Version 93 of Expect

Updated 2003-08-14 20:52:59

Expect is known primarily as an indispensable application for system administrators. Amazingly enough, it is, at its heart, Just Another Tcl Extension (JATE). is the home Web site for Expect. It supplies sources and considerable history, background, and instruction. It does fail to mention, though, recognition [L1 ] of Expect as one of the 100 most important publications of NIST's [L2 ] first century.

This package is part of the ActiveTcl Batteries Included distribution.

What is Expect?

[Discuss the idea here]

People use Expect to automate interaction with non-GUI (and typically non-cursor-controlled, even though a persevering Expect programmer can tackle them, too) applications that prompt the user for input. Examples of commands that often appear in Expect scripts are the Unix passwd, ftp, telnet, and command-line shells. Expect is the natural answer for those who want to automate password changes, or periodically update FTP sites, or check the statuses of a collection of remote systems by logging in.

Expect comes with a bunch of examples that are indispensable and unique full-function tools in their own right like cryptdir, passmass, unbuffer, kibitz, dislocate, etc, etc.

The latest cool new Expect whizbang: multixterm.

Where can I learn about Expect's commands?

[Are the man pages available on] was one place where Expect commands were discussed - it is, however, no longer available.

A common question is Is Expect thread-safe? The answer, by Don Libes recently, was No. [L3 ]

Another common question is Is there a newer version of Expect that works (and/or works better) for Windows? The answer is no, there is not. [Anyone have a web page or pointer to the discussion of the need for funding to get this update done, beyond that available in the page on Expect for Windows?]

Is there an issue--perhaps even a fault--with "indirect spawn id-s" in multi-way expect-s?

LV offers an example of his use of Expect: "Our local public library used to have a telnet interface to its patron account system. I wrote an Expect script which logged onto the system, queried for the holdings status of each account in my family, then logged off. I would run this from cron and get a report as to which books were coming up for return, what items were held for pick up, and so on. I then placed the text version of that report into a directory where a daily sync to my Palm Pilot would result in a PalmOS memo containing this info."

[Explain how Expect is indispensable, the book [L4 ] is superb, and so on.]

If you find you're thinking too much while on an Expect project, give autoexpect a chance to be your friend.

A large number of tutorials on Expect have been published over the last decade. Among those available online are

  • Diep Ly's [L5 ]
  • the RayCosoft one [L6 ]
  • unos en espaol de Vega Barreiro [L7 ] e el colectivo "Linux Cuba" [L8 ]
  • probably the single most well-known introduction to Expect and Tcl is Will Morse's [L9 ]
  • [... many others ...]

CL writes on news:comp.lang.tcl :

"... The Expect (as a language) we commonly learn is an abbreviation of the platonic Expect in which we can most portably write. The true action pair is

  exp_send $challenge
  expect $response

rather than

  send $challenge
  expect $response

As a convenience, base Expect includes several synonyms, of which {exp_send,send} is one example.

When working with an extended Tcl, such as Tk, it's often necessary to project back to the canonical command forms, specifically to resolve name conflicts (Tk has its own send).

If Expect had been written for ten-year-old Tcl, rather than being the first extension ever discovered, it of course would rely on namespaces to avoid name conflicts.

CL keeps a bit of supplementary information on Expect at [L10 ].

Some of the people who have stumbled on Expect in the year 2001 would actually be better served by ssh or such protocol packages from tcllib as ftp, http, smtp,

 ...  [CL] especially emphasizes that

there are many jobs--FTP [L11 ] and e-mail automation, especially--for which Expect is generally not the best tool. For those who insist, though, w3m provides a nice model of what's possible with standard command-line utilities for these protocols.

D. J. Hagberg rightly writes, "Here's the BIG RULE for Expect: Every exp_spawn requires a call to exp_close *and* exp_wait."

Stubsification of Expect

One of the questions asked most frequently about Expect is how to access the result of a remote command in Expect. Also common: "How Expect sees function keys" and "Expect for Windows".

CL recently mentioned on comp.lang.tcl that expect has a $HOME/.expectrc file that can be used to predefine procs, variables, etc. that one uses regularly.

[CL needs to explain inband_ftp, Expect philosophy, and vivid cat-based example. Also, how to handle sensitive information (passwords) embedded in plain-text Expect scripts.]

ActiveState maintains online copies of documentation at [L12 ].

One frequently-asked question is how to send escape characters through Expect.

"Debugging Expect programs"

"Remote input-output with Expect"

"Expect--the only language you need" [L13 ]

"Expect: The Firefighter's Friend" [L14 ]

"Secure expect"

"No-nothing Expect" <- is this supposed to be the name of an article or new wiki page? If new page, should that title be Know-Nothing Expect? What is the proposed topic.

Expect's old. Expect disappoints and frustrates some newcomers, because it's done well in the style of 1992-1994. With PHP, for example, if you have a question or a need for explanation, you're likely to find rewarding. That's not how Expect is managed, at least not now (mid-2002). Expect's high-level aim is that, "It's in the book" (BOOK Exploring Expect) accurately answers all questions. The book is really quite marvelous as both introduction and reference--but its style might strike some readers as archaic and inaccessible, at least until they shift to accept the approach that was the best in computing about a decade ago.

This is CL's personal view.

Expect related resources within the Tcl community include:

What: Expect

 Description: Expect is a scripting language to interface with programs
         such as FTP, telnet, fsck, and others that normally cannot be
         automated from a shell script.  Think of it as providing the means
         to 'remote control' other programs.  It is thus also good for
         automating program execution on remote systems, and providing the
         means to creating Tk interfaces on top of other, non-GUI, programs
         V5.x is Tcl 7.x compatible.  The version on
         liv, while not from the author, is a set of source modified to
         be used with tclX, BLT, and TkSteal.  V5.28 (the tar.gz version)
         is Tcl 8.0 compatible.  This package will also build [expectk], which
         allows one to write Tk interfaces to the above types of programs.
         The version at berkeley is a release of Expect for Windows NT,
         which includes patches to Tcl to allow fileevent to work for pipes
         and serial ports.  It does not work for Windows 95.  Check its web
         page for info on the latest development snapshots.
         The url for a version of Expect 5.25/Tcl 7.6 for Japanese Tcl is
          mentioned above.
         The slavedrv code mentioned above is an attempt to port a recent 
          version of expect to recent version of Windows.  It may not have
          all the expect functionality.
         Version 5.31 of Expect, compatible with Tcl 8.2, is also available from
         the Sourceforge CVS repository.
 Updated: 05/2002
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Don Libes)
         mailto:[email protected]
         mailto:[email protected] (Gordon Chaffee)

 What: 99 bottles of beer on the wall
 Where: From the contact
 Description: Expect script which simulates a human typing the beer song
        as they drink the beer.
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Don Libes)

 What: beast
 Description: Both Expect And Scotty Together (BEAST) permits intelligent
        interrogation of network nodes to see if they support IP stacks
        and a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent.
        Recently updated to include support for Tcl 8.0, Scotty v2.1.9
        and Expect 5.25.
 Updated: 08/1998
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Ian Jarrett)

 What: Best Ferrups UPS monitor
 Where: From the contact
 Description: Program monitors Best Ferrups UPS using expect and displays
        the results using Tk.  Pages if alarm condition.  Requires Tcl 7.5
        and Expect 5.20.
 Updated: 03/1999
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Doug Hughes)

 What: Dataplot
 Description: Free public domain multi-platform software system for
         scientific visualization, statistical analysis and non-linear
         modeling.  Makes use of Tcl/Tk, Expect, etc. to provide a
         graphical interface.
 Updated: 10/2001
 Contact: mailto:[email protected]

 What: DejaGnu
 Description: An expect 5.x based package designed to be a framework
         for testing other software.  Separate test suites exist for
         GDB and binutils.  Note that the tar includes a complete release
         of Tcl 7.5 and expect 5.x.  Additional test suites are available.
         Currently it is at 1.4.0 .
 Updated: 09/2001
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Rob Savoye)

 What: dialUpManager
 Description: An Expect/Tk script to start and stop ASPPP interfaces on Solaris.
 Updated: 02/2000
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Paul Tod Rieger)

 What: Drone
 Description: Automatically run batch simulations.  Runs can be distributed
         over the internet or run locally.  Written in Expect.
 Updated: 04/2000
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Ted Belding)


 What: expecTerm
 Description: expect with terminal emulation
 Updated: 09/1997
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Christopher J. Matheus) and
         mailto:[email protected] (Mark D. Weissman)

 What: FAQ builder
 Description: A generic FAQ Builder source, used to create either text or
         HTML.  Used as the basis of the FAQ for Expect.
         The process is described in the PostScript paper on CGI.
         Warning: If you try to display the above using a Netscape client
         which has the Tcl plugin, you only get an empty page - the
         plugin tries to execute it and cannot due to the presence of
         some commands not implemented in the plugin.
 Updated: 09/1997
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Don Libes)

 What: Forecast
 Description: Tk 4.2/Tk 8.0 GUI based tool for writing Tcl/Tk/Expect.
 Updated: 09/1997
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Andrew Le)

 What: ftp-inband
 Where: From the contact
 Description: An expect script which uses its own internal protocol to copy
         files over a telnet/rlogin/etc. link.
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Don Libes)

 What: GDB Tk interface (tgdb)
 Where: ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
 Description: Tcl/Tk based interface to gdb, similar to xxgdb and mxgdb.  Uses
         Tcl, Tk, expect, tclX, BLT, and TkSteal.  This is a shareware
         product.  Binaries for most Unix platforms are available at this
         same site.
 Updated: 10/1998
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Tgdb questions)
         mailto:[email protected] (HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH)

 What: idiff
 Description: An interactive diff program, written in Expect and
         based on the C from Kernighan and Pike's "The Unix Programming
         Environment" book.
 Updated: 02/1997
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Alistair G. Crooks)

 What: Intranet Developer's Kit
 Description: IDK contains enhanced and stabilized internet technologies
         (perl, Tcl, Tk, expect, and Apache) from the internet.  Cygnus
         provides multiple levels of support for IDK.  It is with IDK that
         enterprise clients, ISPs and the like, can establish commercially
         viable WWW presence using FREE software.
 Contact: mailto:[email protected]

 What: Libsearch
 Where: From the contact
 Description: expect driven interface to internet library databases.
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Terrence Brannon) ???

 What: Monitor files
 Where: From the contact
 Description: An Expectk script to perform a tail -f on a file and display
         the results.
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Bob Willmot)

 What: moonshine
 Description: Source code editor which recognizes most of the Tcl/Tk, Itcl,
         and Expect commands.  Has customizable syntax highlighting
 Updated: 02/2000
 Contact: mailto:[email protected]

 What: nasppp
 Where: From the contact
 Description: nasppp provides Linux users with support of various network
         protocols.  You must have PPP compiled statically into your kernel,
         as well as have PPP v2.2.0f or greater and Expect.
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (John Gotts)

 Description: Program automates administrative tasks across apps, using
         ssh/scp.  Doc says that script requires Expect/Tcl/Tk .
 Updated: 08/2001
 Contact: mailto:[email protected]

 What: router-stats
 Description: Gather statistics about router data and then create bar
         graphs of the data.  For more data, see
         Depends on Tcl, Expect, and Perl.
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Iain Lea)

 What: rscript
 Description: Expect/Tcl script to automate remote login and command execution.
         Supports various protocols, including ssh, ssh2, telnet and
         ftp.  Optional remote mail notification of output.
 Updated: 04/1999
 Contact: mailto:[email protected]

 What: runshell
 Description: Example of using Expect to open a shell and sending commands
         to it, parsing the output and returning it as a result.
 Updated: 03/2001
 Contact: mailto:[email protected]

 What: sgitcl
 Where: From SGI
 Description: sgitcl comes standard with SGI's version Irix 6.2 and higher
         operating system.  It includes Tcl, Tk, tclX, tkX, and Tm - a
         Tcl Motif toolkit as well as other frequently requested extensions.
         The latest report was that it was based on Tcl 7.4/Tk 4.0/Tcl Motif
         1.4/Expect 5.17/incr Tcl 1.5 .  Oratcl, Sybtcl, GLXaux as well
         as some custom sgitcl extensions (tclObjSrv, rstat, sautil,
         SNMP, wwwHelp, as well as support for various SGI specific
         widgets and the Xbae Matrix widget) are also provided.
 Updated: 04/1997
 Contact: Unknown

 What: SLOCCount
 Description: Suite of software metric programs for counting
         physical source lines of code (SLOC) in large software systems.
         Recognizes a wide number of languages, including Ada, Assembler, awk,
         C, C++, FORTRAN, Java, lex, LISP, Makefiles, Objective-C,
         Pascal, Perl, Python, sed, shell, SQL, Tcl/Expect, YACC, etc.
         Comes with RPMs as well as in a cygwin compatible format.
         Currently at version 2.09 .
 Updated: 07/2001
 Contact: mailto:dwheeler at dwheeler dot com

 What: SSH Buddy
 Description: Tcl/Tk/Expect frontend to the ssh command.
         Supports saving site names, login ids, passwords, etc.
         Currently at v1.05 beta.
 Updated: 08/1999
 Contact: mailto:[email protected]

 What: term_expect
 Description: Expectk script that tests character graphic (e.g., Curses) apps.
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Don Libes)

 What: tkDCSE
 Description: Dedicated Comparative Sequence Editor - a Tk application for
         Irix 5.2 (though it should be able to be ported).
         This is a multiple sequence alignment program of
         interest to biologists.  It also includes a modified Tcl/Tk, with
         the following extensions dynamically loadable: [incr tcl]/itcl, wigwam,
         blt, expect, tclX, tix, table, mb, and etraL (some extra list
         commands written by the contact).  See also
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Peter.DeRijk)

 What: TkFestival
 Description: Tcl/Tk frontend to the Festival speec synthesis program.
         Uses Expect and Tk to communicate with festival.
         Under the GNU GPL.
         Currently at version 0.1.
 Updated: 08/2001
 Contact: mailto:[email protected]

 What: TkLayers
 Where: From the contact
 Description: Tk/Expectk interface to ulayers, a windowing package
         for serial protocol Unix users.
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Dan Wallach)

 What: tkps (Rieger)
 Description: Tk wrapper around the Unix ps process status command.
 Updated: 02/2000
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Paul Tod Rieger)

 What: tkTelnet (Patel)
 Description: An expectk script that automates logging into machines
         via telnet.  Requires Tcl 7.4/Tk 4.0/Expect 5.17 or
 Updated: 02/1997
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Yatish Patel)

 What: tkterm
 Description: Expect bindings to make Tk text widget into terminal emulator.
         Pterm is an updated version of tkterm by Bruce STephers
         mailto:[email protected] to add more terminal
         emulation abilities.
 Updated: 02/1997
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Don Libes)

 What: Usenet gateways for Compuserve and GEnie
 Where: From the contact
 Description: Software using Expect, Bourne shell, and C which provides
         a gateway between GEnie and/or Compuserve Information Systems and
         a local moderated Usenet newsgroup.
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (David Beckemeyer)

 What: VSC Lite
 Description: Light version of the full Open Group commands and utilities
         test suite.  Based on Tcl/Expect.
         Currently at version 5.1.1L .
 Updated: 09/2001
 Contact: mailto:andrew at abs dot net

 What: X-SETI
 Description: Another frontend for the Unix SETI@home client, based on
         Tk and Expect.  The current version is v0.8.1.
 Updated: 05/1999
 Contact: mailto:[email protected]

 What: xibc
 Description: Requires expectk - provides an X11 front-end for the Internet
         Backgammon Server.
 Updated: 02/1997
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Jesper Blommaskog)

 What: xrshells
 Description: Using expect, start up remote shells to several machines, then
         forward the user's keystrokes to all of those remote shells.
         The output of each shell is presented in separate xterms.  Provides
         interface to making the same changes against a series of machines
         in parallel.
 Updated: 07/1998
 Contact: mailto:[email protected]

 What: beast
 Description: Tcl toolkit which combines both Expect and Scotty, allowing
         network interrogation and intelligent configuration of nodes.
         It is a SunOS 4.x binary, with a readme that explains how to
         compile your own port.
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Ian Jarrett)

 What: Calc_Object
 Description: A Tcl object which talks to bc via expect.
 Updated: 10/1998
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Terrence Brannon) (???)

 What: gwlogin.exp
 Description: Automated double-login via ssh.
 Updated: 10/2002
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Roland Roberts)

Expect for languages other than Tcl

Most programmers don't know what Expect can do for them

I am new to Expect

Event-oriented Expect

Expect vs. Tcl

Network programming with Expect

Expect and Tclkit

Don explains how far from trivial pty management is, and other lessons, in his memoir [L15 ] on Expect's first seven years.

Question: has anyone written tcl code to parse $argv in a manner equivalent to the C main() function that ships with the expect source code? In this way, one could use the Tcl script:

 package require Tcl
 package require Expect

 parse_and_perform_functions $argv

and have the equivalent of the compiled binary executable expect. And at that point, one might be able to create a starkit for Expect, the natural modern expression of a combination of Expect and Tclkit ...

[ Category Package

Category Expect ]