References to, includes from, and redirects to set

Date Name Who What
2016-02-23 21:43:06 A Case for Accessor Functions escargo reference
2017-10-11 16:22:33 A Case for Metaprogamming xk2600 reference
2014-03-01 16:40:11 A Case for OO in the core pooryorick reference
2015-04-25 20:14:59 Advantages and Disadvantages of OOP pooryorick reference
2019-09-13 23:09:45 append bairui reference
2017-03-16 13:42:24 array pooryorick reference
2018-08-12 06:40:47 array set pooryorick reference
2019-09-03 08:46:12 Ask, and it shall be given # 1 pooryorick reference
2024-08-01 23:28:49 Ask, and it shall be given # 8 TWu reference
2018-12-03 20:19:26 Ask, and it shall be given # 9 admin reference
2015-09-02 17:35:38 Ask, and it shall be given # 10 pooryorick reference
2019-03-21 23:35:48 Ask, and it shall be given # 11 AMG reference
2014-05-25 22:51:23 auto_mkindex RLE reference
2015-03-24 20:56:07 binary scan AMG reference
2013-03-05 02:35:53 Branching with 'set' alone pooryorick reference
2017-03-28 16:06:37 Bytecoded K SEH reference
2018-08-28 17:54:50 Code Generation pooryorick reference
2015-04-22 19:14:52 code style dbohdan reference
2007-11-16 16:41:28 Commands affecting Bytecoding dkf reference
2020-10-09 07:51:50 Dangers of creative writing pooryorick reference
2018-10-29 20:22:25 data is code jos reference
2022-04-11 10:25:25 Deferred evaluation pooryorick reference
2015-10-28 02:15:35 Dereferencing pooryorick reference
2023-12-02 20:00:10 dict oehhar reference
2015-12-01 15:19:36 Dictionaries as Arrays pooryorick reference
2008-12-19 19:40:31 disjointset LV reference
2020-11-10 17:38:22 Dodekalogue pooryorick reference
2013-10-18 02:08:44 DOS BAT magic BMA reference
2020-01-18 20:33:34 double substitution yorickthepoor reference
2013-03-13 10:42:48 EFX Content Management System RLE reference
2022-04-11 10:13:28 Einfach Tcl pooryorick reference
2015-05-13 10:11:23 Ensemble APN reference
2020-01-27 13:57:35 ensemble extend yorickthepoor reference
2023-12-02 20:01:39 env oehhar reference
2020-08-29 16:19:33 eval pooryorick reference
2018-12-02 16:13:27 everything is a list admin reference
2024-08-29 19:00:07 everything is a string pooryorick reference
2017-07-21 04:03:26 First impressions with tcl/tk 8.5.0 AMG reference
2013-01-18 16:25:52 Fitting a new Rear-End to Arrays pooryorick reference
2019-02-09 21:50:34 for in pooryorick reference
2019-03-07 11:59:09 foreach pooryorick reference
2013-10-16 11:13:57 Funky Tcl extensibility RLE reference
2013-11-25 21:17:39 Gadgets pooryorick reference
2023-11-15 11:08:06 Getting rid of the value/command dichotomy for Tcl 9 dbohdan reference
2022-01-21 22:03:09 gotcha pooryorick reference
2025-03-04 08:33:52 gotcl dbohdan reference
2014-08-19 03:38:08 GSoC Idea: Parser For expr Command tpoindex reference
2025-01-10 06:28:41 Harpy mistachkin reference
2013-12-16 18:56:06 hat0 AMG reference
2018-04-24 08:58:42 HelloWorld foo reference
2025-03-06 16:57:37 How did you discover TCL/TK gold reference
2012-03-14 14:53:08 HTML character entity references oehhar reference
2014-12-23 00:40:36 Hunt for Tcl Extensional Equivalents pooryorick reference
2007-09-28 15:31:50 If we had no variables suchenwi reference
2018-06-11 07:56:53 image stevel reference
2014-04-16 21:28:28 incr AMG reference
2010-06-15 08:13:21 interp serialize arjen reference
2014-04-10 19:07:48 Introspection EMJ reference
2018-07-08 16:29:19 Is everything a list? RKzn reference
2020-02-24 12:59:47 Is Tcl Different! pooryorick reference
2016-12-15 12:20:24 K foo reference
2023-04-19 19:54:30 lappend josd reference
2023-12-02 19:55:38 lassign oehhar reference
2023-04-25 13:44:44 Learn to Program pooryorick reference
2016-02-25 05:09:42 level mistachkin reference
2014-03-02 00:52:43 linked lists pooryorick reference
2014-04-22 00:18:22 List of Tcl commands by bytecode status AMG reference
2021-06-07 20:26:59 local JAL reference
2019-03-07 10:15:33 lreplace pooryorick reference
2016-07-01 09:18:26 lset oehhar reference
2019-12-03 11:27:35 Magic names pooryorick reference
2015-04-25 21:38:11 manpages pooryorick reference
2012-01-11 14:37:33 mathematical set RLE reference
2012-08-28 00:48:08 MSW LkpPo reference
2010-08-20 02:49:49 multi-argument set AMG reference
2025-03-08 09:43:10 Multi-assign reference
2021-01-12 16:26:07 namespace pooryorick reference
2022-04-06 21:45:29 namespace ensemble pooryorick reference
2022-10-14 05:15:08 null amock reference
2007-05-16 14:10:00 picoIRC 0.2 suchenwi reference
2013-10-01 00:54:57 Playing TRAC RLE reference
2024-10-15 20:18:30 Poor Yorick pooryorick reference
2013-09-05 10:38:01 private namespace RLE reference
2014-05-07 22:50:36 Problems with list handling in connection with the "unknown" proc AMG reference
2021-12-13 02:42:09 Proc to bytecodes: when, how does it happen typo reference
2002-12-16 12:44:54 Procs as variables reference
2013-01-18 21:53:15 Profiling with execution traces pooryorick reference
2015-03-16 14:24:35 Quoting and function arguments pooryorick reference
2014-12-28 15:12:50 Radical reform of the execution engine dkf reference
2008-09-04 07:45:39 RC lars_h reference
2012-01-06 13:09:15 Recursive curves (table based) RLE reference
2023-10-31 14:41:42 return pooryorick reference
2011-06-17 09:50:33 Salt and Sugar RLE reference
2018-11-14 13:21:14 Scheme silas reference
2018-02-12 15:03:20 SchrodingerTcl pooryorick reference
2014-04-08 14:35:36 shimmering pooryorick reference
2018-01-03 23:24:05 Show me an example gold reference
2020-09-21 07:34:38 Sugar command macros stevel reference
2010-06-19 22:50:44 syntax highlighting AMG reference
2018-05-14 15:57:07 SYStems SYStems reference
2016-12-01 16:40:50 Tcl 2.1 AMG reference
2023-11-15 11:06:29 Tcl 9.0 WishList dbohdan reference
2011-01-16 07:22:01 Tcl Canon and Fugue RLE reference
2010-02-20 22:22:11 Tcl cheat sheet newacct reference
2018-02-14 09:13:50 Tcl Commands pooryorick reference
2018-10-29 20:20:56 TCL for beginners jos reference
2018-09-28 13:30:28 Tcl in comparison PeterLewerin reference
2012-09-24 14:46:16 Tcl in tcl LkpPo reference
2013-05-29 03:48:33 Tcl Intro pooryorick reference
2012-05-24 08:33:51 Tcl language profiles dkf reference
2007-03-03 12:25:10 Tcl over Python reference
2024-07-13 21:00:20 Tcl Performance JMN reference
2015-12-28 07:03:15 TCL programs for beginners 1-10 0jhg reference
2020-05-02 12:20:50 Tcl Style Guide apn reference
2007-01-08 12:59:04 tcl-null LV, reference
2015-09-02 17:53:17 Tcl/2 pooryorick reference
2007-07-17 12:45:08 Tcl/Tk: Programmieren auf dem PocketPC LV reference
2023-11-15 11:15:15 tcl9var dbohdan reference
2009-11-16 07:48:33 tcl9var compatibility issues wdb reference
2015-06-02 15:49:06 tcl_precision EMJ reference
2016-07-25 15:29:37 tcl_traceExec dkf reference
2018-09-28 13:31:22 tclchecker PeterLewerin reference
2013-08-30 14:54:23 TclTalk - Reports and Comments RLE reference
2023-07-14 13:08:29 tcltest pooryorick reference
2009-02-20 06:46:13 tclxosd andy reference
2011-06-23 12:19:46 The (command bound to event) error RLE reference
2013-10-16 13:39:02 The Tcl Way pooryorick reference
2020-03-24 10:20:33 Thoughts on Namespaces and OO pooryorick reference
2013-12-22 17:38:43 Threads vs. events RLE reference
2007-06-29 10:56:15 Titoo: a thought experiment sarnold reference
2023-09-25 18:58:10 Transposing a matrix AMB reference
2013-05-27 12:52:19 Unique Element List hae reference
2015-10-15 12:40:55 unshared value idiom pooryorick reference
2020-09-30 11:59:50 uplevel oehhar reference
2021-07-28 08:48:22 variable pooryorick reference
2016-09-26 08:15:21 Variable Substitution pooryorick reference
2020-03-04 16:28:02 variable vs global sebres reference
2015-02-08 13:16:46 Various useful Tcl packages (Rempel) dkf reference
2015-05-25 10:08:52 Vim juef reference
2023-07-19 11:28:05 vwait nektomk reference
2015-02-08 22:50:27 What kinds of numbers does Tcl recognize aspect reference
2011-12-18 15:29:03 What kinds of variable names can be used in Tcl AMG reference
2019-09-03 11:36:09 {expand} pooryorick reference