Version 8 of TWS

Updated 2005-11-16 12:41:53

What: TWS (Tcl Web Server)

 Description: Database-driven web server in a self-contained executable.
        Features include SQLite database engine, configure via web pages,
        dynamic content written in Tcl, automatic chroot, and privilege
        dropping, a single file executable.
        Platforms are Windows and Unix like systems.
        Currently at version 0.1 .
 Updated: 05/2004
 Contact: See web site

GS (2004-06-01) A precompiled and self-extracted binary (tws-0.1.exe) for Windows is available at [L1 ]. It includes tcl8.4, sqlite and tclsqlite dlls.

Can TWS be used in commercial applications?

GS wrote on that [L2 ], its in french but you can translate it on the web if you are interested. Maybe there is another issue as well, and that is protection of the source. TWS does not do that.

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