Version 2 of Playing Simulink

Updated 2011-07-27 03:04:25 by RLE

Arjen Markus (24 september 2007) In a book on fuzzy control I found a schematic drawing representing a simple system modelled via Simulink, a program by MathWorks who also market Matlab.

The drawing itself rung a bell: so that is what Simulink is all about, setting up a model of a physical system, in a similar way as an electronic circuit. Components of such a model are: adders (two signals are summed), scalers (the signal is multiplied by some constant), integrators and so on.

Now, that inspired me to create a simple system myself (see the scheme below):

  • One input signal
  • Via a feedback loop the output signal is scaled and added to the input
  • The output is integrated over time

WikiDbImage simulink_schema.jpg

(The code to create this figure is this:

 package require Diagrams
 namespace import ::Diagrams::*

 pack [canvas .c -bg white -width 270 -height 130]

 drawin .c

 circle "I"
 direction east
 arrow "" 30

 set d [diamond "+"]
 arrow "" 30

 box "\u222B..dt"
 arrow "" 30

 circle "U"
 direction south
 line 50 -90
 direction west
 arrow "" 40
 box "* -0.1"
 set L [line 55 180]
 currentpos [getpos 0 $L]
 direction north
 arrow "" 53

using Tklib's Diagrams package. The last bit is not ideal - I had to guess at the length of 53 pixels. Dealing with such lengths should be done via a new command)

The challenge here is to make sure that the order in which the various steps are defined does not matter for the output: in a "real" system, the feedback would be almost instantaneous, so in the discrete simulation the order of the computations should not be important.

This is achieved in the script below by storing all the intermediate results in separate variables and updating the state at the end of each loop. The integration is done via a simple Euler method - more sophisticated methods would require multiple intermediate states, so, lazy as I am, I have left that as exercise.

To make the script more lively, I have added a simple display (see below)

WikiDbImage simulink_result.jpg

 # simul.tcl --
 #     Simulating some aspects of Simulink
 #     The example implements the differential equation:
 #     y' = f(x) + a * y  (a < 0, for stability)

 # input --
 #     Define a time-dependent input function (does not depend on any
 #     state variable
 # Arguments:
 #     name        Name of the function
 #     func        Expression with t as the time
 # Result:
 #     None
 # Side effects:
 #     Adds the definition to global variables
 proc input {name func} {
     lappend ::model  [list Input $name $func]
     lappend ::update "set $name \[expr $func\]" ;# Use the string representation!

 # multiply --
 #     Define a multiplication with a constant
 # Arguments:
 #     const       Value of the constant
 #     name        Name of the quantity
 #     outname     Name of the result
 # Result:
 #     None
 # Side effects:
 #     Adds the definition to global variables
 proc multiply {const name outname} {
     lappend ::model [list Multiply $const $name $outname]
     lappend ::update [list PossiblySet $name 0.0]

 # integrate --
 #     Define an integration step over time
 # Arguments:
 #     name        Name of the quantity to be integrated
 #     outname     Name of the result
 #     init        Initial value (defaults to zero)
 # Result:
 #     None
 # Side effects:
 #     Adds the definition to global variables
 proc integrate {name outname {init 0.0}} {
     lappend ::model [list Integrate $name $outname]
     lappend ::update [list PossiblySet $name 0.0]
     lappend ::update [list set $outname $init] ;# Always set to the initial condition!

 # output --
 #     Define an output facility
 # Arguments:
 #     name        Name of the quantity to be output
 # Result:
 #     None
 # Side effects:
 #     Adds the definition to global variables
 proc output {name} {
     lappend ::model [list Output $name]
     lappend ::title $name

 # add --
 #     Define an addition of two quantities
 # Arguments:
 #     oper1       Name of first operand (or value)
 #     oper2       Name of second operand (or value)
 #     outname     Name of the result
 # Result:
 #     None
 # Side effects:
 #     Adds the definition to global variables
 proc add {oper1 oper2 outname} {
     global idx
     if { ! [info exists idx] } {
         set idx 0
     if { [string is double $oper1] } {
         incr idx
         set ::value$idx $oper1
         set oper1 "::value$idx"
     if { [string is double $oper2] } {
         incr idx
         set ::value$idx $oper2
         set oper2 "::value$idx"

     lappend ::model [list Add $oper1 $oper2 $outname]
     lappend ::update [list PossiblySet $oper1 0.0]
     lappend ::update [list PossiblySet $oper2 0.0]

 # PossiblySet --
 #     Set a variable if not already set
 # Arguments:
 #     name         Name of the variable
 #     value        Default value
 # Result:
 #     None
 proc PossiblySet {name value} {
     upvar $name V
     if { ! [info exists V] } {
         set V $value

 # Input, Multiply, Add, Integrate, Output --
 #     Implement the actual operation
 # Arguments:
 #     See the equivalent public procedures
 # Result:
 #     Result of the operation
 # Side effects:
 #     Only for Output: print to screen
 proc Input {name func} {
     upvar 1 t t
     lappend ::update [list set $name [expr $func]]

 proc Multiply {const name outname} {
     upvar 1 t t
     upvar 1 $name V
     lappend ::update [list set $outname [expr {$const * $V}]]

 proc Add {oper1 oper2 outname} {
     upvar 1 $oper1 V1
     upvar 1 $oper2 V2
     lappend ::update [list set $outname [expr {$V1 + $V2}]]

 proc Integrate {name outname} {
     upvar 1 stepsize dt
     upvar 1 $name V1
     upvar 1 $outname V2
     lappend ::update [list set $outname [expr {$V2 + $V1*$dt}]]

 proc Output {name} {
     upvar 1 $name V
     lappend ::outbuffer $V

 # loop --
 #     Simulate the system in a time loop
 # Arguments:
 #     start        Start time
 #     stop         Stop time
 #     stepsize     Time step size
 # Result:
 #     None
 # Side effects:
 #     Print on screen of the output variables
 # To do:
 #     Remove all local variables
 # Note:
 #     Simple Euler integration scheme - more advanced schemes
 #     left as an exercise.
 proc loop {start stop stepsize} {

     set t $start

     puts "t $::title"
 #    PreparePlot $::title

     while { $t < $stop+0.5*$stepsize } {

         set ::outbuffer $t

         foreach u $::update {
             eval $u

         set ::update {}

         foreach m $::model {
             eval $m

         puts $::outbuffer
         DrawResult $::outbuffer $::title

         set t [expr {$t + $stepsize}]

 # DrawResult --
 #     Draw the result
 # Arguments:
 #     buffer          New values
 #     title           Names of the columns
 # Result:
 #     None
 # Side effects:
 #     Draw the line for the next step
 proc DrawResult {buffer title} {

     set t [lindex $buffer 0]

     foreach v [lrange $buffer 1 end] n $title {
         $::p plot $n $t $v

 # PreparePlot --
 #     Prepare the plot (via Plotchart)
 # Arguments:
 #     title           Names of the columns
 #     xstart
 #     xstop
 #     ystart
 #     ystop
 # Result:
 #     None
 # Side effects:
 #     XY-plot prepared
 proc preparePlot {xstart xstop ystart ystop} {

     package require Tk
     package require Plotchart

     set canvas [canvas .c]
     pack $canvas -fill both
     set ::p [::Plotchart::createXYPlot $canvas \
                                        [::Plotchart::determineScale $xstart $xstop] \
                                        [::Plotchart::determineScale $ystart $ystop]]

     foreach n $::title c {black blue green orange red magenta} {
         $::p dataconfig $n -colour $c

 # main --
 #     Define the simple equation above and run the system

 input     I {sin($t)}
 integrate U uout 0.0
 multiply  -0.1 uout uscaled
 add       I uscaled U
 output    I
 output    uout

 preparePlot 0.0 10.0 -2.0 2.0

 loop 0.0 10.0 0.05