Drive Disconnect/Connect Tool

snichols Below is the sources to a small application to quickly disconnect and reconnect all network drives for Windows operating systems. This application is handy if you need to quickly disconnect and then reconnect your drives. I’ll use it mostly for when I VPN into other sites or my laptop is not on the network. Otherwise the persistent drives slow your computer when it does not have access. Please use this application at your own risk. Please let me know what you think. Special thanks goes to kbk and dgp for their coding examples and use of regular expressions and the examples of use of Window's Net program.

        package require starkit
        package require Tk
        # Uncomment the next two lines if you want the tile package.
        # package require tile
        # namespace import -force ::tile::*

        # Create the window
        proc DriveTool {} {

                puts "--proc DriveTool-------------------"
                set ::quickFile [file dir .]/$::tcl_platform(user).drv
            . configure -borderwidth 1
            wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW {exit}
            wm title . "Windows Drives Disconnect/Reconnect Tool"
            wm resizable . 1 0
            button .quickSave -text "Quick Save/Disconnect" -command {QuickSave}
                button .quickLoad -text "Quick Load/Restore" -command {QuickLoad}
                button .load -text "Load Drives From File" -command {LoadFile}
            button .disconnect -text "Disconnect Current Drives" -command {Disconnect}
                button .showConsole -text "Console Show" -command {console show}
                button .save -text "Save Current Drives To File" -command {SaveFile}
            button .cancel -text Exit -command {exit}

                grid   .quickSave - - -sticky news
                grid   .quickLoad - - -sticky news
                grid   .load - - -sticky news
                grid   .disconnect - - -sticky news
                grid   .showConsole - - -sticky news
            grid   .save  - - -sticky news
                 grid   .cancel - - -sticky news
            grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1
            grid columnconfigure . 1 -weight 1

            raise .
            grab set .

        # Disconnect All network drives.
        proc Disconnect { } {
                puts "--proc Disconnect------------------"
                foreach drive [string map {/ ""} [file volumes]] {

                        if { [catch {
                                exec net use /delete $drive
                                puts "$drive disconnected."
                        } errorString] } {
                                puts "Disconnect: $drive: $errorString"

                .quickSave configure -state disabled
                .disconnect configure -state disabled
                .save configure -state disabled
                .quickLoad configure -state enabled                

        # Parses drives into Tcl list from Windows Net Program
        proc ParseDrives { } {

                puts "--proc Parse Drives----------------"
                foreach drive [string map {/ ""} [file volumes]] {
                        if { [catch {
                                set data [split [exec net use $drive] \n]
                                foreach line $data {
                                        if { [regexp {^Remote name +(.*)} $line -> path]} {
                                                set volume $drive
                                                lappend volume $path
                                                lappend paths $volume
                        } errorString] } {
                                puts "SaveFile: $errorString"
                if { [info exists paths] } {
                        return $paths
                } else {
                        return ""

        # Saves file and disconnect drives to default location without Save Dialog.
        proc QuickSave { } {

                        puts "--proc QuickSave---------------"
                        set paths [ParseDrives]
                        set fileid [open $::quickFile w]
                        puts $fileid $paths
                        close $fileid
                        puts "File saved: $::quickFile"

        # Mounts drive from Quick Save file
        proc QuickLoad { } {

                puts "--proc QuickLoad-------------------"

                if { [catch {

                        set fileid [open $::quickFile r]
                        set paths [read $fileid]
                        close $fileid
                        puts "File opened: $::quickFile"
                        MountDrives $paths

                        .quickSave configure -state enabled
                        .save configure -state enabled
                        .quickLoad configure -state disabled
                } errorString] } {
                        puts "QuickLoad: $errorString"

        # Save the data field.
        proc SaveFile { } {

                puts "--proc SaveFile--------------------"

            set types {
                {"Drive Files"       {.drv} }

            set file [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $types -defaultextension .drv]

            # Only save the file if the user click save not cancel
            if {! [string match "" $file ]} {

                        set paths [ParseDrives]
                set fileid [open $file w]
                puts $fileid $paths
                close $fileid
                        puts "File saved: $file"
                } else {
                        puts "File Not Saved."

        # Mount Drives
        proc MountDrives {paths} {

                puts "--proc MountDrives-----------------"
                foreach line $paths {
                        set drive [lindex $line 0]
                        set path [lindex $line 1]
                        if { [catch {
                                exec net use $drive $path 
                        } errorString] } {
                                puts "MountDrives: $errorString"
                .disconnect configure -state enabled        

        # Load the File and Mount Drives
        proc LoadFile {} {

            puts "--proc LoadFile--------------------"
                set types {
                {"Drive Files"       {.drv} }
                set file [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -defaultextension .drv]
                if { $file == ""} {return}

                set fileid [open $file r]
                set paths [read $fileid]
                close $fileid
                MountDrives $paths

        # show background errors
        proc bgerror {value} {puts $value}

        # Call the main window

pcam Nice and useful tool, that I shall be using often, thanks. One thing though I would remove the line calling for tile (and the category, sorry Larry) as it is not needed I think.

LV At first I misunderstood your comment. After starting to reply several times, I figured out that your meaning was probably Tile is the old name of the new widget set - you should be referencing ttk instead..

pcam In fact, I meant, that this code despite loading the tile package, and using the tile namespace does in fact not need any Tile feature. I tried it without and it runs perfectly. All that for the purpose of running on older versions. Well I leave the code as is, that was just a comment. Also this means this is possibly not the best example of using tile either (maybe the category using tile is not appropriate). BTW thanks for adding these categories, as they become more useful as the wiki grows.

LV Okay - I hadn't tried to run the program yet, so I didn't know that it didn't actually USE tile. You are right - if a program doesn't make use of the package, then not mentioning it might allow it to run on older versions of Tk. Perhaps the developer did it this way so that, in the future, if someone included one of the widgets in use in Ttk, it would be used by his program automatically.

JOB - 2018-03-14

Found out that the ParseDrives procedure does not return any result (under Windows 7). So here is a modified version purely based on string comparison:

# parses available volumens and tries to detect mounted volumen names
# based on the windows "net" command
# return value is a list containing {drive-letter remote-name} list items
proc ParseDrives { } {
        set remote_list [list]

        foreach drive [file volumes] {
                set drive [string map {"/" ""} $drive]
                if {[string toupper $drive] == "C:"} { continue }
                if { [catch {set data [split [exec net use $drive] "\n"]} errmsg] } {
                        # nothing more to do...
                        # puts $errmsg
                } else {
                        foreach line $data {
                                if { [string first "remote" [string tolower $line]] != -1 } {

                                        set remotename [string trim [lindex [split $line " "] end]]
                                        lappend remote_list [list $drive $remotename]

        return $remote_list