Version 20 of Metakit2

Updated 2003-03-18 19:36:55

MetaKit has its own Wiki [L1 ] and home page [L2 ]. MetaKit is the persistence engine for WiKit, of course.

Mark Roseman has written a tutorial [L3 ] on MetaKit for Tcl developers. Here's the same tutorial [L4 ] in HTML. Here's the detailed documentation [L5 ].

The MetaKit File Format.

The Tcl binding to Metakit is named "Mk4tcl". This package is part of the ActiveTcl Batteries Included distribution.

DGP For what it's worth, here are the points I found most useful in the Roseman intro:

  • Use properties that define as small a unit of information as possible.
  • Creating more views is a good thing. Do that, don't muck up a single view with special cases.
  • Moving data to/from a Tcl array is easy and familiar to Tclers.
  • Emphasis that restructuring of a view layout means you can continue revising your data model as you go. Just start coding; you can change it later.
  • Some discussion when subviews are good vs. additional views.

"... many of the integrity checks required in traditional database use are not required in Metakit, because Metakit offers nested views -- a cleaner way to represent the relationships often enforced by integrity constraints."

"cleaner" is a matter of opinion, ask a relational database theorist. I don't want to start those arguments here, just point out that if you use Metakit for a complex system, you should design first, and be very careful. - EMJ

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