Version 0 of distributed linked bwise

Updated 2003-11-04 19:26:07

by Theo Verelst

I've made various pages on bwise:

This one precedes more general work on the idea of using bwise in a distributed way, which can basically go three ways:

  • cooperating multiple (distributed) bwise-es, for instance working on the same design in a distributed fashion
  • linked into one distrbuted bwises for one application, where each bwise, probably on a different machine, or with windows on different X servers (or window terminals clients)
  • controlling a application with one (or a few non-distributed) bwise window, consisting of various, possibly distributed, processes.

This page is about the second option, to begin with.

We make two bwises connect up, and take part in a chain of events, linked to blocks on both its' canvasses which extends from the one to the other.

I was able to use two machines in this setup, a linux machine running tcl/tk 8.4, and a windows XP running PC