Version 6 of scripted document

Updated 2001-12-19 19:12:01

"Scripted documents" is a phrase I coined to describe a file which contains both scripts and data, and which is executable. It's almost like an application with an embedded database. WiKit is built as scripted document. For more details, see the corresponding page on my personal wiki (yah, well, wiki's tend to multiply like rabbits where I live):

November 2000 - The new place to look for details and info about scripted documents is:

-- JCW

In November 2001, JCW answered the question 'how do scripted documents get created' by the URL . Perhaps more info can be written on this page concerning the topic.

Some examples of scripted documents can be found at and .

CL chatters on scripted documents [L1 ].

Category Wikit