create dataObj {
    variable tableValue    ;# tarray table stores names and values
    constructor {} {
        variable tableValue
        set tableValue {}

    method readcsv {csvfile} {
        variable column
        variable tableValue

        set infile [open $csvfile]

        # Read the first two lines:
        # - The first line contains the column names
        # - The second line is used to guess the type of values
        #   (not a foolproof method, but useable as a simple heuristic)
        gets $infile line
        set columnNames [split $line ,]
        gets $infile line
        set firstValues [split $line ,]

        set tableDefinition {}
        foreach c $columnNames f $firstValues {
            lappend tableDefinition $c
            if { [string is integer $f] } {
                #lappend tableDefinition wide -- the heuristic failed on dirty_diamonds.csv
                lappend tableDefinition double
            } elseif { [string is double $f] } {
                lappend tableDefinition double
            } else {
                lappend tableDefinition string

        set tableValue [::tarray::table create $tableDefinition]

        while { [gets $infile line] >= 0 } {
            if { [catch {
                ::tarray::table vfill tableValue [split $line ,] end+1
            }] } {
                set inf [expr {1.0/0.0}]
                set row {}
                foreach {column type} $tableDefinition v [split $line ,] {
                    if { $v eq "" && $type eq "double" } {
                        lappend row $inf
                    } else {
                        lappend row $v
                ::tarray::table vfill tableValue $row end+1

    method print {{number {}}} {
        variable tableValue

        puts [join [::tarray::table cnames $tableValue] \t]

        if { $number eq {} } {
            set rows [::tarray::table size $tableValue]
        } else {
            set rows $number
        for {set r 0} {$r < $rows} {incr r} {
            puts [join [::tarray::table index $tableValue $r] \t]

    # Return the unique category names
    method categories {columnName} {
        variable tableValue

        return [lsort -unique \
            [::tarray::column range -list [::tarray::table column $tableValue $columnName] 0 end]]

    # Return the extremes for a numerical column
    method extremes {columnName} {
        variable tableValue

        return [::tarray::column minmax [::tarray::column search -inline -all -lt \
                    [::tarray::table column $tableValue $columnName] Inf]]

    # Return a histogram
    method histogram {columnName number {min {}} {max {}}} {
         variable tableValue

         set options {}
         if { $min ne {} } {
             set options "-min $min"
         if { $max ne {} } {
             set options "$options -max $max"

         set histogram [::tarray::column histogram {*}$options [::tarray::column search -inline -all -lt \
                            [::tarray::table column $tableValue $columnName] Inf] $number]
         set overview {}
         for {set row 0} {$row < $number} {incr row} {
             lappend overview [::tarray::table index $histogram $row]

         return $overview

    method normalise {columnName} {
        set column  [::tarray::table column $tableValue $columnName]
        set column1 [::tarray::column search -inline -all -lt $column Inf]
        set sum1    [::tarray::column sum $column1]
        set sum2    [::tarray::column sum [::tarray::column math * $column1  $column1]]
        set offset  [expr {$sum1 / double([::tarray::column size $column1])}]
        set scale   [expr {sqrt($sum2 / ([::tarray::column size $column1]-1.0))}]
        set column  [::tarray::column math / [::tarray::column math - $column $offset] $scale]

        ::tarray::table vcolumn tableValue $columnName $column

    method normScaled {columnName} {
         set column  [::tarray::table column $tableValue $columnName]
         set column1 [::tarray::column search -inline -all -lt $column Inf]
         lassign [::tarray::column minmax $column1] min max

         set offset  [expr {$min}]
         set scale   [expr {$max - $min}]
         set column  [::tarray::column math / [::tarray::column math - $column $offset] $scale]

         ::tarray::table vcolumn tableValue $columnName $column

    method quantile {columnName quant} {
         set column   [::tarray::table column $tableValue $columnName]
         set column1  [::tarray::column search -inline -all -lt $column Inf]
         set qindex   [expr { int($quant/100.0 * [::tarray::column size $column1]) }]
         return [::tarray::column get -list [::tarray::column sort $column1] $qindex]

    method copy {{newname {}}} {
        if { $newname eq {} } {
            return [oo::copy [self object]]
        } else {
            return [oo::copy [self object] $newname]

    method info {} {

        set columns {}
        foreach column [::tarray::table cnames $tableValue] {
            lappend columns [list $column [::tarray::table ctype $tableValue $column]]

        set info [dict create "rows" [::tarray::table size $tableValue] "columns" $columns]
        return $info

    # tarray does not support "greater-equal" or "lower-equal"
    method selectrows {columnName operation limit} {
        switch -- $operation {
            "equals" -
            "-eq"    -
            "=="     {
                set operation "-not"
            "notequal" -
            "-ne"      -
            "-not"     -
            "!="     {
                set operation "-eq"
            "greater" -
            "-gt"     -
            ">"       {
                set operation "-lt" ;# should have been -le
            "greater-equal" -
            "-ge"           -
            ">="            {
                set operation "-lt"
            "lower" -
            "-lt"   -
            "<"     {
                set operation "-gt" ;# should have been -ge
            "lower-equal" -
            "-le"         -
            "<="            {
                set operation "-gt"
            "between" {
                set operation "between"
            default {
                return -code error "Unknown operation: $operation"

        if { $operation != "between"} {
            set indices [::tarray::column search -all $operation [::tarray::table column $tableValue $columnName] $limit]
            ::tarray::table vdelete tableValue $indices
        } else {
            lassign $limit min max
            set indices [::tarray::column search -all -lt [::tarray::table column $tableValue $columnName] $min]
            ::tarray::table vdelete tableValue $indices
            set indices [::tarray::column search -all -gt [::tarray::table column $tableValue $columnName] $max]
            ::tarray::table vdelete tableValue $indices

dataObj create myData

#myData readcsv "testje.csv"
myData readcsv "dirty_diamonds.csv" ;#-- does not work because of empty value
myData print 100
puts "Values for \"cut\": [myData categories "cut"]"
puts "Values for \"clarity\": [myData categories "clarity"]"

puts "50%: [myData quantile price 50]"

puts "Extremes: [myData extremes "price"]"
puts "Histogram: [myData histogram "price" 10]"
puts "Histogram: [myData histogram "price" 10 100 2000]"

puts "Normalise by standard deviation:"
myData normalise price
puts "Extremes: [myData extremes "price"]"

puts "Normalise by min/max:"
myData normScaled price
puts "Extremes: [myData extremes "price"]"

# Copy the object
set newData [myData copy]
puts "Extremes newData: [$newData extremes "price"]"
puts "Information on the table:"
set info  [$newData info]
foreach key [dict keys $info] {
    puts "$key: [join [dict get $info $key] \n]"

# Select all rows where "cut" is ideal ...
#myData selectrows cut equals "Ideal"
puts "Rows with cut = Ideal: [dict get [myData info] rows]"
#myData selectrows carat greater 0.5
puts "Rows with cut = Ideal and carat > 0.5: [dict get [myData info] rows]"

The data file that I refer to looks like this:

6,0.24,Very Good,J,VVS2,62.8,57,336,3.94,3.96,2.48
7,0.24,Very Good,I,VVS1,62.3,57,336,3.95,3.98,2.47
8,0.26,Very Good,H,SI1,61.9,55,337,4.07,4.11,2.53

The output from the program, using the complete file is:

no      carat   cut     color   clarity depth   table   price   x       y       z
2.0     0.21    Premium E       SI1     59.8    61.0    326.0   3.89    3.84    2.31
3.0     0.23    n/a     E       VS1     56.9    65.0    327.0   4.05    4.07    2.31
4.0     0.29            I       VS2     62.4    58.0    334.0   4.2     4.23    2.63
5.0     0.31    Good    J       SI2     63.3    58.0    335.0   4.34    4.35    2.75
6.0     0.24    Very Good       J       VVS2    62.8    57.0    336.0   3.94    3.96    2.48
7.0     0.24    Very Good       I       VVS1    62.3    57.0    336.0   3.95    3.98    2.47
8.0     0.26    Very Good       H       SI1     61.9    55.0    337.0   4.07    4.11    2.53
9.0     0.22    Fair    E       VS2     65.1    61.0    337.0   3.87    3.78    2.49
10.0    0.23    Very Good       H       VS1     59.4    61.0    338.0   4.0     4.05    2.39
11.0    0.3     Good    J       SI1     64.0    55.0    339.0   4.25    4.28    2.73
12.0    0.23    Ideal   J       VS1     62.8    56.0    340.0   3.93    3.9     2.46
13.0    0.22    Premium F       SI1     60.4    61.0    342.0   3.88    3.84    2.33
14.0    0.31    Ideal   J       SI2     62.2    54.0    344.0   4.35    4.37    2.71
15.0    0.2     Premium E       SI2     60.2    62.0    345.0   3.79    3.75    2.27
16.0    0.32    Premium E       I1      60.9    58.0    345.0   4.38    4.42    2.68
17.0    0.3     Ideal   I       SI2     62.0    54.0    348.0   4.31    4.34    2.68
18.0    0.3     Good    J       SI1     63.4    54.0    351.0   4.23    4.29    2.7
19.0    0.3     Good    J       SI1     63.8    56.0    351.0   4.23    4.26    2.71
20.0    0.3     Very Good       J       SI1     62.7    59.0    351.0   4.21    4.27    2.66
21.0    0.3     Good    I       SI2     63.3    56.0    351.0   4.26    4.3     2.71
22.0    0.23    Very Good       E       VS2     63.8    55.0    352.0   3.85    3.92    2.48
23.0    0.23    Very Good       H       VS1     61.0    57.0    353.0   3.94    3.96    2.41
24.0    0.31    Very Good       J       SI1     59.4    62.0    353.0   4.39    4.43    2.62
25.0    0.31    Very Good       J       SI1     58.1    62.0    353.0   4.44    4.47    2.59
26.0    0.23    Very Good       G       VVS2    60.4    58.0    354.0   3.97    4.01    2.41
27.0    0.24    Premium I       VS1     62.5    57.0    355.0   3.97    3.94    2.47
28.0    0.3     Very Good       J       VS2     62.2    57.0    357.0   4.28    4.3     2.67
29.0    0.23    Very Good       D       VS2     60.5    61.0    357.0   3.96    3.97    2.4
30.0    0.23    Very Good       F       VS1     60.9    57.0    357.0   3.96    3.99    2.42
31.0    0.23    Good    F       VS1     60.0    57.0    402.0   4.0     4.03    2.41
32.0    0.23    Very Good       F       VS1     59.8    57.0    402.0   4.04    4.06    2.42
33.0    0.23    Very Good       E       VS1     60.7    59.0    402.0   3.97    4.01    2.42
34.0    0.23    Very Good       E       VS1     59.5    58.0    402.0   4.01    4.06    2.4
35.0    0.23    Very Good       D       VS1     61.9    58.0    402.0   3.92    3.96    2.44
36.0    0.23    Good    F       VS1     58.2    59.0    402.0   4.06    4.08    2.37
37.0    0.23    Good    E       VS1     64.1    59.0    402.0   3.83    3.85    2.46
38.0    0.31    Good    H       SI1     64.0    54.0    402.0   4.29    4.31    2.75
39.0    0.26    Very Good       D       VS2     60.8    59.0    403.0   4.13    4.16    2.52
40.0    0.33    Ideal   I       SI2     61.8    55.0    403.0   4.49    4.51    2.78
41.0    0.33    Ideal   I       SI2     61.2    56.0    403.0   4.49    4.5     2.75
42.0    0.33    Ideal   J       SI1     61.1    56.0    403.0   4.49    4.55    2.76
43.0    0.26    Good    D       VS2     65.2    56.0    403.0   3.99    4.02    2.61
44.0    0.26    Good    D       VS1     58.4    63.0    403.0   4.19    4.24    2.46
45.0    0.32    Good    H       SI2     63.1    56.0    403.0   4.34    4.37    2.75
46.0    0.29    Premium F       SI1     62.4    58.0    403.0   4.24    4.26    2.65
47.0    0.32    Very Good       H       SI2     61.8    55.0    403.0   4.35    4.42    2.71
48.0    0.32    Good    H       SI2     63.8    56.0    403.0   4.36    4.38    2.79
49.0    0.25    Very Good       E       VS2     63.3    60.0    404.0   4.0     4.03    2.54
50.0    0.29    Very Good       H       SI2     60.7    60.0    404.0   4.33    4.37    2.64
51.0    0.24    Very Good       F       SI1     60.9    61.0    404.0   4.02    4.03    2.45
52.0    0.23    Ideal   G       VS1     61.9    54.0    404.0   3.93    3.95    2.44
53.0    0.32    Ideal   I       SI1     60.9    55.0    404.0   4.45    4.48    2.72
54.0    0.22    Premium E       VS2     61.6    58.0    404.0   3.93    3.89    2.41
55.0    0.22    Premium D       VS2     59.3    62.0    404.0   3.91    3.88    2.31
56.0    0.3     Ideal   I       SI2     61.0    59.0    405.0   4.3     4.33    2.63
57.0    0.3     Premium J       SI2     59.3    61.0    405.0   4.43    4.38    2.61
58.0    0.3     Very Good       I       SI1     62.6    57.0    405.0   4.25    4.28    2.67
59.0    0.3     Very Good       I       SI1     63.0    57.0    405.0   4.28    4.32    2.71
60.0    0.3     Good    I       SI1     63.2    55.0    405.0   4.25    4.29    2.7
61.0    0.35    Ideal   I       VS1     60.9    57.0    552.0   4.54    4.59    2.78
62.0    0.3     Premium D       SI1     62.6    59.0    552.0   4.23    4.27    2.66
63.0    0.3     Ideal   D       SI1     62.5    57.0    552.0   4.29    4.32    2.69
64.0    0.3     Ideal   D       SI1     62.1    56.0    552.0   4.3     4.33    2.68
65.0    0.42    Premium I       SI2     61.5    59.0    552.0   4.78    4.84    2.96
66.0    0.28    Ideal   G       VVS2    61.4    56.0    553.0   4.19    4.22    2.58
67.0    0.32    Ideal   I       VVS1    62.0    55.3    553.0   4.39    4.42    2.73
68.0    0.31    Very Good       G       SI1     63.3    57.0    553.0   4.33    4.3     2.73
69.0    0.31    Premium G       SI1     61.8    58.0    553.0   4.35    4.32    2.68
70.0    0.24    Premium E       VVS1    60.7    58.0    553.0   4.01    4.03    2.44
71.0    0.24    Very Good       D       VVS1    61.5    60.0    553.0   3.97    4.0     2.45
72.0    0.3     Very Good       H       SI1     63.1    56.0    554.0   4.29    4.27    2.7
73.0    0.3     Premium H       SI1     62.9    59.0    554.0   4.28    4.24    2.68
74.0    0.3     Premium H       SI1     62.5    57.0    554.0   4.29    4.25    2.67
75.0    0.3     Good    H       SI1     63.7    57.0    554.0   4.28    4.26    2.72
76.0    0.26    Very Good       F       VVS2    59.2    60.0    554.0   4.19    4.22    2.49
77.0    0.26    Very Good       E       VVS2    59.9    58.0    554.0   4.15    4.23    2.51
78.0    0.26    Very Good       D       VVS2    62.4    54.0    554.0   4.08    4.13    2.56
79.0    0.26    Very Good       D       VVS2    62.8    60.0    554.0   4.01    4.05    2.53
80.0    0.26    Very Good       E       VVS1    62.6    59.0    554.0   4.06    4.09    2.55
81.0    0.26    Very Good       E       VVS1    63.4    59.0    554.0   4.0     4.04    2.55
82.0    0.26    Very Good       D       VVS1    62.1    60.0    554.0   4.03    4.12    2.53
83.0    0.26    Ideal   E       VVS2    62.9    58.0    554.0   4.02    4.06    2.54
84.0    0.38    Ideal   I       SI2     61.6    56.0    554.0   4.65    4.67    2.87
85.0    0.26    Good    E       VVS1    57.9    60.0    554.0   4.22    4.25    2.45
86.0    0.24    Premium G       VVS1    62.3    59.0    554.0   3.95    3.92    2.45
87.0    0.24    Premium H       VVS1    61.2    58.0    554.0   4.01    3.96    2.44
88.0    0.24    Premium H       VVS1    60.8    59.0    554.0   4.02    4.0     2.44
89.0    0.24    Premium H       VVS2    60.7    58.0    554.0   4.07    4.04    2.46
90.0    0.32    Premium I       SI1     62.9    58.0    554.0   4.35    4.33    2.73
91.0    0.7     Ideal   E       SI1     62.5    57.0    2757.0  5.7     5.72    3.57
92.0    0.86    Fair    E       SI2     55.1    69.0    2757.0  6.45    6.33    3.52
93.0    0.7     Ideal   G       VS2     61.6    56.0    2757.0  5.7     5.67    3.5
94.0    0.71    Very Good       E       VS2     62.4    57.0    2759.0  5.68    5.73    3.56
95.0    0.78    Very Good       G       SI2     63.8    56.0    2759.0  5.81    5.85    3.72
96.0    0.7     Good    E       VS2     57.5    58.0    2759.0  5.85    5.9     3.38
97.0    0.7     Good    F       VS1     59.4    62.0    2759.0  5.71    5.76    3.4
98.0    0.96    Fair    F       SI2     66.3    62.0    2759.0  6.27    5.95    4.07
99.0    0.73    Very Good       E       SI1     61.6    59.0    2760.0  5.77    5.78    3.56
100.0   0.8     Premium H       SI1     61.5    58.0    2760.0  5.97    5.93    3.66
101.0   0.75    Very Good       D       SI1     63.2    56.0    2760.0  5.8     5.75    3.65
Values for "cut": {} Fair Goed Good Ideal Premium {Very Good} n/a
Values for "clarity": I1 IF SI1 SI2 VS1 VS2 VVS1 VVS2
50%: 2401.0
Extremes: 326.0 18823.0
Histogram: {326.0 25334} {2175.7 9328} {4025.4 7393} {5875.1 3878} {7724.8 2364} {9574.5 1745} {11424.2 1306} {13273.9 1002} {15123.6 863} {16973.3 726}
Histogram: {100.0 0} {290.0 1368} {480.0 4672} {670.0 5332} {860.0 4069} {1050.0 2525} {1240.0 1742} {1430.0 988} {1620.0 1900} {1810.0 1610}
Normalise by standard deviation:
Extremes: -0.6438430557412449 2.657960519401242
Normalise by min/max:
Extremes: 0.0 1.0
Extremes newData: 0.0 1.0
Information on the table:
rows: 53939
columns: no double
carat double
cut string
color string
clarity string
depth double
table double
price double
x double
y double
z double
Rows with cut = Ideal: 53939
Rows with cut = Ideal and carat > 0.5: 53939