Version 7 of Dutch Tcl Users Group

Updated 2003-01-13 08:28:52

In the chat, Arjen Markus and Pascal Scheffers have decided to see who wants to attend a Dutch Tcl Users Group.

A tentative date for a first meeting is is 10 / 11 Februari 2003 (monday/tuesday)

A possible location is the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam (PS will ask if it's okay).

So, who will join us?

Pascal Scheffers is curious about who John Remijn is, what he does, etc. AM we are just curious about you as a "new kid on the block" :)

(JR) A typical TCL user, for quite some time now. Currently using TCL for test automation. Or more exactly, i am encouraging others to use it. And being quite succesful at that :-)

Topics, Talks and Catering

PS I am rather new at this (TUGing), so what does every one want? If enough people show up, a couple of full blown presentations would be nice. Or we could keep it simple and just chat about what we do. I'll start of a list of things I've recently Tcl-i-fied, but please add things you have done or would like to discuss.

  • Linking database applications together (Postgresql, Sybase, MS Access)
  • Fully automated, encrypted email messaging
  • Web based database applications (AOLserver)
  • Using Tcl to create network tunnels
  • Mail transformation with Tcl and qmail.
  • ...

AM Let me add the things that I use Tcl for:

  • Mathematical tools - just hobbyism I suppose, but I find Tcl to be particularly easy for that
  • Test automation - especially for the numerical models and auxiliary programs I maintain and develop professionally
  • Graphical user-interfaces - a few commercial applications where light-weight GUIs are required
  • Controlling external programs - both as part of test automation and for its own sake (catching the results, making sure all the input is there etc.)