Version 148 of Robert Abitbol

Updated 2005-02-23 02:10:00

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* [email protected]

* AIM: pnb120

* Wiki: (thanks to the great BenKovitz). Anyone is welcome to write anecdotes, travel stories, portraits, etc. Even erotic stories! No blogs please!

If there is a tool on internet that can help writers, this is it! Writing an anecdote requires skill, concision, precise vocabulary. This is an excellent way to prepare your autobiography also.

* Also check out: for great subjects: heuristics, improvisation, advice for better living, etc. Greenlight Wiki is hosted by the great Ben Kovitz eho has written a great piece of software in Python.

I am a 51 year old French teacher/compulinguist/lexicographer. I am also a music composer/singer and software designer.

Before I became all those things, I was a young traveller/a travelling minstrel, in other words a busker singing French romantic ballads in the streets and in the metros in Europe. Why French romantic ballads? Because I truly genuinely love this type of music. This was unique since buskers usually sing folk music! I was a sort of busking crooner... :-)

If I can sum up my experience of life so far I can say that life is much simpler than I first thought. Well you have to learn to simplify things ...

I did not learn to program because I feel I'd be a very ordinary programmer after a huge investment of time. Instead, I decided to cultivate the gifts that made me extraordinary. :-)

Was I right to do so? Not completely. I end up spending my life looking for programmers and motivating them when I find them. Perhaps I should have learned to program... But then again I'd also need to learn to orchestrate, arrange songs on a synthetizer and to learn how to do editing.

All in all I stand by my decision to accept that I cannot do everythig by myself and that I need a little outside help...

Hi I am new to TCL and so far I am impressed with the TCL language. It's pretty fast, it's compilable.

I am also very impressed by the management and the mentality here. JCW makes sure no personal comments of any kind are added to any page. Now that I understand the system better, I see it is great! and it works great. No personal comments, no headaches. This site is strictly about TCL. Period. Simple and crystal-clear.

Deleting personal comments and personal remarks also contributes to making a great atmosphere here!

Also I don't like the tea-room atmosphere on other wikis allowing personal comments.

That is the way we like it and that's the way it should be!

Excellent thinking JC, great philosophy!

PS: I don't at all mind your deleting my messages to Peter Newman. I should have known better and I shouldn't have put them on his page in the first place! My fault, I admit!

This wiki is a rock. Why? For a simple reason: it has been built on a solid and simple principle (no personal comments are allowed) and it will last forever...

TCL and me

A few months after I have had my internet connection (november 2002, I'm a late-comer!) I have immersed myself in the world of wikis, Personal Information Managers, outliners.

I have tested software written in a huge number of languages. But it soon became clear and obvious that the best open-source software was written in TCL: Notebook by Will Duquette, TC Outline by Brian Theado, Project Forum, etc. I loved the fact that TCL software could hold in one single exe and the fact that it could perform so well!

This piqued my interest, I learned more about it, I came on this site and this is how I became an avid TCL lover and supporter.

But I still am faithful to C, my first love.

In fact C, TCL (written in C) and Perl (for internet) are my favourite programming languages. Note that I appreciate them as an aesthetes does and not as a programmer for I am not a programmer. I don't have this talent. :-) But I do have other talents though...


* Looking for a TCL Programmer

Older/duplicate information can be found at [L1 ] -jcw

* Basic TCL Programs

* How to compile a tcl script into an exe program

* Showcasing TCL Programs

* Tearoff

* The Backspace problem

* A wiki running locally with a browser and a server

* TCL benchmarks

* A method of classification for Require for help items

* Useful Basic TCL Formulas

* 100 useful basic TCL/TK commands 1-30

* Diffs algorithm

Creating a GUI in TCL/TK

Robert Abitbol I am amazed at how easy it is to create a menu in TCL/TK. For non-programmers like me, it is very very useful to know how to create a GUI that we can then send to the programmer (with the empty shell). This way the project has a good headstart.

I don't even have to compile the GUI into an exe. I use TCLKit, I copy the .tcl program into TCL.exe and I see the menu, the GUI right way. WOW! Whoever programmed this TCL kit is a genius of sorts!

Now there is only one thing I'd like to know here: what does a TCL program read first? I know in C the program reads executes the code located after int main(). And in TCL? Thanks!

aa - The question doesn't make sense the way you're asking it. Your approach to Tcl shows a very strong tendency to try to understand it by looking at how it differs from C. The fundamental problem with that approach is that Tcl and C have very little in common, differing in almost every detail. If I answer the question I think you should be asking instead, you might not understand the answer, but I'll try. Simply put, the Tcl interpreter processes the code sequentially, beginning at the beginning, executing each command as it is encountered in the source.

Robert Abitbol I understand very well. So the program is executed sequentially like basic. Easy enough! Thanks!

So, the sequence is: load the tcl interpreter, run its main() function, then that command begins reading the tcl script. Code is executed as it is encountered. Thus, commands outside of procs take effect immediately. Commands inside of procs are byte compiled and do not execute until the proc itself is invoked.

FW: Note that Tcl and other languages with a sequentially executed global space are not particularly limited (see also, though, Why Tcl has no GOTO command). It's equally common to put everything in a main function and run that than to use the global execution space.

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