Version 19 of MIB Smithy SDK

Updated 2003-06-09 12:12:59

"[T]he SDK [L1 ] provides an extension to Tcl/Tk (8.1+) that allows development of custom scripts for controlling SNMP agents or manipulating SMI definitions, conversions, etc." That's part of the description Michael Kirkham of COMPANY: Muonics posted in a May 2003 thread [L2 ] which announced this commercial product.

MAK - MIB Smithy SDK is not based in any way on Scotty. Entirely different architecture, codebase and APIs, with a number of unique features. Any similarities with Scotty are coincidental.

MAK - A 15-day evaluation version of the extension is now available for download. The evaluation version has a few limitations: there is a 5-module limit, CBC-DES encryption is disabled, and loaded module definitions are "read only" (ie., the same way similar SNMP/SMI extensions work - you can query MIB definitions such as OIDs, types, group members, etc., but you cannot modify them via the APIs as you can with the full version). Otherwise, the evaluation is fully functional.

The demo can be downloaded from:


Consult the online developer's guide for instructions on loading and using the extension:

Let us know if you have any difficulties. Thanks!

MAK - (02 June 2003) As of version 2.1, MIB Smithy SDK now supports sending and receiving notifications (traps and informs), provides additional APIs for multiple types of OID comparisons, column instance identifier parsing, and other "convenience" APIs. Internal indexing and search algorithms have been greatly improved for a greater than 95% performance gain when loading and compiling several hundred MIB modules in a single database. More details can be found in the website or in the comp.lang.tcl announcement [L3 ].

MAK - (09 June 2003) Version 17.3 of moodss now includes a module integrating MIB Smithy SDK for secure SNMPv3 monitoring and compatibility with current Tcl/Tk versions. The module requires MIB Smithy SDK 2.1 or later. Press Release: [L4 ]

A basic script for listening for notifications and printing all of the information received to stdout:

 # Load the MIB Smithy SDK into Tcl
 package require SmithySDK

 # Load MIB file - you'll need one of these for each dependency, up to
 # 5 modules with the evaluation version.
 # smilib import -file your-mib-file.mib

 # Define a simple handler to dump trap information to stdout
 # args gets a list of paired items containing all information parsed
 # out of the message and trap PDU.
 proc printNotification { args } {
     foreach { param value } $args {
        if {$param == "-varbinds"} {
            foreach vb $value {
               set varOID [lindex $vb 0]
               set varType [lindex $vb 1]
               set varValue [lindex $vb 2]

               set varName [smilib get -name $varOID]
               set varSuffix [smilib get -oidsuffix $varOID]

               if {$varSuffix != ""} {
                  append varName ".$varSuffix"

               puts "VB $varName == $varValue (type $varType)"
        } else {
            puts "$param == $value"

 # If necessary, configure a different port to listen to for traps.
 # Default port is 162, which requires root priviledges on Unix.
 # snmplib config -localport 4000

 # Register the handler to be called for all notification types.
 # Use -trap for only traps or -inform for only informs.
 snmplib bind -notifications printNotification

 # Wait for ever, processing events, if running in the Tcl shell
 # (Tcl will not process events at the normal Tcl shell prompt, but
 # the wish shell will.)
 vwait forever

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