Version 10 of Decision trees

Updated 2007-06-25 13:02:31 by LV

WikiDbImage dtree.gif

Richard Suchenwirth 2002-06-22 - Decision trees are, in this simple model, binary trees which are walked from the root node by asking the yes-no question associated to a node, and branching according to the answer, until a terminal node is reached, which is the solution.

Imagine a game where a number between 1 and 9 is to be guessed. A possible decision tree (in nested list notation, where each non-terminal node has three elements: the question, and the decision trees for the "no (0) and "yes" (1) case) could be this: }

 set guess19 {
    even {
        prime {
            "multiple of 3" 1 9
        } {
            "multiple of 3" {
                "divisor of 10" 7 5
            } 3
    } {
        prime {
            square {
                "multiple of 3" 8 6
            } 4
        } 2

if 0 {Another example, an animal-guessing game:}

 set animals {
    four-legged {
        feathered {
            "able to swim" ant fish
        } {
            "able to swim" hen duck
    } {
        furry {
            "able to jump" pig frog
        } {
            "able to swim" cat dog

if 0 {For walking a decision tree from root to solution we write a generic recursive function that takes a tree and the names of two functions for asking resp. answering, so it can be used both in stdio-based tclsh and a Tk UI:}

 proc walkDtree {dt askF answerF} {
    switch -- [llength $dt] {
        1 {$answerF $dt}
        3 {
            if [$askF [lindex $dt 0]] {
                walkDtree [lindex $dt 2] $askF $answerF
            } else {
                walkDtree [lindex $dt 1] $askF $answerF
        default {error "bad dtree $dt, must have 1 or 3 elements"}

# Now testing, first in stdin/stdout (SIO) mode:

 proc walkDtreeSIO dt {
     while 1 {
        # easily terminated by entering a non-Boolean answer
        puts "Guess one of [lsort [dtreeLeaves $dt]]."
        walkDtree $dt askSIO answerSIO
 proc askSIO question {
    puts -nonewline "Is it $question? "
    flush stdout
    gets stdin answer
    expr {$answer && 1} ;# force boolean evaluation
 proc answerSIO answer {
    puts "The answer is $answer."
 proc dtreeLeaves dt {
    switch -- [llength $dt] {
        1 {set dt}
        3 {
            concat [dtreeLeaves [lindex $dt 1]] \
                   [dtreeLeaves [lindex $dt 2]]
        default {error "bad dtree $dt, must have 1 or 3 elements"}

# ... and a Tk version, which includes a tree display:

 proc walkDtreeUI dt {
    text .t -width 50 -wrap word
    frame .f
    button .f.1 -text Yes -command {set ::answer yes}
    button .f.0 -text No  -command {set ::answer no}
    button .f.c -text ? -command [list toplevelDtree $dt]
    pack .f.1 .f.0 .f.c -side left -fill x -expand 1
    pack .t .f -fill x
    bind . <Escape> {exec wish $argv0 &; exit}
    while 1 {
        .t insert end "Guess one of: [lsort [dtreeLeaves $dt]]:\n"
        walkDtree $dt askUI answerUI
 proc askUI question {
    .t insert end "Is it $question? "
    .t see end
    vwait ::answer
    .t insert end $::answer\n
    expr {$::answer=="yes"}
 proc answerUI answer {
    .t insert end "The answer is $answer.\n\n"
    .t see end

#-------------------------------- Decision tree visualization:

 proc dtree2canvas {dt c x y {xm 0} }  {
    set id [$c create text $x $y -text [lindex $dt 0] -tag txt]
    switch -- [llength $dt] {
        1 {# nothing more to do for a leaf}
        3 {
            set offset [expr {abs($x-$xm)/2}]
            set x0 [expr {$x - $offset}]
            set x1 [expr {$x + $offset}]
            set y1 [expr {$y + $offset}]
            $c create line $x $y $x0 $y1
            dtree2canvas [lindex $dt 1] $c $x0 $y1 $x
            $c create line $x $y $x1 $y1
            dtree2canvas [lindex $dt 2] $c $x1 $y1 $x
        default {error "bad dtree $dt, must have 1 or 3 elements"}
    $c create rect [$c bbox $id] -fill white -outline white
    $c raise txt
 proc toplevelDtree dt {
    if {![winfo exists .dtree]} {
        toplevel .dtree
        pack [canvas .dtree.c -width 400 -height 200]
        dtree2canvas $dt .dtree.c 200 20
    raise .dtree
 if {[package provide Tk]!=""} {walkDtreeUI $animals}

if 0 {This works the way it should. After some tries you of course notice that the sequence of questions is predictable - it should, because we constructed it into the decision tree. But it would be nicer if we didn't have to construct such a tree structure ourselves, but let Tcl do it - starting from a set of stated facts, where each fact is a predicate and the list of cases for which it holds:}

 set facts19 {
    {even {2 4 6 8}}
    {prime {2 3 5 7}}
    {square {1 4 9}}
    {"multiple of 3" {3 6 9}}
    {"divisor of 10" {1 2 5}}

if 0 {In order to traverse the tree with as few as possible questions, it should be balanced, so that the weight difference between left and right branch is minimal. Therefore we determine the "best fact":}

 proc facts2dtree {facts {choices {}} } {
    if {$choices==""} {set choices [facts2choices $facts]}
    if {[llength $choices]==1} {return $choices}
    foreach {name bchoices} [bestFact $facts $choices] break
    list $name \
         [facts2dtree $facts [allbut $choices $bchoices]]\
         [facts2dtree $facts $bchoices]
 proc facts2choices facts {
    # determine the "universe" from a set of facts
    set res {}
    foreach fact $facts {
        foreach i [lindex $fact 1] {
            if {[lsearch $res $i]<0} {lappend res $i}
    set res
 proc bestFact {facts choices} {
    set nchoices [llength $choices]
    set center [expr {$nchoices / 2.}] ;# optimum balance
    set t {}
    foreach fact $facts {
        foreach {name cases} $fact break
        set validcases [intersect $cases $choices]
        set nvalid [llength $validcases]
        if {$nvalid>0 && $nvalid<$nchoices} {
            lappend t [list \
                [expr {abs([llength $validcases]-$center)}]\
                $name $validcases]
    if {[llength $t] == 0} {
        error "no way to distinguish $choices - add more facts"
    foreach {- name c} [lindex [lsort -index 0 -real $t] 0] break
    list $name [intersect $choices $c]
 #-------------------------------- general set handling routines
 proc allbut {all but} {
    # returns all elements of 'all' that are not in 'but'
    set res {}
    foreach i $all {
        if {[lsearch $but $i]<0} {lappend res $i}
    set res
 proc intersect {list1 list2} {
    # returns all elements that are both in list1 and list2
    set res {}
    foreach i $list1 {
        if {[lsearch $list2 $i]>=0} {lappend res $i}
    set res

After this purely home-grown toy, a bigger one based on the C4.5 system is at Playing C4.5

EMJ - Well, since this is starting to look like Animal [L1 ], does anyone want to make it learn new facts? (No, don't even think about the Pervade bit!)

NEM - Your wish is my command: a little learning decision tree.

See also Binary trees - Trees as nested lists - Decision trees as expressions

Category Concept - Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming