References to, includes from, and redirects to bash

2012-01-11 03:21:16 A little RSS reaper RLE reference
2015-03-06 04:18:52 Andy Goth RLE reference
2016-02-11 07:30:04 autosetup arjen reference
2015-09-02 19:48:07 Bourne Shell pooryorick reference
2010-10-23 20:22:44 case dkf reference
2019-11-09 21:26:45 comm pooryorick reference
2015-05-02 21:13:59 daemon EMJ reference
2023-12-02 20:00:10 dict oehhar reference
2010-05-05 09:00:22 dislocate lars_h reference
2023-11-15 11:17:27 expr shorthand for Tcl9 dbohdan reference
2018-04-08 11:28:04 HaJo Gurt HJG reference
2021-04-21 16:05:30 if glennj reference
2013-05-15 12:25:43 Manipulating Jack/Ladspa Audio processing graphs from Bwise theover reference
2023-07-19 11:25:00 Msys torsten reference
2007-08-21 19:07:02 Perl-like command line options glennj reference
2022-06-18 17:33:32 programming language pooryorick reference
2019-11-23 18:08:46 Regular Expressions pooryorick reference
2015-01-31 03:33:58 Scripting language pooryorick reference
2021-12-16 16:23:59 shell SEH reference
2023-02-24 13:32:24 Smalltalk pooryorick reference
2023-06-27 09:27:09 ssh pooryorick reference
2012-10-15 05:02:21 Tab completion RLE reference
2018-10-29 20:20:56 TCL for beginners jos reference
2021-12-02 02:53:53 To build and test Tcl Alv reference
2016-12-13 19:09:28 Unix shells AMG reference
2008-05-03 07:44:30 Whole-Script Tracing dkf reference
2022-02-22 23:29:57 Windows PowerShell MHo reference
2013-01-18 15:23:55 Writing simple CGI applications using vanilla Tcl pooryorick reference
2018-10-03 08:35:20 {*} hanthe reference