Version 10 of Metakit2

Updated 2002-02-26 17:35:08

MetaKit has its own Wiki [L1 ] and home page [L2 ]. MetaKit is the persistence engine for WiKit, of course.

Mark Roseman has written a tutorial [L3 ] on MetaKit for Tcl developers.

DGP For what it's worth, here are the points I found most useful in the Roseman intro:

  • Use fields that define as small a unit of information as possible.
  • Creating more views is a good thing. Do that, don't muck up a single view with special cases.
  • Moving data to/from a Tcl array is easy and familiar to Tclers.
  • Emphasis that restructuring of a view layout means you can continue revising your data model as you go.
  • Some discussion when subviews are good vs. additional views.